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Data Quality Update. Andy Blake Cambridge University Friday February 23 rd 2007
Introduction Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 2 Have looked at far detector data up to December 31 st 2006. – Will present updated run selection and performance plots. – Working on an automation scheme for run selection. A large collection of data quality software now exists. – Data quality information stored in cedar ntuples. – Detector status information recorded in database. – Will review the available tools. These tools can now be used for physics analyses. – In place of “Mad/fddataquality.h” look-up table.
Run Selection Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 3 Selection of far detector physics data. – Run types 0x301 (physics), 0x4031 (modified physics). – Run must contain >5 minutes data. Data quality checks. – Data should contain one or more “physics-like” events. – Require complete ROP mask (all 16 crates reading out). – Require some period of data with < 20 dead chips. – Check for anomalous snarl or event rates. – Keep track of CRL logs and end of week reports. – Use feedback from physics analyses to refine run lists. [N.B: only remove runs that are entirely bad]. Results currently collated in doc-db #2067. – lists of good runs compiled for Aug 1 st 2003 → Dec 31 st 2006. – contains notes and comments on far detector performance. Still working on automating run selection code.
Run Selection Results Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 4 ALL RUNS GOOD RUNS RED = some physics runs are rejected after data quality checks. May740 Jun715 Jul734733 Aug742 Sep723 Oct744737 Nov717716 Dec747 Jan749663 Feb621 Mar602586 Apr619616 May688681 Jun742 Jul701698 Aug703662 Sep726 Oct746 Nov725 Dec752 20052006 ALL RUNS = ALL PHYSICS SUBRUNS (run type 0x301,0x4031, >5 minutes). GOOD RUNS = GOOD PHYSICS SUBRUNS (after all data quality checks). crate 15 out of readout crate 12 out of readout crate 0 out of readout + HV trips many HV trips (a.k.a “long weekend”) (N.B: majority of bad runs occurred with beam off.) excellent recent performance!
Far Det Performance: (I) Snarl Rates Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 5 20062007 Most LI leaks due to HV trips (TPMT disabled)
Far Det Performance: (II) HV Status Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 6 SM1 SM2 20062007 HV trips account for ~ 0.5% of live time RED: COLD CHIPS ≥ 20 (HV TRIP) BLUE: COLD CHIPS < 20 (HV OK)
Far Det Performance: (III) Coil Status Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 7 SM1 SM2 20062007 Coil trips account for ~ 1.2% of live time
Far Det Performance: (IV) GPS Error Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 8 20062007 0.3% of spills have GPS error > 1000 ns
Far Det Performance: (IV) GPS Error Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 9 0.1 ms! cut at ~1 us 2 GPS UNITS 1 GPS UNITS GPS error has quite long tails!
Far Det Performance: (V) Live Time Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 10 May 1 st 2005 Jan 1 st 2006Sep 1 st 2006 shutdown beam off “long weekend” HV trips (total live time from all selected physics runs – require good HV, COIL and GPS) N.B: NOT CORRELATED WITH BEAM SPILLS YET
Run Selection Automation Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 11 Problems with current selection code: – Basically kludged together from pieces of code written during my PhD. – Runs on “data quality ntuples” generated from raw data. – Much of the code not in CVS. – Virtually impossible to automate! Currently developing database table to hold run information. – Easy to look up run information and tune the run selection. – Will facilitate calculations of live time and PoTs. – Very easy to automate! The table will contain the following information : – Run, SubRun, RunType. – StartTime, EndTime, TimeFrames. – ROP Mask, Trigger Mask. – Snarls, “Good” Snarls. – Snarl Rate Min, Max, Mean, Median. … some other stuff … – Pass/Fail.
Data Quality Software Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 12 Data quality software: Standard Ntuples: – Data Monitoring Information NtpSRDataQuality class summarizes information contained in monitoring blocks (readout info, spill server info, light injection info, number of bad channels etc…). – Bad Readout Channels NtpSRDeadChip class stores information on each bad readout channel. – Coil and HV Status NtpSRDetStatus class extracts the detector status from the database. Offline Database: – Coil and HV Status DcsUser package contains CoilTools and HvStatusFinder classes that provide an interface with BlfdDbiCoilState and DbuHvFromSingles database tables. – Spill Server GPS error SpillTiming package contains SpillServerMonFinder class that provides an interface with SpillServerMon database table (this contains the GPS errors).
SR Ntuples: (I) NtpSRDataQuality Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 13 class NtpSRDataQuality : public TObject { public: Int_t trigsource; // trigger word Int_t trigtime; // trigger time Int_t errorcode; // snarl error code from RawDigitDataBlock Int_t cratemask; // number of crates enabled Int_t pretrigdigits; // number of pre-trigger digits Int_t posttrigdigits; // number of post-trigger digits Int_t snarlmultiplicity; // number of post-trigger digits in detector Int_t spillstatus; // state of SpillServer Int_t spilltype; // type of spill (real, fake etc...) Int_t spilltimeerror; // GPS error from SpillServer Int_t litrigger; // was there a nearby TMPT hit Int_t litime; // time of the TMPT hit Int_t lisubtractedtime; // (TMPT hit time) - (Trigger Time) Int_t lirelativetime; // Abs(LiSubTime) Int_t licalibpoint; // Current LI point Int_t licalibtype; // type of LI Int_t libox; // pulser box number Int_t liled; // LED number Int_t lipulseheight; // pulse height Int_t lipulsewidth; // pulse width Int_t coldchips; // number of cold chips Int_t hotchips; // number of hot chips Int_t busychips; // number of busy chips Int_t readouterrors; // number of readout errors from RawDigits Int_t dataqualityword; // overall quality (CandDataQuality::EDataQuality) ClassDef(NtpSRDataQuality,1) }; LI Info Spill Info Readout Info Raw Digits Trigger Info NtpSRDataQuality ntuple class stores information recorded in CandDataQualityHandles.
SR Ntuples: (II) NtpSRDeadChip Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 14 class NtpSRDeadChip : public TObject { public: Int_t channelid; // Channel ID // FarDet: 108*crate+36*varc+6*vmm+3*vaadc+vachip // NearDet: 2560*crate+128*master+16*minder+menu Int_t plane0; // 1st associated plane Int_t plane1; // 2nd associated plane Int_t shield; // veto shield plane (Far Detector) Int_t errorcode; // Error Code Int_t status; // Status (CandDeadChip::EChipStatus) ClassDef(NtpSRDeadChip,1) }; Problem Error Code Plane Number Channel ID NtpSRDeadChip class stores information recorded in CandDeadChipHandles.
SR Ntuples: (III) NtpSRDetStatus Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 15 class NtpSRDetStatus : public TObject { public: // coilstatus is deprecated, used to be filled from BFieldCoilCurrent Short_t coilstatus; //magnetic coil status: -1(rev),0(off/unknown),1(forward) // dcscoilstatus is filled from BfldDbiCoilState, set to // ECoilStatus::kUnknown if table is unavailable for a given validity. Short_t dcscoilstatus; // mag coil status: enum'ed as DcsUser::ECoilStatus Float_t coilcurrent1; // coil current in supermodule 1 Float_t coilcurrent2; // coil current in supermodule 2 // HV status using TP singles info Short_t dbuhvstatus; // -1(unknown), 0(bad), 1(good) Int_t coldchips1; // cold chips in supermodule 1 Int_t coldchips2; // cold chips in supermodule 2 ClassDef(NtpSRDetStatus,3) }; NtpSRDetStatus class stores information from DbuHvFromSingles and BfldDbiCoilState tables. COIL STATUS HV STATUS
Detector Status (I) Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 16 Coil Current (Near/Far Detector) High Voltage Status (Far Detector Only) Spill Server Status HvStatus::HvStatus_t status = HvStatusFinder::Instance().GetHvStatus(vldc); Int_t GpsError = SpillServerMonFinder::Instance().GetSpillTimeError(vldc); – Far Detector high voltage status from TP singles recorded in DbuHvFromSingles database table. – HV status can be accessed using HvStatusFinder class in DcsUser package. – Far Detector Spill Server monitoring information recorded in SpillServerMon database table. – Spill time error can be accessed using SpillServerMonFinder class in SpillTiming package. (DbuHvFromSingles and SpillServerMon database tables currently filled up to end of December 2006, the ultimate aim is to automate the population of these tables). – Near and Far Detector coil status recorded in BfldDbiCoilState database table. – Coil status can be accessed using CoilTools class in DcsUser package. Bool_t status = CoilTools::IsOK(vldc);
Detector Status (II) Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 17 typedef enum ECoilStatus { kOK = 0x00, kBad = 0x01, kReverse = 0x02, kDegauss = 0x04, kCalib = 0x08, kBadCurrent = 0x10, kDataGap = 0x20, kUnknown = 0x80 } CoilStatus_t; typedef enum EHvStatus { kUnknown = 0x00, kOK = 0x01, kBad = 0x02, kSM1Unknown = 0x10, kSM1OK = 0x20, kSM1Bad = 0x40, kSM2Unknown = 0x100, kSM2OK = 0x200, kSM2Bad = 0x400 } HvStatus_t; COIL STATUSHV STATUS – Coil Status and HV Status enumerations contained in the DcsUser package. – Be sure to analyse only the data where CoilStatus=OK and HvStatus=OK ! – Can use either the database or ntuples to extract this information.
Near Detector Data Quality Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 18 Currently the code doesn’t do a great deal for Near Detector data, but could be generalized for use at the Near Detector (if desired). Although most data quality variables are extracted straight from the monitoring blocks, some must be calculated from the data. e.g. “hot chips”, “cold chips”, “busy chips” … Are there Near Detector definitions for any of these variables? What other variables characterize Near Detector data quality? Is there any treatment of High Voltage trips in Near Detector data? Could use some input from a Near Detector expert here!
Summary Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 19 Substantial amount of data quality software now in place. – Data quality information stored in cedar ntuples. – Detector status tables now created and filled. – Should be used in this Physics Analysis. Future Work: – A few refinements will probably be needed as code is exercised. – Need to develop and document run selection code. – Need to automate much of the code. – The data quality code works okay for near detector data but often doesn’t do much – could use input from a near detector expert.
Data Quality Software Model Raw Data Database HV Status from Singles SR Ntupleslive time calculator Spill Server Monitoring Fill DB Coil Status access tools CandMorgue CandDataQualityHandle CandDeadChipHandles Reconstruction Implemented Future Work Andy Blake, Cambridge UniversityData Quality Talk, slide 20 HWDB automation
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