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Crawling and Ranking. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) Described the structure and content of a (web) document HTML 4.01: most common version, W3C standard.

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Presentation on theme: "Crawling and Ranking. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) Described the structure and content of a (web) document HTML 4.01: most common version, W3C standard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crawling and Ranking

2 HTML (HyperText Markup Language) Described the structure and content of a (web) document HTML 4.01: most common version, W3C standard XHTML 1.0: XML-ization of HTML 4.01, minor differences Validation ( against a schema. Checks the conformity of a Web page with respect to recommendations, for accessibility: – to all graphical browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc.) – to text browsers (lynx, links, w3m, etc.) – to all other user agents including Web crawlers

3 The HTML language Text and tags Tags define structure – Used for instance by a browser to lay out the document. Header and Body

4 HTML structure

5 Example XHTML document This is a link to the W3C

6 Header Appears between the tags... Includes meta-data such as language, encoding… Also include document title Used by (e.g.) the browser to decipher the body

7 Body Between... tags The body is structured into sections, paragraphs, lists, etc. Title of the page Title of a main section Title of a subsection...... define paragraphs More block elements such as table, list…

8 HTTP Application protocol Client request: GET /MarkUp/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Server response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Two main HTTP methods: GET and POST

9 GET URL: Corresponding HTTP GET request: GET /search?q=BGU HTTP/1.1 Host:

10 POST Used for submitting forms POST /php/test.php HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www- formurlencoded Content-Length: 100 …

11 Status codes HTTP response always starts with a status code followed by a human-readable message (e.g., 200 OK) First digit indicates the class of the response: 1 Information 2 Success 3 Redirection 4 Client-side error 5 Server-side error

12 Authentication HTTPS is a variant of HTTP that includes encryption, cryptographic authentication, session tracking, etc. It can be used instead to transmit sensitive data GET... HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic dG90bzp0aXRp

13 Cookies Key/value pairs, that a server asks a client to store and retransmit with each HTTP request (for a given domain name). Can be used to keep information on users between visits Often what is stored is a session ID – Connected, on the server side, to all session information

14 Crawling

15 Basics of Crawling Crawlers, (Web) spiders, (Web) robots: autonomous agents that retrieve pages from the Web Basics crawling algorithm: 1. Start from a given URL or set of URLs 2. Retrieve and process the corresponding page 3. Discover new URLs (next slide) 4. Repeat on each found URL Problem: The web is huge!

16 Discovering new URLs Browse the "internet graph" (following e.g. hyperlinks) Site maps (

17 The internet graph At least 14.06 billion nodes = pages At least 140 billion edges = links Lots of "junk"

18 Graph-browsing algorithms Depth-first Breath-first Combinations.. Parallel crawling

19 Duplicates Identifying duplicates or near-duplicates on the Web to prevent multiple indexing Trivial duplicates: same resource at the same canonized URL: Exact duplicates: identification by hashing near-duplicates: (timestamps, tip of the day, etc.) more complex!

20 Near-duplicate detection Edit distance – Good measure of similarity, – Does not scale to a large collection of documents (unreasonable to compute the edit distance for every pair!). Shingles : two documents similar if they mostly share the same succession of k-grams

21 Crawling ethics robots.txt at the root of a Web server User-agent: * Allow: /searchhistory/ Disallow: /search Per-page exclusion (de facto standard). Per-link exclusion (de facto standard). Toto Avoid Denial Of Service (DOS), wait 100ms/1s between two repeated requests to the same Web server

22 Overview Crawl Retrieve relevant documents – Can you guess how? To define relevance, to find relevant docs.. – We will discuss later Rank

23 Ranking

24 Why Ranking? Huge number of pages Huge even if we filter according to relevance – Keep only pages that include the keywords A lot of the pages are not informative – And anyway it is impossible for users to go through 10K results

25 When to rank? Before retrieving results – Advantage: offline! – Disadvantage: huge set After retrieving results – Advantage: smaller set – Disadvantage: online, user is waiting..

26 How to rank? Observation: links are very informative! Not just for discovering new sites, but also for estimating the importance of a site has more links to it than my homepage… Quality and Efficiency are key factors

27 Authority and Hubness Authority: a site is very authoritative if it receives many citations. Citation from important sites has more weight than citations from less-important sites A(v) = The authority of v Hubness A good hub is a site that links to many authoritative sites H(v) = The hubness of v

28 HITS Recursive dependency: a(v) = Σ (u,v) h(u) h(v) = Σ (v,u) a(u) Normalize (when?) according to square root of sum of squares of authorities \ hubness values Start by setting all values to 1 – We could also add bias We can show that a(v) and h(v) converge

29 HITS (cont.) Works rather well if applied only on relevant web pages – E.g. pages that include the input keywords The results are less satisfying if applied on the whole web On the other hand, online ranking is a problem

30 Google PageRank Works offline, i.e. computes for every web-site a score that can then be used online Extremely efficient and high-quality The PageRank algorithm that we will describe here appears in [Brin & Page, 1998]

31 Random Surfer Model Consider a "random surfer" At each point chooses a link and clicks on it A link is chosen with uniform distribution – A simplifying assumption.. What is the probability of being, at a random time, at a web-page W?

32 Recursive definition If PageRank reflects the probability of being in a web-page (PR(w) = P(w)) then PR(W) = PR(W 1 )* (1/O(W 1 ))+…+ PR(W n )* (1/O(W n )) Where O(W) is the out-degree of W

33 Problems A random surfer may get stuck in one component of the graph May get stuck in loops “Rank Sink” Problem – Many Web pages have no inlinks/outlinks

34 Damping Factor Add some probability d for "jumping" to a random page Now PR(W) = (1-d) * [PR(W 1 )* (1/O(W 1 ))+…+ PR(W n )* (1/O(W n ))] + d* 1/N Where N is the number of pages in the index

35 How to compute PR? Simulation Analytical methods – Can we solve the equations?

36 Simulation: A random surfer algorithm Start from an arbitrary page Toss a coin to decide if you want to follow a link or to randomly choose a new page Then toss another coin to decide which link to follow \ which page to go to Keep record of the frequency of the web- pages visited

37 Convergence Not guaranteed without the damping factor! (Partial) intuition: if unlucky, the algorithm may get stuck forever in a connected component Claim: with damping, the probability of getting stuck forever is 0 More difficult claim: with damping, convergence is guaranteed

38 Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) A class of very useful algorithms for sampling a given distribution We first need to know what is a Markov Chain

39 Markov Chain A finite or countably infinite state machine We will consider the case of finitely many states Transitions are associated with probabilities Markovian property: given the present state, future choices are independent from the past

40 MCMC framework Construct (explicitly or implicitly) a Markov Chain (MC) that describes the desired distribution Perform a random walk on the MC, keeping track of the proportion of state visits – Discard samples made before “Mixing” Return proportion as an approximation of the correct distribution

41 Properties of Markov Chains A Markov Chain defines a distribution on the different states (P(state)= probability of being in the state at a random time) We want conditions on when this distribution is unique, and when will a random walk approximate it

42 Properties Periodicity – A state i has period k if any return to state i must occur in multiples of k time steps – Aperiodic: period = 1 for all states Reducibility – An MC is irreducible if there is a probability 1 of (eventually) getting from every state to every state Theorem: A finite-state MC has a unique stationary distribution if it is aperiodic and irreducible

43 Back to PageRank The MC is on the graph with probabilities we have defined MCMC is the random walk algorithm Is the MC aperiodic? Irreducible? Why?

44 Problem with MCMC In general no guarantees on convergence time – Even for those “nice” MCs A lot of work on characterizing “nicer” MCs – That will allow fast convergence In practice for the web graph it converges rather slowly – Why?

45 A different approach Reconsider the equation system PR(W) = (1-d) * [PR(W 1 )* (1/O(W 1 ))+…+ PR(W n )* (1/O(W n ))] + d* 1/N A linear equation system!

46 Transition Matrix T= (0 0.33 0.33 0.33 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0 0 0 0) Stochastic matrix

47 EigenVector! PR (column vector) is the right eigenvector of the stochastic transition matrix – I.e. the adjacency matrix normalized to have the sum of every column to be 1 The Perron-Frobinius theorem ensures that such a vector exists Unique under the same assumptions as before

48 Direct solution Solving the equations set – Via e.g. Gaussian elimination This is time-consuming Observation: the matrix is sparse So iterative methods work better here

49 Power method Start with some arbitrary rank vector R 0 Compute R i = A R i-1 If we happen to get to the eigenvector we will stay there Theorem: The process converges to the eigenvector! Convergence is in practice pretty fast (~100 iterations)

50 Power method (cont.) Every iteration is still “expensive” But since the matrix is sparse it becomes feasible Still, need a lot of tweaks and optimizations to make it work efficiently

51 Other issues Accelerating Computation Updates Distributed PageRank Mixed Model (Incorporating "static" importance) Personalized PageRank

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