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Action Plan Participatory Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation February27,2004 Presentation by Ellen M. Olivar Provincial Tourism Office AURORA PROVINCE.

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2 Action Plan Participatory Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation February27,2004 Presentation by Ellen M. Olivar Provincial Tourism Office AURORA PROVINCE PHILIPPINES

3 VISION/Goal VISION/Goal  Aurora province will be a premier eco-tourism destination. Its diverse tourist products, its unique natural and man made attraction, rich history and cultural heritage, world class supportive services- are successfully marketed and sustained through the synergy of efforts of the god fearing and warm loving people. Each municipality projects its unique image and yet compliments harmoniously with the others while environment and people are both protected in the principle of balance tourism environment.

4 AURORA is among the most beautiful province in Luzon Sanctuary of Nature’s Spledor

5 Project Purpose  The project aims to formulate, design and institutionalise a sound, viable, feasible and sustainable Tourism Master Development Plan for the province though the PPME approach.

6  Constraints: Budgetary constraints, limited manpower, political leadership  Assumptions: Political will, competent staff, willingness of stakeholders  Estimated Project Cost: PhP 2Million  Source of fund : Provincial Government National and Private institutions

7 Who are the stakeholders and what are their interests? StakeholdersInterest Environment sectorPreservation and management of Natural resources Peace and order sectorSafety and security of tourist and the community Infrastructure sectorDevt of roads,bridges Communication, transportation And other facilities Agriculture sectorfood security and sustainable agriculture Economic SectorTrade and industry Tourism products and services Social and health sectorGender issue, prevent abuses Psychosocial, health services Local government UnitsGood Governance

8 Project Output  Institutionalisation of the PPME as an important component of project design and implementation design and implementation  Prepared operational Tourism Master Development Plan  Enhanced capacities of the stakeholders in Situational analysis, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

9 OUTPUT 1- Advocacy and Social Marketing Activities :Performance question OVIMOV/SOVTime frame Lobbying and networking with various stakeholders To what extent the stakeholders were motivated to join the project? Meetings conducted once a month Minutes of meetings /journal 3 rd wk March to May 2004 Consultation meetings and round table discussions Has the meetings provided a positive climate for participation? Rate of participation (actual vs. expected no.of participants) Minutes of meetings 3 rd wk March to May 2004 Information dissemination To what extent was support for TMDP generated through info dissemination? No. of stakeholders who signified their support Survey form /questionnaire 1 st wk April

10 OUTPUT 2 Assessment of training needs and capacities Activities Conduct of survey, TNA questionnaire Who are in need of training and what are their trng needs? No.of person and type of trng needs questionnaire2ndWk Aril 2004 Holding of trainings and workshops How has the conduct of training improved the capacities of stakeholders? Improved competenciesCompetency questionnaire before and after the training June 2004to January 2005

11 OUTPUT 3 Prepared / implemented Training proposals Activities : Source out fundsWas there available fund for the training? Amount of fundReceipts/voucherIst wk June2004  Scheduling of trainings, identification of venue  Procurement of supplies and materials and invited speakers  Conduct of training/workshop Was the training carried out as scheduled and was the venue conducive for learning? Were the supplies and materials &speakers available? Has the capacities of the stakeholders improved? No. of trainees Attended Items/cost of supplies and materials Assessment before and after Attendance Receipts/trng kits Assessment forms 2ndwk June2004 3 rd wk June2004

12 OUTPUT 4 Cohesive Goal Oriented Group Attained Activities : Team building workshop Has the workshop improved the relationship of the team? Workshop conducted Workshop proceedings4 th wk June Critical reflection discussions How was the critical reflection unclogged the bottlenecks and cleared grey areas? Critical reflection discussions done Minutes of discussions/records June 2004 to march 2005 Conduct of climate setting and levelling of expectations To what extent the expectation was met Climate setting and levelling of expectation conducted Proceedings1 st wk June2004 SWOT AnalysisHow has the SWOT analysis determine the status of stakeholders to better improve the plan? SWOt analysis conducted Proceedings of SWOT analysis !st Wk June 2004 Signing of MOA/ twinning How many have signified their interest to act on common objectives? No of Signed MOA 1 st wk July 2004

13 OUTPUT 5 Completed baseline data Activities: Conduct of field work, survey, data collected and analyzed Were the survey, Collection of data and analysis made in a participatory way? Survey conductedquestionnaireJuly to December 2004. Validation and brainstorming with the local community Visioning with the local community and SWOT Analysis How have the activities changed the perception of stakeholders to better attain the vision? July to December 2004 Prepare /update land use plan Was the land use plan prepared /updated for better planning? Land use plan prepared/updated Land use planOctober 2004

14 OUTPUT 6 Packaged Tourism Master Development Plan Hiring of consultantHow many consultants and how much? No. of consultants hired ContractJune 2004 Holding of sectoral write shop Are the different technical staff equipped for the writeshop Writeshop conducted Documentation of writeshop June to February 2004 Packaging of the TMDP Was the TMDP packaged on a participatory way? No. of stakeholders who participated TMDPFebruary 2005

15 Output 7 Generated Resources and Sponsorship Activities: Conduct pledging sessions How many signified their pledges? how much? No. of donors Amount of Grant/loan contractAugust to December 2004 Submit project proposal for funding institution How many proposals with funding ? what type ? how much? No. of proposals Type Amount Approved project proposals March 2005 Conduct special events such as trade fairs, exhibits etc To what extent did the special events contribute to resource generation? Amount of resources generated Sales form/invoiceAugust to December2004 Policy formulation and passing of ordinance Are there policies/ordinances enacted for the adoption of TMDP? No. of policies/ ordinance enacted SP ordinanceFebruary 2004 Adoption of TMDPWere all the stakeholders willing to implement the plan in the TMDP and to what extent? No. of stakeholders participated willing to implement Annual report Memo of understanding PIR result March 2005

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