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Ignatius of Loyola. The Need for Education  “Probably less than 5 percent of adults received an education equivalent to that of seven-year-olds today.”

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Presentation on theme: "Ignatius of Loyola. The Need for Education  “Probably less than 5 percent of adults received an education equivalent to that of seven-year-olds today.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ignatius of Loyola

2 The Need for Education  “Probably less than 5 percent of adults received an education equivalent to that of seven-year-olds today.”

3 Saints as “Knights”  The goal: “To give an outstanding service to Christ, following the banner of this King who has the saints as his knights.”

4 Apostolic Labor  Ignatius was not to be a monk or a lone pilgrim, but he was “to labor with Christ for the salvation of others.”

5 Latin  At the age of thirty- three Ignatius sat down in a class of teenage boys to learn his Latin!

6 Ignatian Spirituality  The world was good in itself because God created it. It only became a problem when people saw the world as an end rather than as a means.

7 The Counter-Reformation  “The newly formed society played a considerable role in the Counter- Reformation--but that resulted from the purpose for which the society was founded and was not the aim of the founding.”

8 The Spiritual Exercises  Their purpose: “To order one’s life toward God…even if this requires the conquering of self necessary when selfish urges would impede this goal.”

9 Habitual Union With God  The goal is that such contemplation leads one not only to specific guidance, but also to a deeper love for God.

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