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Regional Arterial Operation Traffic Responsive Control in Bellevue Washington State Intelligent Transportation Society 2008 ITS WA Annual Meeting Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Arterial Operation Traffic Responsive Control in Bellevue Washington State Intelligent Transportation Society 2008 ITS WA Annual Meeting Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Arterial Operation Traffic Responsive Control in Bellevue Washington State Intelligent Transportation Society 2008 ITS WA Annual Meeting Session 1 November 12, 2008 Presented by Fred Liang City of Bellevue




5 Bellevue Major Arterial


7 Signal Pattern Implementation Time of day Scheduling Respond to demand fluctuation

8 Signal Pattern Implementation Time of day Scheduling Adaptive Control Respond to demand fluctuation

9 US Adaptive Systems

10 Signal Pattern Implementation Time of day Scheduling Adaptive Control Traffic Responsive Control (TRSP) Respond to demand fluctuation

11 TRSP Control Guiding Principles

12 If TOD plans don’t work, TRSP won’t work

13 TRSP Control Guiding Principles If TOD plans don’t work, TRSP won’t work If a section is “too responsive”, something could be wronged

14 TRSP Control Guiding Principles If TOD plans don’t work, TRSP won’t work If a section is “too responsive”, something could be wronged Keep it simple and manageable with defined limits

15 Selecting Detector(s) 250’- 300’ upstream Critical Approach – Queues Buildup Volume + K *Occupancy (V+KO) Use One or two detector locations Can switch location by different periods Select a different set of timing patterns for each period

16 Collecting and Plotting Data *V+KO data is smoothed between signal cycles and gathered every minute AMNoon PM

17 Determining Threshold using Historical V+KO Data


19 148 th Ave NE Threshold Values AMNoon PM

20 Determining Threshold using CCTV Identify the detector Monitor traffic and implement timing plan changes when congested Record the corresponding V+KO threshold values Using the threshold values to set up TRSP the next day Monitor the change Repeat the process is needed

21 Bellevue Square Traffic Detector

22 Bellevue Square Traffic No Right Turn Sign

23 I-405 Coal Creek SB Ramp Detector

24 I-405 Coal Creek SB Ramp

25 Factoria Blvd







32 116 th Ave SE








40 148th Arterial







47 SB Corridors From Redmond

48 2008 Halloween PM Traffic

49 Concluding Thoughts

50 Traffic Responsive Control “Manage” TOD plans effectively

51 Concluding Thoughts Traffic Responsive Control “Manage” TOD plans effectively Handle day to day traffic variation

52 Concluding Thoughts Traffic Responsive Control “Manage” TOD plans effectively Handle day to day traffic variation Handle regular events - weekend, holiday, school events, etc.

53 Concluding Thoughts Traffic Responsive Control “Manage” TOD plans effectively Handle day to day traffic variation Handle regular events - weekend, holiday, school events, etc. May handle unpredictable events - accident, sales, freeway backup, etc.

54 Concluding Thoughts Traffic Responsive Control “Manage” TOD plans effectively Handle day to day traffic variation Handle regular events - weekend, holiday, school events, etc. May handle unpredictable events - accident, sales, freeway backup, etc. Give “warning” for timing pattern update

55 The End

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