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Open Access in Sweden 2002 - 2005 Presentation at ELPUB 2006, Bansko, June 16, 2006 Jan Hagerlid, National Library of Sweden

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Presentation on theme: "Open Access in Sweden 2002 - 2005 Presentation at ELPUB 2006, Bansko, June 16, 2006 Jan Hagerlid, National Library of Sweden"— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Access in Sweden Presentation at ELPUB 2006, Bansko, June 16, 2006 Jan Hagerlid, National Library of Sweden

2 Parallell tracks Communication and reception of the Open Access model
Building a new infrastructure based on digital academic repositories Country report, highlighting general issues of national strategy

3 The involved players Universities (14), university colleges and other institutions of higher education with their libraries (in all 39) The Association of Swedish Higher Education ( SUHF) The Royal Swedish Academy of the Sciences The Swedish Research Council

4 The involved players The National Library of Sweden
BIBSAM, National Co-ordination and Development LIBRIS, national union catalogue and other services IDA, department for collection development and documentation incl. legal deposit

5 BIBSAM’s overall objective
”To promote the efficient provision of information to higher education & research, primarily by trying to ensure that the resources of the Swedish research libraries are well used and developed, and that open access to information is maintained and developed.”

6 BIBSAM Manages a licence consortium for e-resources
Initiates and supports development projects Manages a network of national expert libraries Performs special studies in the library and information area Supports interlibrary lending

7 Initiatives promoting Open Access
ScieCom - Swedish Resource Centre for Scientific Communication to provide information, and stimulate debate about scientific publishing and Open Access initiatives NSCS Nordic Conference on Scientific Communication Organized by Lund University Libraries Financed or subsidized by BIBSAM

8 DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
Provides access to quality controlled scientific and scholarly OA journals. Today (June 12) 2271 journals in the directory. Currently 647 journals are searchable at article level Support by OSI, SPARC and BIBSAM

9 SUHF taking an active stand
Pathways for Knowledge - the need for a common new strategic orientation for universities and their libraries (2003) Study commisioned by the Association of Swedish Higher Education ( SUHF) - need for changes in the current system for scholarly publishing - establish conditions for creating professional publishing services within universities and university colleges - libraries are the natural choice for the organisation of such activities Working group on academic publishing Signed the Berlin Declaration in oct 2004, The Swedish Research Council in Spring 2005

10 Communication of the Open access model
Initiatives from the Open Access movement, internationally and nationally Library and researchers perspective Big Deals and Open Access The quick move to a positive view of Open Access from the SUHF and the Swedish Research Council

11 SVEP - Samordning av den SVenska högskolans Elektroniska Publicering
= Co-ordination of Electronic Publishing within Swedish Higher Education Major players were the Royal Library (KB), Uppsala University Library (UUB) and Lund University Libraries (LUB) + 7 other HE libraries. Funding granted by BIBSAM: SEK 3.2 million ( EURO) for

12 Mission Co-ordinate and scale up the development of e-publishing within higher education, by Support HE institutions through advice on technical platforms and collaboration concerning standards Long-term goals Support maximum visibility of output of research and learning Promote long-term availability of digital resources Promote efficiency and sustainability by avoiding duplication of efforts

13 WP1: Harmonization of metadata
Recommended metadata formats (also in English) for (Research) publication databases E-publications from Swedish HE institutions Minimum simple oai-dc, advanced level compatible with library catalogues Broad system of subject categories

14 WP2: Long-term Access and Preservation
Establish workflow between local repository and the national archive at the Royal Library Resolution service Persistent identifier Metadata for Preservation File Format registry

15 WP3: Search service for undergraduate theses
Create a national service based on harvesting local repositories using OAI-PMH Metadata model using simple DC Service in operation at LIBRIS website autumn 2004 20 univ/univ.colleges, theses

16 WP4-5: Advice and dissemination
Advice and support for e-publishing – tools and standards Overview of institutional repository software, Network of experts Seminars and workshops

17 Discussion How to achieve national co-ordination
The importance of qualified metadata The relation between publication databases and digital repositories Are subject categories important Are national portals for e-publications useful?

18 Institutional Repositories - present status
Libraries have a core role, high-level university support varies Main content: dissertations and undergraduate theses, but growing numbers of reports, articles etc Uppsala University Library developed its own publishing system DiVA, now used by 13 HE institutions in Sweden in a consortium Others use Eprints, Dspace and local solutions 19 OAI-compliant IR, 14 registered OAI providers

19 Directions for the future
Basic infrastructure for digital repositories in operation Significant players in the academia positive to Open Access Achieve critical mass of significant content, specifically self-archived articles Develop a national strategy with wide support

20 – new development programme
Strategic goal: To promote maximum accessibility and visibility of works produced by researchers, teachers and students at Swedish universities and university colleges Runs , ca Euro/year The programme is led by a Steering Committee with representatives from universities, research organisations, university libraries and, the National Library. Working member from the Royal Academy

21 Objectives To promote co-ordination and development of standards and tools for electronic publishing at Swedish universities and university colleges To promote a rapid growth of the volume and diversity of material in academic repositories To promote access to and use of content in academic repositories and Open Access journals

22 Objectives To secure long-term access to digital publications and other material in academic repositories To develop quality standards for content and services in academic repositories To support publishing in Open Access journals and the migration of Swedish scientific journals to an Open Access model

23 Running projects ScieCom – Swedish Resource Centre for Scientific Communication Electronic journals – library support for publishing Testbed for interoperability – test of a common search service for Swedish academic e-publications Search service for Swedish scientific publications

24 Running projects Long-term access – from prototype to tools in operation Quality assurance of Swedish digital academic repositories through certification Automatic identification of citation in monographs in Swedish digital academic repositories

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