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Leadership/Motivation H Edu 4790/6790. Leadership The process of facilitating others to work hard to accomplish important tasks.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership/Motivation H Edu 4790/6790. Leadership The process of facilitating others to work hard to accomplish important tasks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership/Motivation H Edu 4790/6790

2 Leadership The process of facilitating others to work hard to accomplish important tasks.

3 Power Legitimate power Reward power Coercive power Expert power Referent power Position Personal

4 Activity: Sources and Uses Peer Subordinate Boss What specific sources of power were used? What is required to be successful?

5 Power Not necessarily independent, can be complementary Leaders who use reward power wisely strengthen referent power Leaders who abuse coercive power quickly lose referent power

6 Influence strategies Retribution strategies –Assertiveness –Appeal to higher authority –Sanctions

7 Influence strategies (cont) Reason strategies –Facts –Friendliness –Coalition

8 Influence strategies (cont) Reciprocity strategies –Bargaining –Involvement

9 Leadership Behavior Task vs people –Ohio State University –University of Michigan –Blake and McCanse’s Leadership Grid

10 Leadership Grid Country Club Management Thoughtful attention to the needs of people for satisfying relationships leads to a comfortable, friendly organization atmosphere and work tempo. Team Management Work accomplishment is from committed people interdepen- dence through a “common stake” in organization purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect. Impoverished Management Exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is approp- riate to sustain organization membership. Authority-Obedience Management Efficiency in operations result from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree. Middle-of-Road Management Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get out work with maintaining morale of people at a satisfactory level. Concern for people High Low Concern for production HighLow

11 Leadership Behavior (cont) Contingency Models –Fiedler –Hersey-Blanchard –House’s Path-Goal Leadership Theory –Vroom-Jago

12 Fiedler Least-Preferred Coworker Scale Leadership style is part of one’s personality Put one’s style where it is a good fit

13 Hersey and Blanchard Relationship Behavior Task Behavior High Low Delegating ParticipatingSelling Telling Able and Able but Unable but Unable and willing or unwilling willing or unwilling or confident insecure

14 House’s Path-Goal Directive Supportive Achievement-oriented Participative

15 Vroom-Jago Leader-Participation Authority decision Consultative decision Group decision

16 Vroom-Jago Leader-Participation Group –Lack information –Problem is unclear –Acceptance is necessary –Adequate time

17 Vroom-Jago Leader-Participation Individual –Greater expertise –Confident and capable –Others likely to accept –Little or no time

18 Motivation

19 McGregor Theory X Theory Y

20 Motivation Theories - Content Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs –Physiological needs –Safety and security –Affection and social activity –Esteem and status –Self-realization and fulfillment

21 Motivation Theories - Content Alderfer’s ERG Theory –Existence needs –Relatedness needs –Growth needs

22 Motivation Theories - Content Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory –What Motivates You? –Satisfiers or motivators Job content –Dissatisfiers or hygiene Job context –Motivators and part of the job, while hygiene factors can be controlled

23 Motivation Theories - Content McClelland’s Acquire Needs Theory –People learn their needs –Need for achievement –Need for power –Need for affiliation

24 Motivation Theories - Process Vroom’s Expectancy Theory –M = E x I x V –E = expectancy or efforts make the desired performance or behavior more likely –I = instrumentality or desired outcomes –V = value of outcome

25 Motivation Theories - Process Adam’s Equity Theory –O p = O o I p = I o –Responses

26 Motivation Theories - Process Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory –Goal specificity, measurability –Goal difficulty –MBO – management by objectives

27 Motivation Theories - Reinforcement Thorndike’s Law of Effect Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory –Positive reinforcement –Negative reinforcement –Punishment –Extinction

28 Motivation Activity –Form groups –Analyze ads –Find examples of each theory –Report to class

29 Motivation Theories Maslow’s Alderfer Herzberg McClelland Vroom Adams Locke Skinner

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