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1 Exit Copyright 2009 Buttons/Directions Home/Menu Previous Slide Next Slide Exit (saves where you left off) Exit 2.

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2 1 Exit Copyright 2009

3 Buttons/Directions Home/Menu Previous Slide Next Slide Exit (saves where you left off) Exit 2

4 Buttons/Directions Help menu Exit 3

5 Your Name Enter your name: Exit 4 Enter

6 Thank you! 5 Exit

7 You will Learn the following: The 3 Branches of US Government. The Locations of the 3 Branches of government The functions of the 3 Branches of US government. Exit 6

8 Executive Branch Executive branch is the presidency and vice president. The current president is President Obama. This is a picture of him. Exit 7

9 Legislative Branch The legislative branch is composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Picture of the Capitol where both are located. Exit 8

10 Judicial Branch The US Supreme Court is the representative of the judicial branch. The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest judicial body in the United States, and leads the federal judiciary. It consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight Associate Justices, who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate.President Exit 9

11 Locations Locations of Executive, legislative and judicial branches. 10 Exit

12 Executive Branch The president of the United States works and lives at the White House in Washington DC. It was constructed in 1798. It was burned in the War of 1812 by the British. Below is the White House. Exit 11

13 Legislative Branch The Legislative branch (both the Senate and the House of Representatives) work at the Capitol in Washington DC, but they don’t live there. Below is a picture of Congress. Exit 12

14 Judicial Branch The Supreme Court works at the Supreme Court Building next to the Capitol in Washington, DC. The Justices ( the judges for the Supreme Court) also don’t live at the Supreme Court Building. Below is a picture of the US Supreme Court Justices (judges). Exit 13

15 Functions of Government Executive Legislative Judicial Exit 14

16 Executive Branch All executive power in the federal government is vested in the President of the United States. The President and Vice President are elected as 'running mates' for a maximum of two four- year terms by the Electoral College.Vice President Electoral College Exit 15

17 Executive Branch 2 The Vice President is the second-highest executive official of the government. The Vice President becomes President upon resignation, removal of the President or his/her death. His or her only other constitutional duty is to serve as President of the Senate and break any tie votes in the Senate. Exit 16

18 Legislative Branch 1 The United States Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government. It consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives consists of 435 voting members, each of whom represents a congressional district. congressional district Exit 17

19 Legislative Branch 2 House seats are apportioned among the states by population; whereas, each state has two Senators, regardless of population. There are a total of 100 senators (since there are 50 states). Each congressional chamber (House or Senate) has exclusive powers—the Senate must give "advice and consent" to many important Presidential appointments, and the House must introduce any bills of raising revenue.apportioned Exit 18

20 Legislative Branch 3 The consent of both chambers (Senate and House of Representatives) is required to make any law. The powers of Congress are limited to those stated in the Constitution. The Constitution which grants Congress the power to "make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers.” Exit 19

21 Judicial Branch The Supreme Court is the highest court in the federal court system. The court deals with matters relating to interpretation of the US Constitution, disagreements between states, federal government and can decide laws or executive action made at any level of the government as unconstitutional nullifying the law and creating precedent for future laws.unconstitutional Exit 20

22 Judicial Branch 2 Under the Supreme Court are the courts of appeals, and below them are the district courts, which are the general trial courts for federal lawcourts of appealsdistrict courts Below the federal court system are the individual court systems of each state, having its own judicial rules and each dealing with its own laws. Exit 21

23 Summary The 3 Branches of government are executive, legislative, and judicial. Branches of Government – The Executive branch is the executive branch. The Presidency- President Obama The Vice-President – The Congress is the legislative branch. The House of Representatives The Senate – The Supreme Court is the judicial branch. Consists of Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justices. Exit 22

24 Summary 2 The functions of the branches of the US government. – The Executive Branch—elected by Electoral College President - The President has the responsibility to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the Laws of the United States. The principal responsibility of the President is to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed." The Constitution does not require the President to personally enforce the law. Vice-President-can take over president’s job Exit 23

25 Summary 3 – Legislative branch- Congress has the exclusive power to legislate, to make laws and the enumerated powers it has all other powers in the government by the Constitution. House of Representatives – Represent Congressional district – House seats apportioned Senate-2 Senators for each state. Exit 24

26 Summary 4 – Judicial Branch Supreme Court-decides what’s unconstitutional – The judges must be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. Under the Supreme Court: – Supreme Court of each State-if it is a federal question, the Supreme Court decides. Exit 25

27 Quiz in the next slide Review the material because you will have a quiz on the location of the different branches. You can’t move to the next page unless you correctly answer the questions. Exit 26

28 Is this True or False? The Presidency, Congress and Supreme Court are located in New York City. – True True – False False 27 Exit

29 When was the White House burned down? – A. 1867 A. 1867 – B. 1776 B. 1776 – C. 1812 C. 1812 – D. 1912 D. 1912 28 Exit

30 Quiz How many representatives are there in the House of Representatives? A.300300 B.400400 C.235235 D.435435 29 Exit

31 Quiz Which government position both lives where they work? A.SenateSenate B.House of RepresentativesHouse of Representatives C. President President D.Supreme CourtSupreme Court 30 Exit

32 Quiz Which has more members in Congress? A.SenateSenate B.House of RepresentativesHouse of Representatives 31 Exit

33 Credits Animated Clipart Information about Supreme Court Information about White House Information about Congress 3 Branches of Government More Info about 3 Branches of Government Exit 32

34 33 Exit

35 The End This is the end of the lesson! Congratulations on making it to the end! Click the Exit button to quit. Exit 34

36 Are your sure you want to exit? Yes No 35

37 Good Try! Try again Exit 36

38 Good job! Excellent! Great job! 37 Exit

39 Good job! Excellent! Great job! 38 Exit

40 Good job! Excellent! Great job! 39 Exit

41 Good job! Excellent! Great job! 40 Exit

42 Good job! Excellent! Great job! 41 Exit

43 Good job! Excellent! Great job! 42 Exit

44 Court of Appeals A court of appeals decides appeals from the district courts. There are 13 Court of Appeals. Below is a picture of Court of Appeals in Pasadena, Ca.. Exit 43

45 District Courts The United States district courts are the general trial courts of the United States federal court system. Both civil and criminal cases are filed in the district court. Picture of the 10 district courts in the US below. Exit 44

46 Unconstitutional Refers to the power of to review the actions of other courts or public bodies the lawfulness, or to review an administrative regulation for consistency with either a treaty, or to review the constitutionality of a statute, or the Constitution itself. Exit 45

47 Apportioned Each state is assigned a number of seats which approximately corresponds to its share of the population of the 50 states (populations of Washington, D.C and federal territories are not included in this figure). However, every state is constitutionally guaranteed at least one seat. Exit 46

48 Congressional District A territorial district of a state; entitled to elect one member to the United States House of Representatives. Below is a picture of the Congressional Districts in the US. Exit 47

49 Electoral College A select body of people who elect the president to office on behalf of a larger group of people. Below is a picture of the Electoral College states’ votes for the Pres. Obama ( blue) & McCain (red). Exit 48

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