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Conditional Statements if and else if statements if (expression) if (expression) statements statements { else if (expression) { else if (expression) statements } statements } [ else [ else statements ] statements ] if (total < 60) begin if (total < 60) begin grade = C; grade = C; total_C = total_C + 1; total_C = total_C + 1; end end else if (sum < 75) begin else if (sum < 75) begin grade = B; grade = B; total_B = total_B + 1; total_B = total_B + 1; end end else grade = A; else grade = A;
Conditional Statements case statement case (case_expression) case (case_expression) case_item_expression {, case_item_expression }: statements case_item_expression {, case_item_expression }: statements …… …… [ default: statements ] [ default: statements ] endcase endcase case (OP_CODE) case (OP_CODE) 2`b10: Z = A + B; 2`b10: Z = A + B; 2`b11: Z = A – B; 2`b11: Z = A – B; 2`b01: Z = A * B; 2`b01: Z = A * B; 2`b00: Z = A / B; 2`b00: Z = A / B; default: Z = 2`bx; default: Z = 2`bx; endcase endcase
Loop Statements Four loop statements are supported –The for loop –The while loop –The repeat loop –The forever loop The syntax of loop statements is very similar to that in C language Most of the loop statements are not synthesizable in current commercial synthesizers
for loop for (initial condition; terminating condition; increment) begin ….. end for (i=0;i<32;i=i+1) state[i]=0; for (i=0;i<32;i=i+2) beginstate[i]=1; state[i+32]=0; state[i+32]=0;end
repeat loop repeat(constant number) connot be used to loop on a general logical expression repeat(128) begin $display( “ count=%d ”,count); count=count+1;end
forever loop execute forever until the $finish task is encountered. clock=1 ’ b0; forever #10 clock=~clock;
while loop while (logical expression) begin ……. ……. end end while ((i<128) && continue) begin $display( “ count=%d ”, count); i=i+1;end while ((i<128) && continue) i=i+1;
Example -- ASM designed by HDL This example is referred from “ Digital Design “, M. Morris Mano
Example -- ASM designed by HDL
//RTL description of design example (Fig.8-11) module Example_RTL (S,CLK,Clr,E,F,A); //Specify inputs and outputs //See block diagram Fig. 8-10 input S,CLK,Clr; output E, F; output [4:1] A; //Specify system registers reg [4:1] A; //A register reg E, F; //E and F flip-flops reg [1:0] pstate, nstate; //control register //Encode the states parameter T0 = 2'b00, T1= 2'b01, T2 = 2'b11; //State transition for control logic //See state diagram Fig. 8-11(a) always @(posedge CLK or negedge Clr) if (~Clr) pstate = T0; //Initial state else pstate <= nstate; //Clocked operations always @ (S or A or pstate) case (pstate) T0: if (S) nstate = T1; else nstate = T0; T1: if (A[3] & A[4]) nstate = T2; else nstate = T1; T2: nstate = T0; endcase //Register transfer operations //See list of operation Fig.8-11(b) always @ (posedge CLK) case (pstate) T0: if (S) begin A <= 4'b0000; F <= 1'b0; end T1: begin A <= A + 1'b1; if (A[3]) E <= 1'b1; else E <= 1'b0; end T2: F <= 1'b1; endcase endmodule
Example -- ASM designed by HDL //Test bench for design example module test_design_example; reg S, CLK, Clr; wire [4:1] A; wire [4:1] A; wire E, F; wire E, F; //Instantiate design example Example_RTL dsexp (S,CLK.Clr,E,F,A); initial begin Clr = 0; S = 0; CLK = 0; #5 Clr = 1; S = 1; repeat (32) begin #5 CLK = ~ CLK; end initial $monitor("A = %b E = %b F = %b time = %0d”, A.E.F,$time); endmodule
Simulation results Table 8-2
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