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Six compound procedures and higher-order procedures.

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1 six compound procedures and higher-order procedures

2 A box figure ► [group [box 400 400] [translate [point 100 100] [box 70 70]] [translate [point 100 −100] [box 70 70]] [translate [point −100 −100] [box 70 70]] [translate [point −100 100] [box 70 70]]]

3 Simplifying with names ► [define frame [box 400 400]] ► [define little [box 70 70]] ► [group frame [translate [point 100 100] little] [translate [point 100 −100] little] [translate [point −100 −100] little] [translate [point −100 100] little]]

4 What’s wrong with this? Defining little and frame saves us a little bit of work, but … What we really want to do is to name the whole pattern of making shifted boxes… We need abstraction

5 What we want to be able to say ► [define frame [box 400 400]] ► [group frame [shifted 100 100] [shifted 100 −100] [shifted −100 −100] [shifted −100 100]]

6 What kind of a thing is shifted? Well, it takes inputs It returns an output It must be a procedure… In fact, we even know what it should do It should make a point from its two arguments Make a box Translate the box by the point And return it

7 Compound procedures [arg 1 arg 2 … arg n → exp] Procedures are just another data object You can construct new procedures from old using the → symbol When called, the procedure Sets the local names arg 1 arg 2 … arg n to the arguments passed to the procedure Computes the value of exp using the values of the arguments Returns the value of exp Note: you type the → symbol by first typing – and then >

8 Defining shifted ► [define shifted [x y → [translate [point x y] little]]] ► [group frame [shifted 100 100] [shifted 100 −100] [shifted −100 −100] [shifted −100 100]]

9 A boring example Square is a compound procedure built from × Polynomial is a compound procedure built from ×, +, and square Notice they both use the name n for their argument But it’s okay because they’re local names ► [define square [n → [× n n]]] ► [square 2] 4 ► [square 58.7] 3445.69 ► [define polynomial [n → [+ [square n] [× n 2] 4]]] ► [polynomial 32] 1092 ►

10 A more interesting procedure We haven’t taught you enough at this point to understand how iterated-group works You’ll understand in a few weeks For the moment, just copy it from this slide and use it But the thing we do want you to understand is that You give it a procedure that makes pictures And a number of times to call it And it gives you a group of all the results of calling the procedure with the arguments 0, 1, 2, etc. ► [define iterated-group [proc count → [apply group [up-to count proc]]]]

11 Using iterated-group [iterated-group [n → [line [point [× n 20] 0] [point [× n 20] 300]]] 10]

12 Using iterated-group [iterated-group [n → [ink [pen 'black n] [line [point [× n 20] 0] [point [× n 20] 300]]]] 21]

13 Using iterated-group ► [iterated-group [n → [translate [point [× n 20] [× n 20]] [box 10 10]]] 5] ►

14 Using iterated-group ► [iterated-group [n → [translate [point 0 [× n 10]] [box 10 10]]] 5] ►

15 Using iterated-group ► [iterated-group [n → [translate [point [× n 10] [× [sin [ ⁄ n 2]] 30]] [box 10 10]]] 20] ►

16 What about this one? ► [iterated-group [m → [iterated-group [n → [translate [point [× m 10] [× n 10]] [box 10 10]]] 5] 5] ? ►

17 What about this one? ► [iterated-group [m → [iterated-group [n → [translate [point [× m 10] [× n 10]] [box 10 10]]] 5] 5] Makes one block

18 What about this one? ► [iterated-group [m → [iterated-group [n → [translate [point [× m 10] [× n 10]] [box 10 10]]] 5] 5] Makes one block Iterates it vertically to make a stack of blocks

19 What about this one? ► [iterated-group [m → [iterated-group [n → [translate [point [× m 10] [× n 10]] [box 10 10]]] 5] 5] Makes one block Iterates it vertically to make a stack of blocks Iterates the whole stack horizontally

20 What about this one? ► [iterated-group [m → [iterated-group [n → [translate [point [× m 10] [× n 10]] [box 10 10]]] 5] 5] ►

21 What about this one? ► [iterated-group [n → [rotate [× 10 n] [translate [point n 0] [paint [color [× n 10] [− 256 [× n 10]] 0] [box 100 50]]]]] 25]

22 What about this one? ► [iterated-group [n → [rotate [× 10 n] [translate [point n 0] [paint [color [× n 10] [− 256 [× n 10]] 0] [box 100 50]]]]] 25] ►

23 Making a variant of iterated-group Iterated-group always counts from 0 to count-1 by 1 What if we wanted different ranges? different steps? [define iterate-in-range [proc start end count → ???]]

24 Making a variant of iterated-group We want to write something that acts just like iterated-group, but Counts from start to end instead of 0 to count-1 Does it in count steps How do we write something like that? [define iterate-in-range [proc start end count → ???]]

25 Making a variant of iterated-group How about using iterated-group? Constructive laziness: Get as much mileage as you can from your existing tools [define iterate-in-range [proc start end count → [iterated-group ??? ???]]]

26 Making a variant of iterated-group Okay, so what arguments do we pass to iterated group? [define iterate-in-range [proc start end count → [iterated-group ??? ???]]]

27 Making a variant of iterated-group The easy one is the count We know that we still want to run count times So we just pass the count parameter on [define iterate-in-range [proc start end count → [iterated-group ??? count]]]

28 Making a variant of iterated-group The procedure argument is harder [define iterate-in-range [proc start end count → [iterated-group ??? count]]]

29 Making a variant of iterated-group The procedure argument is harder We could just pass proc on But then it gets called with numbers between 0 and count … … and we want it to get called with numbers between start and end [define iterate-in-range [proc start end count → [iterated-group proc count]]]

30 Making a variant of iterated-group The procedure argument is harder We could just pass proc on [Can’t] But sooner or later, we do need to call proc The question is what we pass to it Can’t be n because n goes from 0 to count… [define iterate-in-range [proc start end count → [iterated-group [n → [proc ???]] count]]]

31 Making a variant of iterated-group We need an expression that converts n (a number from 0 to count) Into a number from start to end [define iterate-in-range [proc start end count → [iterated-group [n → [proc ???]] count]]]

32 Making a variant of iterated-group We need an expression that converts n (a number from 0 to count) Into a number from start to end Here’s a trick: Add start Now it at least starts at start [define iterate-in-range [proc start end count → [iterated-group [n → [proc [+ start n]]] count]]]

33 Making a variant of iterated-group We need an expression that converts n (a number from 0 to count) Into a number from start to end Here’s a trick: Add start Now it at least starts at start And multiply n by a fudge factor to make it work out to end when n=count [define iterate-in-range [proc start end count → [iterated-group [n → [proc [+ start [× n ???]]]] count]]]

34 Making a variant of iterated-group We need an expression that converts n (a number from 0 to count) Into a number from start to end Here’s a trick: Add start Now it at least starts at start And multiply n by a fudge factor to make it work out to end when n=count It’s not obvious, but the right fudge factor turns out to be: (end-start)/count [define iterate-in-range [proc start end count → [iterated-group [n → [proc [+ start [× n [ ∕ [- end start] count]]]]] count]]]

35 Common errrors See if you can identify the bugs in this code

36 Code: [iterated-group [box 10 10] 10] Error message: Argument Type Exception

37 Getting the types wrong Code: [iterated-group [box 10 10] 10] Iterated-group needs a procedure as its first argument

38 Getting the types wrong Code: [iterated-group [n → [box 10 10]] 10] This runs, but it produces 10 boxes of the same size in the same position, piled on top of one another

39 Code: [iterated-group [n → [translate [point [n] 0] [box 10 10]]] 5] Error message: Tried to call something that wasn’t a procedure

40 Don’t write all your code on one line Code: [iterated-group [n → [translate [point [n] 0] [box 10 10]]] 5] Error message: Tried to call something that wasn’t a procedure

41 Don’t write all your code on one line Code: [iterated-group [n → [translate [point [n] 0] [box 10 10]]] 5] Error message: Tried to call something that wasn’t a procedure

42 Gratuitous bracketing Code: [iterated-group [n → [translate [point [n] 0] [box 10 10]]] 5] Adding brackets means “call this as a procedure” But it’s not a procedure

43 Code: [iterated-group [n → [translate [point 0 n [box 10 10]]]] 10] Error message: Wrong number of arguments

44 Missing bracket Code: [iterated-group [n → [translate [point 0 n] [box 10 10]]]] 10] Forgetting the bracket at the end of the point call makes the box an argument to point

45 Missing bracket Code: [iterated-group [n → [translate [point 0 n] [box 10 10]]] 10] Fixing the bracketing also fixes the indenting Notice that box and point are now indented together Meaning they are both arguments to translate

46 Code: [iterated-group [n → [translate [point n × 7 0] [box 10 10]]] 10] Error message: Wrong number of arguments

47 Brackets missing entirely Code: [iterated-group [n → [translate [point [n × 7] 0] [box 10 10]]] 10] Error message: Attempt to call something that isn’t a procedure

48 Brackets missing entirely Code: [iterated-group [n → [translate [point [× n 7] 0] [box 10 10]]] 10] The procedure always has to come first

49 Code: [iterated-group [n → [translate [rotate 30 [box 10 10]] [point n 10]]] 10] Error message: Argument type exception

50 Arguments out of order Code: [iterated-group [n → [translate [point n 10] [rotate 30 [box 10 10]]]] 10]

51 Conditionals: the if operator [if test consequent alternative] If test is true, Then evaluate and return consequent Otherwise, evaluate and return alternative Some useful tests [= a b] Checks if a and b are the same [> a b], [≤ a b], etc. Compares numbers [and test 1 test 2 … test n ] [or test 1 test 2 … test n ] [not test] Combines tests into more complicated tests ► [define abs [n → [if [> n 0] n [- n]]]] ► [abs 5] 5 ► [abs -5] 5 ►

52 Boolean objects Everything in Meta is an expression, And (almost) all expressions have values, So then what kind of value is [= a b] ? Answer: true or false The system includes two magic data objects, true and false, which are used to represent the answers to tests

53 Final rules of computation If it’s a word (i.e. a name) Look up its value in the dictionary Return (output) it If it’s a constant It’s its own value Return it If it says [define name value] Find the value of value Update the dictionary entry for name If it looks like: [name … name → expression] Make a procedure Whose arguments have the specified name And whose return value is expression If it says [if test consequent alternative] Compute the value of test If it’s the magic value true, compute and return the value of consequent Otherwise, compute and return the value of alternative If it says [with name = value … expression] Find the values of all the value expresions Update their respective names in the dictionary Compute expression using the revised dictionary Set the dictionary back If it otherwise has brackets (i.e. it looks like “[a b c …]”) Find the values of subexpressions Call first one with others as inputs Return its output

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