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B-factories Legacy Book 11st Meeting, SLAC, Oct 2009 Section Editors BaBar: Stephen Sekula Belle: Roberto Mussa Bottomonium Sketch B-factories Legacy Book.

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Presentation on theme: "B-factories Legacy Book 11st Meeting, SLAC, Oct 2009 Section Editors BaBar: Stephen Sekula Belle: Roberto Mussa Bottomonium Sketch B-factories Legacy Book."— Presentation transcript:

1 B-factories Legacy Book 11st Meeting, SLAC, Oct 2009 Section Editors BaBar: Stephen Sekula Belle: Roberto Mussa Bottomonium Sketch B-factories Legacy Book Meeting SLAC, Oct 30-31

2 B-factories Legacy Book 21st Meeting, SLAC, Oct 2009 Papers BaBar Published PRL102:012001 PRD78:112002 PRL101:071801 Foreseen papers in time to be included in the book: 8 (several already submitted to journal) Belle Published PRD75:071103 PRL96:232001 PRL98:132001 Foreseen papers in time to be included in the book : 2 (based on my (Steve's) understanding of ongoing Belle analyses)

3 B-factories Legacy Book 31st Meeting, SLAC, Oct 2009 Section subdivision Section Bottomonium Subsection Common Techniques Subsection e+e- energy scans discuss results, fits to results, of energy scans from Belle + BaBar Subsection Spectroscopy Subsubsection Transitions between Y(mS) and Y(nS) (m>n) Subsubsection eta_b Subsubsection chi_b Subsubsection Y(nD) Subsection Physics Beyond the Standard Model Subsubsection Light Higgs Searches Subsubsection Light Dark Matter Searches Subsubsection Search for Lepton Flavor Violation Subsubsection Test of Lepton Universality Roughly estimate 4-5 pages per topic, including figures. Expect ~60 pages, but this is a very rough estimate.

4 B-factories Legacy Book 41st Meeting, SLAC, Oct 2009 Inter-correlation Higgs –related to radiative penguin physics (b→sνν ̅, b→sℓℓ) Dark Matter –related to inclusive physics (e+e- → 4leptons), B decays (B→Kνν ̅, B → invisible,...) Do we need a “New Physics” overview chapter covering cross-topic physics?

5 B-factories Legacy Book 51st Meeting, SLAC, Oct 2009 Contributors Confirmed (beside section editors) BaBar: Chris West (eta_b) Belle: in progress Un-confirmed BaBar: 8 Belle: in progress

6 B-factories Legacy Book 61st Meeting, SLAC, Oct 2009 Comments

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