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T-Test Independent-Samples t Test. T-Test  =.05 p p (.184) >  (.05) Retain H 0 : Equal Variances Assumed, Homogeneity of Variance Assumption is met.

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1 T-Test Independent-Samples t Test

2 T-Test  =.05 p p (.184) >  (.05) Retain H 0 : Equal Variances Assumed, Homogeneity of Variance Assumption is met. p (.048) <  (.05) Reject H 0 : The mean for the Normal Sleep Group (M = 70.17) is significantly higher than the mean for the Sleep-Deprived Group (M = 65.33) at the.05 alpha level. Because we found a significant effect (difference) we need to calculate an effect size (d)… Statistical Strand: t(10) = 2.25, p <.05, d = 1.30 Independent-Samples t Test

3 T-Test Independent-Samples t Test

4 T-Test  =.05 p p (.049) <  (.05) Reject H 0 : Equal Variances NOT Assumed, Homogeneity of Variance Assumption is NOT met. p (.537) >  (.05) Retain H 0 : The mean for the Normal Sleep Group (M = 80.80) is not significantly higher than the mean for the Sleep-Deprived Group (M = 72.90) at the.05 alpha level. Because we did not find a significant effect (difference) we do NOT need to calculate an effect size (d)… Statistical Strand: t(12.85) =.63, p >.05 Independent-Samples t Test

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