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1 7th Annual HKIUG Meeting HKUST Library 2006-12-12 HKLIS - A Synergy of Hong Kong Library Collections & Librarians' Achievements 7th Annual HKIUG Meeting HKUST Library 2006-12-12 HKLIS - A Synergy of Hong Kong Library Collections & Librarians' Achievements IRENE WONG ( LI YIU ON ( HKBU Library
2 HKLIS is a synergy of libraries ’ online catalogues and library & information science in Hong Kong, We provide a dissemination platform for free public access on HKBU Library ’ s homepage.
3 HKLIS is a joint project of the Systems Office and Special Collections & Archives of HKBU Library. /libdbs/hklis.html
4 HKLIS is HKBU Library ’ s initiative to: 1)Enhance the access to selective library collections indexed in various Hong Kong library online catalogues (OPACs), 2)Disseminate information in a single platform for free public access,
5 HKLIS is HKBU Library ’ s initiative to: 3) Aggregate the citations of local and overseas publications on the development of Hong Kong libraries & information services, as well as publications written by Hong Kong librarians on library & information science.
6 Two major components are: 1)Four Hong Kong Union Collections (virtual union catalogues), 2) Hong Kong Library Science Database (HKLS).
7 Four Hong Kong Union Collections – Provide unique and user-friendly platforms for cross searching selective collections in different academic and special libraries in Hong Kong.
8 Four Hong Kong Union Collections – Our AVS/ASP Search engines : –Written in Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) scripts, –Maximizes Innovative ’ s Millennium Advanced Keyword Searching (AVS) functionality,
9 Four Hong Kong Union Collections – Users can cross-search any or all of the OPACs of selected academic and special libraries simultaneously.
10 Four Hong Kong Union Collections – The information is as current as the OPAC is indexed and maintained by the individual library.
11 Four Hong Kong Union Collections – i. Dissertations and Theses Collection (DTC), ii. Law Library Collections (LLC), iii.Medical Library Collections (MLC) iv. Multimedia Collections (MTC).
12 DTC Online union collections of Hong Kong postgraduate students ’ doctoral and master ’ s dissertations and theses indexed in the OPACs of seven university libraries in Hong Kong.
13 These seven university libraries are: Chinese University of Hong Kong Libraries (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong Library (CityU), Hong Kong Baptist University Library (HKBU),
14 These seven university libraries are: Hong Kong Polytechnic University Library (PolyU), Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Library (HKUST), Lingnan University Library (LU), University of Hong Kong Libraries (HKU).
15 LLC Online union law collections indexed in the OPACs of five university and law libraries in Hong Kong.
16 Five university and law libraries are: Chinese University of Hong Kong Law Library (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong – Law Collection (CityU), Judiciary Library of Hong Kong SAR (JudLib), Legislative Council Library of Hong Kong SAR (LEGCO), University of Hong Kong Law Library (HKU).
17 MTC Online union multimedia and music scores collections indexed in the OPACs of nine academic libraries in Hong Kong.
18 These libraries are: Chinese University of Hong Kong Libraries (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong Library (CityU), Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), Hong Kong Baptist University Library (HKBU).
19 These libraries are: Hong Kong Institute of Education Library (HKIEd), Hong Kong Polytechnic University Library (PolyU), Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Library (HKUST), Lingnan University Library (LU), University of Hong Kong Libraries (HKU).
20 MLC Online union collections of medical library materials indexed in the OPACs of four academic medical libraries in Hong Kong.
21 They are: Chinese University of Hong Kong. Institute of Chinese Medicine (CUHK-CM), Chinese University of Hong Kong. Li Ping Medical Library (CUHK), Hong Kong Baptist University. Chinese Medicine Library (HKBU), University of Hong Kong Medical Library (HKU).
22 Demonstration on Dissertations and Theses Collections (DTC), electronic/libdbs/hklis.html
23 Hong Kong Library Science Database (HKLS) Our tribute to all Hong Kong Libraries and Librarians for their achievements and contributions.
24 HKLS is our effort to: 1.Disseminate the information on the development of Hong Kong library and information services back to the 1850s, 2.Provide the citations of English and Chinese writings and publications of Hong Kong librarians in the fields of library science and information services.
25 HKLS facilitates a one-stop cross search on the citations of : 1.Articles published in the Hong Kong Library Association Journals, 1969- 1999, 2. Hong Kong librarians ’ writings and publications on library science & information,
26 HKLS facilitates a one-stop cross search on the citations of : 3. Any other writings from local and overseas publications on the themes of Hong Kong libraries and information services.
27 Sources of citations: –Hong Kong Library Association Journals, 1969-1999, –CJN, –EBSCOHost, –OPACs, –Books, journal articles, dissertations & theses, etc. & the bibliographies & references in them, –World Wide Web, –Personal collection of Mr. Li Yiu On.
28 Document types: –Journal articles, –Books, –Book chapters, –Web articles, –Dissertations & theses, –Newspaper articles, –Conference papers, –Others.
29 Contents : –Information on the development of Hong Kong library and information services back to the 1850s, –Achievements & contributions of Hong Kong libraries and librarians, –Book reviews, –Writings & publications of Hong Kong librarians in the fields of library science and information services.
30 Efforts will be made to include all relevant citations, but inadvertent omissions may occur. We therefore invite our users and colleagues to alert us to relevant citations that we have omitted. An online submission form will be provided later.
31 Demonstration on HKLS, /libdbs/hkls.html
32 HKLIS, with its user-friendly and multifaceted functionality, can definitely facilitate students, researchers, lay persons and library & information science professionals, in particular, to cross-search relevant library collection subsets indexed in various Hong Kong academic and special libraries.
33 HKLIS also provides users with a user-friendly single platform to search for the writings of Hong Kong librarians and to trace the development of library science and information services in Hong Kong.
34 We will make further enhancement to HKLIS : Strengthen the searching functionality, Create more virtual union collections, Include special collections of other local and regional libraries in the virtual union collections
35 You are welcome to create a link to HKLIS: ectronic/libdbs/hklis.html Thank you
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