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Created by: Travis Francis November 30, 2010. Purdue University thought they had a minor glitch in their campus network, only to find out the system had.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by: Travis Francis November 30, 2010. Purdue University thought they had a minor glitch in their campus network, only to find out the system had."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by: Travis Francis November 30, 2010

2 Purdue University thought they had a minor glitch in their campus network, only to find out the system had been hacked. Purdue acting proactively did the following: Sent emails to all 60,000 students, faculty members and employees on the main campus asking them to change their network passwords. Within 24 hours about 15,000 people had changed their passwords. By day four, more than fifty percent of the professors and 38 percent of the students had changed their passwords. The remaining of the students and professors, chose not to change their passwords.

3 Be Smart with Passwords. Having multiple passwords. Never leave passwords laying around. Equip every campus machine with hardware called a one-time-password- token device. Find intent of reason for hackers, hacking into the system.

4 California State University at Hayward network was attacked by a hacker, compromising personal information for over 2,000 people. Hayward officials sent apology letters within 5 days. California Law passed in 2003. Requires that within 10 days of an attack, public universities must notify anyone whose personal information may have been exposed. California Polytechnic State University and Berkeley also had their systems hacked. Large universities can afford to implement the more expensive measures to prevent hackers from being successful.

5 Have you been hacked Never? 303 People Have you been hacked Once? 102 People Have you been hacked Twice? 22 People Have you been hacked Several Times? (2-50 Times) 22 People Have you been hacked Lots? (Greater then 50 Times) 10 People Total: 404 People


7 Many Jobs Looking for Computer Science Majors. Federal Agent Careers: CIA-Criminal Intelligence Agency FBI-Federal Bureau of Investigation ATF- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives USS- United States Secret Service

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