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Ocean Stratification and Circulation Martin Visbeck DEES, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

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Presentation on theme: "Ocean Stratification and Circulation Martin Visbeck DEES, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ocean Stratification and Circulation Martin Visbeck DEES, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

2 General Atmosphere Ocean Circulation The surface energy balance Top of atmosphere Air-sea interface seafloor Imbalance of energy flux at the top can be balanced by: Atmospheric Heat Transport Oceanic Heat Transport

3 Sea Surface Temperature The link between ocean and climate depends on exchange of energy (mainly heat and radiation) and materials (water, gases) across the sea surface. T atmosphere 'sees', influences and responds to the sea surface temperature (SST), by way of sea-air heat flux. SST generally cools with increasing latitude, but important deviations from a pure latitudinal dependence occurs. These are generally due to the movement of sea water in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Temperature and density of ocean water are related inversely: warm water means low density, cold water means denser sea water.

4 Ocean Salinity As the range of salt concentration in the ocean varies from about 3.2 to 3.8%, oceanographers, who refer to salt content as 'salinity', express salt concentration as parts per thousand; 34.9 ppt is the average salinity.

5 Ocean Salinity The more saline, the denser the sea water Density of sea water is a function of temperature and salinity, both play an important role

6 Stratification Waters warmer than 10°C dominate the sea surface but do not extend much below 500 m in the ocean; the warm waters provide just a veneer of warmth over a cold ocean. The sharp drop off in temperature with depth is called the thermocline. Deeper cold waters derive their properties at the sea surface during winter at high latitude.

7 Ocean simulation in tank Cool waterlight

8 Ocean Propertie s Temperatur e Salinity Diagrams at the surface

9 Ocean Propertie s Temperatur e Salinity at 150 meter water depth

10 Ocean Propertie s Temperatur e Salinity at 500 meter water depth

11 Ocean Propertie s Temperatur e Salinity at 1000 meter water depth

12 Ocean Propertie s Temperatur e Salinity at 3000 meter water depth

13 How does the Ocean move heat? Top of atmosphere Atmosphere Ocean

14 Effect of Atmospheric Forcing on Ocean

15 Ocean Circulation Ocean circulation is produced by: 1) the wind stress acting on the sea surface and 2) by buoyancy (heat and freshwater) fluxes between the ocean and atmosphere. The former induces the wind driven ocean circulation, the latter the thermohaline circulation.

16 Ocean Circulation The wind driven flow is by far the more energetic and for the most part resides in the upper kilometer. The sluggish thermohaline circulation forces ocean overturning reaching in some regions to the sea floor, resulting in the formation of the major water masses of the global ocean: North Atlantic Deep Water and Antarctic Bottom Water.

17 Wind Driven Ocean Circulation The wind driven circulation, which by far is the more energetic, though confined mostly to the upper kilometer of the ocean and generally moves water in the horizontal plane.

18 Wind Driven Ocean Circulation How, does the wind induce an ocean circulation? The wind exerts a force or stress on the ocean surface. This stress is proportional to the square of the wind speed. This produces ocean waves and ocean currents. The wind makes the surface layer of the ocean move ….

19 Wind Driven Ocean Circulation The wind makes the surface layer of the ocean move, though not in the way that intuition might dictate - its not in the direction of the wind stress, but rather at an angle to it. This is because of the Coriolis Force. Eventually a balance is achieved between the wind stress and the Coriolis Force. The surface Ekman layer extends to about 100 to 300 meters depth, is a boundary layer feature in which the direct stress of the wind are felt.

20 Wind Driven Ocean Circulation The transport within the Ekman layer is 90° towards the right of the wind in the northern hemisphere, to the left in the southern hemisphere. The Ekman transport is proportional to the wind stress, which is proportional to the square of the wind speed. Typically a surface current is around 2 or 3% of the wind speed.

21 Wind Driven Ocean Circulation One clear effect of the Ekman transport can be seen in the eastern side of the subtropical ocean where cold subsurface water is pumped up to the sea surface from a depth of perhaps 200 meters as the sea surface water is forced offshore by the Ekman transport. These regions are rich in nutrients and support important fisheries. The cold SST of these regions also induce a specific climate, called Cape Verde climate, one of a very stable atmosphere, cool, fog, few storms.

22 Large Scale Wind Driven Ocean Circulation It is this movement that produces the wind driven circulation of the ocean. How? Well the wind field changes in its strength and direction from place to place. This causes Ekman transport to either pile up water (convergence) in some places or remove it (divergence) in other regions. As surface water is less dense than deeper water this has the effect of heaping buoyant water in the convergence regions and removing it from the divergence regions.

23 Large Scale Wind Driven Ocean Circulation The hills and valleys of the sea surface produced by the convergence and divergent causes a sea level relief (difference from lowest to highest sea level, neglecting tides and waves) of around 2 meters.

24 Large Scale Wind Driven Ocean Circulation The wind produces convergences and divergences of surface water, which causes hills and depressions in sea level, which produce a horizontal gradient of pressure, or a pressure head reaching down to perhaps 1000 meters. Convergent hills have an outward directed pressure gradient, depression an inward directed pressure gradient.

25 Large Scale Wind Driven Ocean Circulation As the pressure gradients make the water move from high pressure to low pressure, the Coriolis Force starts its action, and eventually a balance is achieved in these two forces, the horizontal pressure gradient equals the magnitude of the Coriolis Force, but is directed in the opposite direction. This balance is called the geostrophic balance, and a current in such a balance is called a geostrophic current. Ocean currents are very close to being in geostrophic balance

26 Large Scale Wind Driven Ocean Circulation As the pressure gradients make the water move from high pressure to low pressure, the Coriolis Force starts its action, and eventually a balance is achieved in these two forces, the horizontal pressure gradient equals the magnitude of the Coriolis Force, but is directed in the opposite direction. This balance is called the geostrophic balance, and a current in such a balance is called a geostrophic current. Ocean currents are very close to being in geostrophic balance

27 Large Scale Wind Driven Ocean Circulation

28 How does the Ocean move heat? Top of atmosphere Atmosphere Ocean

29 Buoyancy Driven Ocean Circulation The buoyancy forces are capable of inducing overturning that reach from the sea surface to the sea floor. Buoyancy fluxes are those fluxes between air and water that alter the density of the sea water. Cooling of the ocean and evaporation makes the ocean (colder, saltier) denser, removing buoyancy. Heating and excess precipitation has the opposite effect, they add buoyancy to the ocean.

30 Overturning North Atlantic Deep Water Antarctic Bottom Water Intermediate Water

31 Overturning North Atlantic Deep Water Antarctic Bottom Water Intermediate Water

32 Oceanic Heat Transport

33 Overturning North Atlantic Deep Water Antarctic Bottom Water Intermediate Water

34 At the base of the thermocline is the low salinity Antarctic Intermediate water derived from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.

35 The Oceans Role in Climate The sum of the wind driven and buoyancy driven ocean current transport large amounts of heat and fresh water over large distances. Can you rationalise the signs?

36 Atmospheric Heat Transport simulation in tank Cool water light

37 Atmospheric Heat Transport simulation in tank Cool water light

38 Ocean Heat Transport simulation in tank Cool water light

39 Atmosphere-Ocean Heat Transport simulation in tank Cool water light Atmosphere Ocean Why is the ocean heat transport so much smaller than the one in the atmosphere?

40 Some Final Remarks The atmosphere carries: 75 percent of the heat transport in the Northern Hemisphere and 90 percent in the Southern Hemisphere It would take a million 1,000-megawatt electric power stations - the largest power plants now used - to produce a quantity of energy equivalent to the heat the atmosphere carries on average from the tropics to polar regions.

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