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Workshop Goals MICE Controls and Monitoring Workshop September 25, 2006 A. Bross.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop Goals MICE Controls and Monitoring Workshop September 25, 2006 A. Bross."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop Goals MICE Controls and Monitoring Workshop September 25, 2006 A. Bross

2 Controls and Monitoring  As we all know we will focus on Controls and Monitoring  Controls: u Parameters/settings needed for systems operation: Target System, Beam Line, Detectors s Voltage/Current settings s Temperature settings s Pressure s …… s Front-end electronics parameter settings –Time constants –Delay constants –Bias –Trip parameters –……  Monitoring u Readback of the above settings and display – GUI u Interface to Alarm system u Interface to Safety system

3 Overall Architecture Paul Drumm’s Proposal

4 DATA DAQ and C&M Systems  The separation is some cases is straightforward u Trackers for example  Data DAQ – AFEIIt  VLSB (in VME)  Linux OS via fiber  C&M – AFEIIt  EPICS (via 1553 interface)  D  GUI  However, in other cases it may not be so clear u For example the RF system is a case in point s The are controls aspects are clear s But the RF accelerating gradient is actually part of the “measurment” –Readout on event by event basis?

5 MICE DAQ and C/M  We have chosen u EPICS s Commercial Front-end hardware u Linux u VME/PC u CAEN V2718 for the VME/PC interface

6 Workshop Goals  For Controls and Monitoring u Define sub-system needs s Hardware and Software u Finalize/review front-end hardware choices u Begin discussion on Alarm system s This is not safety system u Begin to specify connection between MICE safety systems and MICE monitoring u Specify a C&M test stand configuration that multiple groups can use s Debug hardware interfaces s Debug software u Begin discussion on Data Base needs/architecture  DAQ u Online computing and storage needs s Develop model u Trigger Scheme  Interface between the C&M and the Detector DAQ

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