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Chapter 7- Data Link Layer

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1 Chapter 7- Data Link Layer
Modified by Profs. Chen and Cappellino

2 Learning Objectives Explain the role of Data Link layer protocols in data transmission. Describe how the Data Link layer prepares data for transmission on network media. Describe the different types of media access control methods. Identify several common logical network topologies and describe how the logical topology determines the media access control method for that network. Explain the purpose of encapsulating packets into frames to facilitate media access. Describe the Layer 2 frame structure and identify generic fields. Explain the role of key frame header and trailer fields, including addressing, QoS, type of protocol, and Frame Check Sequence.

3 Connecting to Upper Layer Services
The ____________ layer provides a means for ____________________________________________________________________________: The Data Link layer performs ___ basic services: Allows the _____________________ the media using techniques such as _______________ Controls ________________________________ and is received from the media using techniques such as _____________________________________ Common Layer 2 terms: _________________ - The Data Link layer PDU ________________ - The Layer 2 notation for network devices connected to a common medium _____________________________- The physical means (cables, atmosphere) for the transfer of information between two nodes ______________________________ - Two or more nodes connected to a common medium

4 Connecting to Upper Layer Services
The Data Link layer ___________________________ _______________________________________- over which data is to be transmitted. At each hop along the path, a router (or similar device) ________ ______________________________________________________________________ appropriate to the medium of the next segment. Example, as an IP packet travels from PC to a remote laptop via a satellite link: it will be encapsulated into Ethernet frame at the source decapsulated,and then encapsulated into a new data link frame to cross the satellite link. Several hops with different data link frames could occur in the middle… For the final link, the packet will use a wireless data link frame from the final router to the laptop. As packet moves up the OSI layer at the destination, the higher layer protocols do not need to be aware of which media the communication used

5 Controlling Transfer across Local Media
Layer 2 protocols specify : The technique used for ______________________________ which is called the _______________________________________ _______________________ media access control methods may be required during the course of a ________________________________ _____________________________________________________ For example, the device (such as PC or laptop) would use the appropriate NIC to connect to the LAN media. The NIC manages the framing and media access control. At intermediary devices such as a _________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ interfaces connect to ________________ ______________________ interfaces connect to _______________. To process a frame, the router uses Data Link layer to receive the frame from medium, decapsulate it up to the Layer 3 PDU, re-encapsulate the PDU into a new frame, and place the frame on the medium of the next link of the network.

6 Creating a Frame More to come…
When a node is receiving long streams of 1 and 0 bits, how does it determine where a frame starts and stops or which bits represent the address? Data Link layer protocols require the following _______ __________________ to enable protocols to function: __________ are in communication with each other ______________________ between individual nodes begins and when it ends ________________ while the nodes communicated _____________________________________ A packet is encapsulated within a _______________ ______________________________________ ____________ - Contains __________________, such as addressing, and is located at the beginning of the PDU ______________________________________ _______________ - Contains ________________ added to the end of the PDU More to come…

7 Creating a Frame Typical field types include:
____________________________ - The beginning and end limits of the frame ______________________________ ____________________ - The type of PDU contained in the frame ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _______________ Fields at end of frame used for error detection and mark the end of the frame. The standards for a specific Data Link protocol define the actual frame format and actual fields used for that protocol

8 Connecting Upper Layer Services to the Media
The Data Link layer ______________ ___________________________________________________________ it. The ________________ performs some of the jobs of the Data Link layer NIC includes both _________________ Software associated with the NIC enables the NIC to perform its intermediary functions of ___________ _____________________________ the data as signals to be sent on the associated media. Prepares the Network layer packets for _________________________________

9 Separating Data Link into Sublayers...
Allows one type of frame defined by the upper layer to access different types of media defined by the lower layer. _________________ (Upper sublayer) __________________________ that _______ ____________________________ protocols. Logical Link Control (LLC) places information in the frame that identifies which _____________ _________________ is being used for the frame. Allows multiple Layer 3 protocols to utilize the same network interface and media. ___________________ (Lower sublayer) defines the ______________________ performed by the __________________. Media Access Control (MAC) provides _________ _____________________________ Provides delimiting of data based on the physical signaling requirements of the medium and the type of Data Link layer protocol in use.

10 Standards See the chart at the right for standards making bodies involved in the development of standards at the Data Link layer Unlike TCP/IP suite, Data Link layer protocols are generally not defined by Request for Comments (RFCs). Engineering organizations that define open standards and protocols that apply to the Data Link layer include: International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Data Link layer processes occur __________ _____________________________ The protocols at this layer are implemented within the electronics of the NIC with which the device connects to the physical network.

11 Placing Data on the Media
Recall: Regulating the placement of data frames onto the media is known as “media access control”. Data link layer protocols, using media access control techniques, define the rules for access to different media Different methods of media access control used depend on the following: _______________________ If and how the nodes share the media How the connection between the nodes appears to the Data Link layer

12 Media Access Control for Shared Media
Shared media: meaning _____________________ _____________________________________ There are _____ media access control methods for shared media: 1. ________ - Each node __________ ___________, accessing the medium. This method is also known as __________. Only ____________________________ If a device does not need to transmit, the opportunity to use the medium passes to the next device. Deterministic methods ______________ because a device has to wait for its turn before it can use the medium. Example: _______________________

13 M A C for Shared Media cont…
2. _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Also referred to as ________________________ Allows _______________________________ whenever it has data to send. Contention-based media access control methods have ______________ than controlled access methods Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (___________________). The device monitors the media for the presence of a data signal. __________________, indicating that the media is free, the device _________ the data. If a signal from another node is detected, another __________________________ If two devices transmit at the same time, data from both devices is destroyed in a __________, all devices stop sending and try again later. Traditional forms of Ethernet use this method. CSMA/Collision Avoidance (___________), the device examines the media for the presence of a data signal. If the media is free, ________________ _________________________________ This method is used by _____________________. Note: CSMA/CD will be covered in more detail in Chapter 9.

14 Media Access Control for Non-Shared Media
Non-Shared media: meaning _______________ _______________________________________ Media access control protocols for non-shared media require little before placing frames onto the media. ___________________________________ for controlling non-shared media access. Communication is either Full or Half Duplex ____________________ communication Devices can both _________________ on the media but ________ _________________________________ Arbitration rules used for resolving conflicts _______________________ communication Both devices can __________________________________________

15 Logical Topology vs Physical Topology
The ____________________ of a network is the __________________________________________ ___________________ between them. The __________________ is an _________________________ _______________________ between them. Configuration of cables, computers and other peripherals A _______________________ is the _______________________ from one node to the next. Consists of virtual connections between the nodes of a network independent of their physical layout and defined by Data Link layer protocols. It is the ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Logical topologies typically used in networks are: More to follow…

16 Logical Point-to-Point Topology
Review: A point-to-point topology connects two nodes directly together, as shown Data that only flows in one direction at a time is referred to as what? Flow of data across the link from each node simultaneously is called? The end nodes communicating in a point-to-point network can be ________________________________________________________ Still considered a logical topology

17 Logical Point-to-Point cont…
As shown, the source and destination nodes may be ___________________ to each other over some geographical distance and with a number of devices between them A ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Source and destination nodes exchange frames through intermediary devices forming a virtual circuit. Virtual circuits used by some Layer 2 technologies.

18 Logical Multi-Access Topology
A logical multi-access topology enables a number of nodes to communicate by using the same shared media. This is also known as what? How does Contention-based media access control work? How does Controlled-based media access control work? The media access control methods used by logical multi-access topologies are typically __________________________________ Token passing rarely used

19 Logical Ring Topology Each node in turn receives a frame.
Nodes in a logical ring topology __________________ ___________________________, and ____________ if it is _______________________________ all nodes around the ring- between the source and destination node- examine the frame. A signal (known as a ___________) may be placed on the media and a _______________ _______________________________________ Recall: this allows a ring to use a controlled media access control technique called token passing.

20 The Data Link layer Frame
Three basic parts common to all different types of Data Link layer frames: All Data Link layer protocols ___________ ___________________________________________ of the frame. ___________________ and the ______ contained in the header and trailer ____________ according to the protocol. There is no one frame structure that meets the needs of all data transportation across all types of media The Data Link layer protocol describes the features required for the transport of packets across different media.

21 Framing – Role of the Header
Frame information is unique to each type of protocol. Typical frame header fields include: Other fields which we will not focus on include: Priority/Quality of Service field Logical connection control field Physical link control field Flow control field Congestion control field Different Data Link layer protocols may use different fields from those mentioned depending on media etc. See definitions below…

22 When is the Data Link address needed?
Data Link addresses are also referred to as __________ _____________________________________________ Address is _______________________________________ _________________________________________________ The data Link layer provides addressing that is used in transporting the frame across the shared _______ media. Physical addresses _______________________ the device is located (unlike Layer 3 logical addresses which are hierarchical) If the device is moved to another network or subnet, it will still function with the same Layer 2 physical address. Data Link layer address is only used to transport data ____________________________________ Addresses at ______________________________________. If the packet in the frame must ____________________ segment, the router will ________________________, __________________________ for the packet, and send it onto the new segment.

23 Is the physical address always needed?
The need for the physical address at the Data Link layer depends on the logical topology. _____________________ topologies With just two interconnected nodes, do __________________________ ____________________ topologies Connect many nodes on a common medium so _______________________ ____________________________ When a frame reaches each node in the topology, the node examines the destination MAC address in the header to determine if it is the destination of the frame.

24 Packet propagation and switching within a router EXAMPLE…
The next several slides give a step-by-step example of packet flow from a LAN through a P-to-P WAN onto a remote LAN. See if you can determine the original source and ultimate destination… Let’s take a look…

25 Packet propagation and switching within a router EXAMPLE…
Step 1

26 Packet propagation and switching within a router EXAMPLE…
Step 2 Step 3

27 Packet propagation and switching within a router EXAMPLE…
Step 3

28 Packet propagation and switching within a router EXAMPLE…
Step 4

29 Packet propagation and switching within a router EXAMPLE…
Step 5 Step 6

30 Packet propagation and switching within a router EXAMPLE…
Step 6

31 Packet propagation and switching within a router EXAMPLE…
Step 7

32 Packet propagation and switching within a router EXAMPLE…
Step 8

33 Framing – Role of the Trailer
Data Link layer protocols add a trailer to the end of each frame. Trailer contains the ________________________ _______________________ as follows… Frame Check Sequence field Used to determine if the frame arrived without error. More details to come on next slide… ____________________ field Optional field used when the length not specified in Type/Length field. Indicates ____________________________

34 ____________________ field…
Used to determine if the ________________________ This process is called _______________________ Achieved by placing a mathematical summary of the bits in the trailer called a _____________________________ value. Summary of bits represent the contents of the frame. When the frame arrives at the ___________________, that node __________________________________, or CRC, of the frame. The receiving node compares the two CRC values. If the two ________________________, the frame is considered to have ________________________ If the ________________________ from the CRC calculated at the receiving node, the _________________________ Note: Error detection is added at the Data link layer because this is where data is transferred across media which can sometimes be an unsafe environment for data

35 The Frame The actual Layer 2 protocol used depends on the logical topology of the network and the of the Physical layer. Protocols that will be covered in CCNA courses include: Point-to-Point Protocol ( ) High-Level Data Link Control ( ) Each protocol performs media access control for specified Layer 2 topologies given the technology in use. This means that a number of different network devices can act as nodes that operate at the Data Link layer when implementing these protocols. Network devices include NICs on computers and interfaces on routers SUMMARY The Layer 2 protocol used for a particular network topology is determined by the technology used to implement that topology. the size of the network – the number of hosts the geographic scope the services to be provided over the network.

36 Ethernet Protocol for LANs
______________ is a family of networking technologies that are _________ in the __________________________ Ethernet standards define both the Layer 2 protocols and the Layer 1 technologies. Ethernet is the most widely used LAN technology and supports data bandwidths of 10, 100, 1000, or 10,000 Mbps. The ______________________________________________ _________________ despite using many different types of media Ethernet provides unacknowledged connectionless service over a shared media using CSMA/CD. Shared media requires that the Ethernet frame header to _______ _______________________________________ of the nodes. ______________________ is the Ethernet frame format used in TCP/IP networks. More to come on Ethernet in a later chapter…

37 Summary Ethernet Frame
Summary of the function of the fields -- notice the Data field contains a packet – so that field contains raw data plus header info from higher layers

38 Frame type used in TCP/IP networks so our focus…
Ethernet vs IEEE FYI Frame type used in TCP/IP networks so our focus… There is a slight difference in the fields of these two frame formats Good to be aware…

39 Point-to-Point Protocol for WANs
Point-to-Point Protocol (_____________) is a protocol ___ ________________________________________ PPP was developed as a _____________ and remains the protocol of choice to implement many serial WANs. PPP can be used on _____________, including twisted pair, fiber optic lines, and satellite transmission, as well as for _________ ________________________ PPP establishes _____________________, called ___________, between two nodes. The PPP session hides the underlying physical media from the upper PPP protocol and ________________________ ________________________________________ PPP offers the option to use ______________________, and multilink (the use of multiple physical connections).

40 Summary Point-to-Point Frame
WAN protocols are covered in more detail in CCNA 4 Summary of the function of the fields -- notice the difference in the size and content of the fields vs the Ethernet frame. -- notice the size of the address field?

41 Wireless Protocol for LANs
Defined by IEEEE _______________ and many variations Many _________________ at the MAC sublayer and Physical layer vs frames used over a wired infrastructure Standard IEEE , commonly referred to as ________, is a ________________ system using a Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance (_______________). What is CSMA/CA? networks also use _______________________ to confirm that a data frame is received successfully. If the sending station does ______________________________ frame, the _________________________________ Other services supported by are ______________, _________________ (connectivity to a wireless device), and ______________________

42 Summary of the Wireless Frame for LANs
Summary of the many fields of a wireless LAN frame. -- All fields described in curriculum…

43 Summary- Putting it all together
Section 7.4 in the curriculum contains an excellent- 22 step- example of a simple data transfer. You are expected to understand each step – they are a review of what we have seen so far this semester. QUESTIONS? Please ask….

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