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Steve Seitz Dept. Computer Science & Eng. University of Washington 3D Photography: Beyond Perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Seitz Dept. Computer Science & Eng. University of Washington 3D Photography: Beyond Perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Seitz Dept. Computer Science & Eng. University of Washington 3D Photography: Beyond Perspective

2 Perspective Projection Humans evolved with perspective eyes Capture light along rays that converge at a single point

3 Cameras also evolved with perspective optics Optimized for humans, not computers!

4 A non-perspective image


6 The Blue Marble, NASA satellite image composite



9 Cyberware Scanner

10 Print Gallery, by M.C. Escher, 1956

11 Panorama from Disney’s 1940 film Pinocchio (from Wood et al., SIGGRAPH 1997)


13 What’s an Image? An image is any 2D subset of rays in space Actually, the light energy flowing along these rays Any 2D “slice” of the plenoptic function perspective image general image

14 Non-perspective Imaging Issues: What other types of images are possible? Which images are useful? How can we capture these images?

15 Path Images


17 x y t

18 x y t

19 Pushbroom images satellite Bolles et al. [87] EPI Tsuji et al. [92] omni-directional image Peleg et al. [97] manifold mosaic Radamacher & Bishop [99] MCOP... x y t

20 Linear Path input pushbroom images Video Cube Demo application by Michael Cohen et al., Microsoft

21 Circular Path panorama (“concentric mosaic”) circular EPI input image

22 Circular Path inputcyclographsvideo cube

23 What are these images good for? Applications to computer graphics, computer vision?

24 Circular Stereo [Ishiguro, Yamamoto, Tsuji, 92] [Peleg and Ben-Ezra, 99] [Shum, Kalai, Seitz, 99] [Nayar and Karmarkar, 00] I y x  x 0 +n x 0 -n x0x0

25 Stereo Panorama Disparity map result

26 Stereo Panorama Dark--close, light--far

27 Circular Stereo Advantages 360 degree scene reconstruction Uniform accuracy, optimal

28 Pushbroom Stereo y x t x 0 +n x 0 -n x0x0

29 Stereo Cyclographs y x  x 0 +n x 0 -n x0x0



32 Stereo Cyclograph Reconstruction Computed from two cyclograph images Using unmodified stereo matcher [Zitnick & Kanade]

33 Stereo Path Images Do these all produce stereo pairs? two images with horizontal parallax Yes

34 Stereo Path Images How about this path? No Yes if the camera path is a conic –line, circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola Must capture rays lying on doubly-ruled quadrics –[Padja 2001], [Seitz 2001]

35 Stereo Parabolic Panoramas perspective image parabolic panorama

36 Beyond Perspective Cameras for humans, not machines! Need to rethink cameras Image should suit the task Future: cameras will evolve like CPU’s First: task-specific cameras Then: programmable cameras –FPGA  programmable camera arrays Thanks to Jiwon Kim, Michael Cohen

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