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Modern Compiler Internal Representations Silvius Rus 1/23/2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Modern Compiler Internal Representations Silvius Rus 1/23/2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern Compiler Internal Representations Silvius Rus 1/23/2002

2 Presentation Navigator Introduction Challenges Staged compilation Generate efficient code Case studies Conclusions

3 Traditional Compiler Organization Pass: output type – Read code as text: ASCII characters – Lexical scanner: language words – Syntactic parser: language phrases – Translation: attribute grammar phrases – Output generated code: binary stream Focus on pipelining due to memory window constraints

4 Traditional Compiler Internal Representation Grammatical structure not always built explicitly Implicit, built-in semantics Simple data structures: – Transition tables – Token streams and stacks

5 Presentation Navigator Introduction Challenges Staged compilation Generate efficient code Case studies Conclusions

6 Compiler Challenges Versatile: – Understand multiple languages – Generate output for various architectures Generated efficient code: – Fast: as fast as coded directly in the output language – Portable: runs on multiple platforms – Verifiable: runs provably within a specified class of behavior – Secure: provably respects certain security requirements Extendable: need to extend in order to: – Incorporate new input language and/or target system – Take advantage of advances in run-time environments (such as ISA changes, multithreading, distributed/parallel execution) L+A < L*A

7 Understand Multiple Languages - Output for Multiple Targets Abstract IR: – Same representation for Fortran, C, C++, Java, … – Possible only for conceptually similar languages Good points: – Perform complex transformations on a single representation Bad points: – Language semantics may either get lost or need additional particular representation – Specific architecture characteristics are more profitable to use than common (abstractable) ones

8 Presentation Navigator Introduction Challenges Staged compilation Generate efficient code Case studies Conclusions

9 Staged Compilation Stage 1: – Load source file (text) into IR1 – machine independent – Optimize IR1 – Stream IR1 to text file Save/reload, pipe, HTTP, … text file – SUIF files, Java bytecode,.NET assembly Stage 2: – Load text file into IR2 – machine dependent – Perform machine specific optimization on IR2 – Generate executable code or interpret IR2

10 Stage 1Stage 2Examples Static SUIF, Promis StaticDynamicSUN JIT,.NET JITer StaticStatic + Dynamic DyC, Quicksilver Staged Compilation

11 Prepare IR1 so that stage 2 is very cheap – Quicksilver Insert templated optimized object code in bytecode Pack speculative optimization validation predicates in bytecode Keep method dependence graphs explicitly in bytecode – Microsoft.NET Explicit type/class information in IL Preformatted, quickly accessible metadata – Strings, tables, heaps – Custom data Allow embedding of native code

12 Presentation Navigator Introduction Challenges Staged compilation Generate efficient code Case studies Conclusions

13 Generate Fast And Portable Code Fast code – IR close to machine structure Mapping data to registers Mapping operations to opcodes Scheduling instructions for superscalar/VLIW processors Portable code – Machine description must be totally abstracted QuickSilver: templated optimized code

14 Generate Verifiable Code Microsoft.NET IL – Static and dynamic type safety - reflections – Managed code Carries a minimum of information on itself Usually signed by compiler in Stage 1 – Managed data Only accessible from managed code Garbage collected – Managed pointers

15 Generate Secure Code Hard to define limits – Make sure you run what you mean to – Limit rights Per user Per software component QuickSilver: digests.NET IL: – Code is signed using encrypting of hashed original – Permissions are set per module

16 Generate Efficient Code IR may also provide support for: – Versioning (Quicksilver,.NET) – Culture (.NET)

17 Presentation Navigator Introduction Challenges Staged compilation Generate efficient code Case studies Conclusions

18 Compiler Internal Representation - General Organization High-level - completely machine independent – Abstract Syntax Tree – Control Flow Graph – Control Dependence Graph – Data Dependence Graph – Static Single Assignment Medium-level - dependent on classes of machines – Virtual machine code, such as stack machine Low level - dependent on particular ISA – Assembly, machine instruction graphs

19 Case Study: Polaris High level representation – Abstract Syntax Tree – Control Flow Graph – Control Dependence Graph – Data Dependence Graph – Gated Static Single Assignment Some generality – Backends for various parallel execution systems

20 Case Study: SUIF2 Multiple level representation – CFG, CDG, … – Quads – Machsuif – Custom annotations Multiple frontends: Fortran, C, Java Multiple backends: SUIF VM, C, assembly Decoupled passes communicate only via SUIF Extendable: OSUIF

21 Case Study: Promis Switch to Promis organization presentation Switch to Promis IR presentation

22 Case Study: KCC Kook and Associates (KAI) C++ compiler: – C++ dedicated internal representation Advanced C++ specific optimization – Proprietary C++ specific object format Interprocedural optimization with modular compilation C++ specific debug information – usable with KDB – Outputs C with calls to proprietary run-time library – Uses GNU gcc to generate machine code

23 Case Study: Jalapeno QuickSilver Quasi-static images – Java bytecode + proprietary format Representation allows for optimizations – Explicit method dependence graph – Templated optimized object code – Speculative optimization validation predicates

24 Case Study:.NET Advertised 9 digit $$ figure project CLI (ECMA standard) – Common type system Type info in intermediate code – Common exception system Throw in Visual Basic, catch in C++ – Support for security, culture, versioning – Support for charging per-use – Custom info can be passed for original language specific description 30+ languages MSIL native code

25 Other Compilers – Open Source GNU compiler: – C, Fortran, Java, C++ front-ends – Generates code for all major architectures – Low level internal representation – New version (3.x) has SSA SGI open source project: discontinued

26 Other Compilers – Commercial Fortran, C, C++, Java produced by OS and/or hardware producers – HP, SGI, Intel, Microsoft, SUN Other commercial compiler producers: – Borland, Watcom, etc. Internal representation – company secret

27 Presentation Navigator Introduction Challenges Staged compilation Generate efficient code Case studies Conclusions

28 Internal representation evolved – Programming paradigms – Changes in hardware – Changes in compiler/run-time system technology – New issues: security, verifiability, culture, versioning Tendency: E Pluribus Unum

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