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Evaluation of MDS 2.1 at Saclay D. Calvet, Z. Georgette, M. Huet, J-P. Le Fèvre, I. Mandjavidze, P. Micout, B. Thooris DAPNIA/SEI, CEA Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluation of MDS 2.1 at Saclay D. Calvet, Z. Georgette, M. Huet, J-P. Le Fèvre, I. Mandjavidze, P. Micout, B. Thooris DAPNIA/SEI, CEA Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluation of MDS 2.1 at Saclay D. Calvet, Z. Georgette, M. Huet, J-P. Le Fèvre, I. Mandjavidze, P. Micout, B. Thooris DAPNIA/SEI, CEA Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex

2 Lyon 19/07/01 2 Outline Relation to Globus Availability Operation Current Shortages Setup at Saclay

3 Lyon 19/07/01 3 Relation to Globus Globus 1.1.3 Resources: GRAM Security: GSI Information: GIS/MDS Resources: GRAM Security: GSI Information: GIS/MDS Globus 2? Information GRAMGSI Globus 1.1.3MDS 2.1 Alpha 2 GRAM GSI MDS 2.0 Globus 1.1.3 –Single package –Protected resources –Unprotected information Future of Globus? –Separate packages –Protected resources/information Today’s transition period –Separate MDS 2.1 package –Duplication of GRAM/GSI –No connection with real resources on GRID

4 Lyon 19/07/01 4 Availability MDS 2.1 Alpha 2 Binary distribution –Available from –One zipped tar file with all binaries, scripts and config files Source code distribution –In preparation –Will be available from Globus CVS server: gserver –To obtain the software a valid certificate will be necessary –Patched openldap, cyrus-sasl, openssl, GSI, … Contacts at Globus –Mei-Hui Su, Karl Czajkowski, … Documentation –For theory: a paper presented at IEEE HPDC-2001 symposium « Grid Information Services for Distributed Resource Sharing » –For practice: Readme, FAQ, Mailing archive, …

5 Lyon 19/07/01 5 Operation Provides GIIS and GRIS service hierarchy –Based on OpenLDAP v.2 and LDAP protocol v.3 Allows for «GIIS server–user» authentication/authorization –Based on SASL/GSI layers –GIIS server should possess a valid certificate /CN=ladp/server-name/OU=xxx/O=xxx/C=xxx –User should possess a valid proxy –User should be declared in the GIIS server grid-mapfile Potential for performance improvements by tuning of cache update –Rare for static/persistent information (hard/soft-ware, …) –Frequent for changing information (load, file system, …)

6 Lyon 19/07/01 6 Current Shortages Poor documentation –Installation/configuration is straightforward, but not testing Several small and not so small bugs –E.g. if « globus » user has a proxy other users can not authenticate with GIIS server No authentication between GIIS and GRIS servers –Any machine can declare itself as GRIS GRIS servers deliver GRAM information mostly from «config files» –Poor consistency between really available GRAM services and announced capabilities Information delivery on All-or-Nothing policy –No gradation in confidentiality of information Duplicated parts of Globus 1.1.3 toolkit in MDS2.1 –GSI and GRAM software, configuration, …

7 Lyon 19/07/01 7 Setup at Saclay GIIS Server: seipca107 GRIS Server: seipca107 GRIS Server: seipcd52 GRIS Server: seipcd32 MDS service registration Information queries Fork Condor Fork Fake Fork Cache Certificate Fork GRAM Configuration Files Fake GRAM Configuration File GRAM Configuration File User Proxy Certificate Search

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