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Computing Fundamentals 1 Introduction to CafeOBJ Lecturer: Patrick Browne Lecture Room: K308 Lab Room: A308 Based on work by: Nakamura Masaki, João Pascoal.

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Presentation on theme: "Computing Fundamentals 1 Introduction to CafeOBJ Lecturer: Patrick Browne Lecture Room: K308 Lab Room: A308 Based on work by: Nakamura Masaki, João Pascoal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computing Fundamentals 1 Introduction to CafeOBJ Lecturer: Patrick Browne Lecture Room: K308 Lab Room: A308 Based on work by: Nakamura Masaki, João Pascoal Faria, Prof. Heinrich Hußmann. See notes on slides for details.

2 High level programming languages (HLPG), like Java, are formal specifications. They specify what the machine should do. They must be converted into the actual language that the CPU can execute. However, HLPG are not good at expressing our understanding of a domain. They are too low level and contain too much detail. Using HLPG it is difficult to identify design errors, assumptions are not made explicit, they are implementation dependent. They focus on how system tasks are performed. They don’t allow us to reason about the system or describe what the system does. Domains of interest include the theory of sets, the theory of integers, the theory of bank accounts, the theory of a hospital record system. For this course we are primarily interested in specifying mathematical systems, such as set theory. Why a specification language?

3 CafeOBJ allows us to reason about what system as system does rather than about the detailed algorithms. CafeOBJ is itself is based on rigorous mathematic (equational logic, a lattice of types, functions, equations, axioms, syntactic and semantic domains). This makes CafeOBJ useful for teaching mathematics. CafeOBJ is executable. Even though it allows us to focus the what a program should do (i.e. specification), CafeOBJ also allows to run ‘specifications’ and produce results. Thus we can check our work (prototype) and get a result (compute). In sort we can: –Specify –Prototype –Reason and study proofs –Compute Why a specification language?

4 CafeOBJ has conceptual semantics based on the logic of equations. CafeOBJ has operational semantics based based on term rewriting. These two interpretations are closely related. Usually we talk about syntactic 'terms' and semantic 'expressions'. A good specification should be written in such a way that it can be used to predict how the system will behave. Why a specification language?

5 The role of CafeOBJ on this course is to provide a functional and logic based language that can be used to represent the mathematical concepts such as logic, sets, and functions. The programming examples will be small. Don’t Panic!

6 Predefined Modules 1 ModuleTypeOperatorsConstants BOOLBoolnot and and-also xor or or-else implies iff true, false NATNat NzNat Zero * + >= > <= < quo rem divides s p 0 1 2 3... INTIntIdem, mais - e –-2... FLOATFloat* / + - >= exp log sqrt abs sin atan etc. 1.2... pi STRINGStringstring= string> string = string<= length substring ++ upcase downcase etc. “a string"...

7 You can download binary packages for Windows and Linux from The latest Window version is: CafeOBJ 1.4.6p5, 2005.11.24 new Tutorial at: Downloading CafeOBJ

8 CafeOBJ is a declarative language with firm mathematical and logical foundations. The mathematical semantics of CafeOBJ is based on state-of-the-art algebraic specification concepts and results, and is strongly based on category theory and the theory of institutions. Similar to our course text CafeOBJ uses Equational logic, which is the calculus of replacing terms by equal terms. CafeOBJ

9 Equational calculus derives (proves) a term equation from a conditional-equational axiom set. The deduction rules in this calculus are: Reflexivity: Any term is provably equal to itself ( t = t ). Transitivity: If t1 is provably equal to t2 and t2 is provably equal to t3, then t1 is provably equal to t3. Symmetry: If t1 is provably equal to t2, then t2 is provably equal to t1. Congruence: If t1 is provably equal to t2, then any two terms are provably equal which consist of some context built around t1 and t2. CafeOBJ

10 In general when writing algebraic specification one should include axioms that apply each observer or extension to each generator, except where an error might occur. The RHS should not be a single variable. All variable in the RHS must appear in the LHS. The scope of a constant is the module it is declared in (or a proof score or interactive session). The scope of a variable is only inside of the equation. So, during evaluation a variable, say X, will have the same value in a given equation, but it may have different values in different equations in the same module. We would like to use equations to partition sets. Writing equations in CafeOBJ

11 mod SORTS { [ s4 < s2 s3 < s1, s5 < s1, s6, t] op f1 : -> s1 op f2 : -> s2 op f3 : -> s3 op f4 : -> s4 op f5 : -> s5 op f6 : -> s6 op g : s2 -> t } Types and subtypes 1

12 op f1 : -> s1 op f2 : -> s2 op f3 : -> s3 op f4 : -> s4 op f5 : -> s5 op f6 : -> s6 op g : s2 -> t } [ s4 < s2 s3 < s1, s5 < s1, s6 t] Types and subtypes 1 OK g(f2) g(f4) No Parse g(f6) Error Sort g(f1) g(f3) g(f5) Types form a partial order, interpreted as: [ t,s6, s5, s5 < s1, s1, s2 s3 s5 < s1, s3, s4 < s3 < s1, s2, s4 < s2 < s1, s4, s4 < s2 s3 ]

13 A partial order of Types 1 s5 s1 s3 s4 s2 s6 t OK g(f2) g(f4) No Parse g(f6) Error Sort g(f1) g(f3) g(f5) [ s4 < s2 s3 < s1, s5 < s1, s6 t]

14 op f1 : -> s1 op f2 : -> s2 op f3 : -> s3 op f4 : -> s4 op f5 : -> s5 op f6 : -> s6 op g : s2 -> t } s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 s5s5 s6s6 {signature [ s4 < s2 s3 < s1, s5 < s1, s6 t] Types and subtypes 1 OK g(f2) g(f4) No Parse g(f6) Error Sort g(f1) g(f3) g(f5)

15 Subtraction -- SUB extends NAT with subtraction (see note) module SUB { using (NAT) [Nat] op _ - _ : Nat Nat -> Nat vars N M : Nat -- base case eq N - N = 0. -- conditional equation for recursive case ceq N - M = s(N - s(M)) if N > M. } -- execute specification. open SUB reduce 5 - 3. reduce 3 - 5.

16 Specifying and Executing Subtraction 5 - 3 s(5 – s(3)) (2) [5 > s(s(3))] s(5 – 4) (2) [5 > 3] (3) s(s(5 – s(s(3))) s(s(5 – s(4)) (2) s(s(5 – 5)) (3) s(s(0)) (1) s(1) 2 (3) In the definition of NAT there is a successor function call s() which is called recursively while N>M. So at this point the recursion ‘unwinds’ SUB extends NAT with subtraction (see note) module SUB { using (NAT) import [Nat] op _ - _ : Nat Nat -> Nat vars N M : Nat base case eq N - N = 0. –- (1) conditional equation for recursive case ceq N - M = s(N - s(M)) if N > M. -–(2) } execute specification. select SUB reduce 5 – 3. reduce 3 – 5. (3) eq s(N) = #! (+ n 1) (defined in NAT ) Three equations are used for the calculation (5-3), one from NAT. See notes section

17 Running CafeOBJ Typically there are four things that you need to do to work on a file: 1.Start CafeOBJ, using CafeOBJ.bat 2.Set CafeOBJ to point to files in your current working directory (or folder): cd yourDir 3. Load the file you wish to work on: in workingFile 4.Open the module you wish to working with: open ModuleName The current open module is called the 'current context'. Type '?' for help. The following slides are from: How to use CafeOBJ systems, NAKAMURA, Masaki, Language Design Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

18 NAKAMURA, Masaki, Language Design Laboratory, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology







25 Automatic Theorem Proving The CafeObj environment includes automatic theorem proving (ATP) software. ATP will try to show that some statement (often called a conjecture) is a logical consequence of a set of statements (often called axioms). The ATP in CafeOBJ is called PIGNOSE and is based on OTTER. Most of the logic problems on this course use PIGNOSE. For our purposes we set up the problems such as Portia, Superman, and Family using a convenient 1 logical notation (- >,, | & ~, ax, goal)

26 Automatic Theorem Proving The basic steps in our examples are: 1)That we declare some predicates, with the keyword pred. 2)Then we define the axioms with a convenient 1 logical notation ( ->,, |, &, ~, ax ) 3)Then we set the conjecture to be proved. 4)If PIGNOSE can prove the conjecture we can examine the proof. We may compare it to the manual proof.

27 CafeOBJ theorem prover

28 The apply command. When you reduce an expression with the red command all of the equations (or rules) for all of the sub-terms are executed. Also, the equations or rules are performed in a strict left to right fashion (even though mathematical equations are symmetric). Sometimes we want to execute one equation at a time in either left to right or right to left manner.

29 The apply command. The apply command allows operate on equation in a very precise way, allowing actions, substitutions, ranges, and sub- term selection. We will apply (or bind) terms to LHS of equations. apply [ ]

30 The apply The main action of interest on this course is called reduce ( red ). To use red both the term and the module must first be selected. Each given term has a ‘top’ operator, e.g. in the term push(1,stack) the top operator is ‘ push ’ with ‘ 1 ’ and ‘ stack ’ as first level sub-terms. The precedence of a term is the precedence of its top operator. Brackets can be used to set the precedence to your requirements.

31 The apply [ ] Substitution is optional ([]). Consider the equation (1) eq x * 0 = 0 And its backwards version (2) eq 0 = x * 0 In (2) there is a variable on the RHS that is not in the LHS, which means that it cannot be evaluated L->R. It is necessary to have a ‘binding’ for variables not on the LHS of (2) (i.e. x ).

32 The apply [ ] The syntax for this binding or substitution is: with = {, =..} Example apply.equation1 with x=a at term.

33 The apply sub-term Three ways of selecting sub-terms (arg 1,sub 2 ) occurrence [arg 1,sub 2 ] sequence {arg 1,sub 2,[]} subset

34 The apply sub-term Occurrence selection (arg 1,sub 2 ) selects the occurrence of argument where both sub-terms and argument position start at 1. For example, if the term is (a + (c * 2) then (2 1) selects c. () selects the whole term.

35 The apply sub-term Sequence selection [arg 1,sub 2 ] used when the top operator is associative or commutative. For example, if the term is (1 * (2 * (3 * (4 * 5)))) then [2..4] selects (1 * ((2 * (3 * 4)) * 5)) ??

36 The apply sub-term Sequence selection Another example, if the term is b * c * d * e * f then [2..4] selects (c * d * e)

37 The apply sub-term Subset selection {sub 1,sub 2.. } used when the top operator is associative or commutative. This forces a given subset of the list of terms under the top operator to be proper sub-terms, and then selects that term as the next current subterm. For example, if the term is (a * (b * (c * (d * e)))) then {1,3,5} selects ((a * (c * e))* (b * d))

38 The apply sub-term Subset selection Another example, if the term is b * c * d * e * f then {2,4} selects (c * e)

39 The apply command. To use apply you must first choose a term start. show term.

40 Interactive proof: Right Inverse module* GROUP { [ G ] op 0 : -> G op _+_ : G G -> G { assoc } op -_ : G -> G var X : G eq [EQ1] : 0 + X = X. eq [EQ2] : (-X) + X = 0. }

41 Interactive proof: Right Inverse We want to prove that –X is a right inverse of +. A standard proof goes as follows: 1.X + (­ X) = 2.0 + X + (­ X) = 3.(­ (­ X)) + (­ X) + X + (­ X) = 4.(­ (­ X)) + 0 + (­ X) = 5.(­ (­ X)) + (­ X) = 6.0

42 Interactive proof: Right Inverse open GROUP op a : ­> G. -- a constant start a + (­ a). – the term apply ­.1 at (1). apply ­.2 with X = ­a at [1]. apply reduce at term.

43 Invective function a1a2a3a1a2a3 A b1b2b3b1b2b3 f dom f ran f B Source Target b4

44 Interactive proof: Injective Function f A function f has at least one left inverse if it is an injection. A left inverse is a function g such that g f a = a or g(f(a)) = a

45 Injective Function f mod* INJ { [ A B ] op f_ : A -> B op g_ : B -> A var a : A vars b0 b1 : B eq [linv] : g f a = a. -- this a conditional equation ceq [inj] : b0 = b1 if g b0 == g b1. }

46 Injective Function f The creation of the operation op b : -> B gives a value to LHS of the equation [inj]. Remember that the term under consideration is f g b This was chosen to prove that when combined with the other equations we get an the properties of an invertible map (an isomorphism)

47 Injective Function f The creation of the operation op b : -> B gives a value to LHS of the equation [inj]. What happens in the proof is that, in order to apply the rule [inj] to f g b with B' = b, we must first prove that the condition is true, which in this case is that g f g b == g b.

48 Injective Function f Therefore, CafeOBJ shifts its focus from the original term for reduction, to the condition, so that the reduction is actually applied to g f g b == g b. The rule.Linv applies, to give g b == g b, which reduces to true by a built in rule for ==.

49 Injective Function f Therefore the given term, f g b is rewritten to b. This establishes the equation: eq f g b = b.

50 Injective Function f The function g is an isomorphism (i.e. bijective map f such that both f and its inverse g (or f −1 ) are structure-preserving mappings. So given an injective function with a left inverse, we applied a 'right inverse‘ (our term) and an arbitrary ' b ' which returned that same ' b ’. This proves that f (or g) is an isomorphism.

51 Injective Function f set trace on open INJ. op b : ­> B. –a constant of type B start f g b. apply.inj with b1 = b at term apply red at term. -- the full trace of the output is -- shown later:

52 Injective Function f -- shifting focus to condition -- condition(1) g (f (g b)) == g b : Bool (f g b is substituted for b0) 1>[1] rule: eq [linv] : g (f a:A) = a { a:A |-> g b } 1 g b 1>[2] rule: eq CXU == CYU -- built in equality { CXU |-> g b, CYU |-> g b } 1 true -- condition(1) true : Bool -- condition is satisfied, applying rule -- shifting focus back to previous context result b : B close

53 Injective Function f -- shifting focus to condition -- condition(1) g (f (g b)) == g b : Bool (f g b is substituted for b0) 1>[1] rule: eq [linv] : g (f a:A) = a { a:A |-> g b } 1 g b 1>[2] rule: eq CXU == CYU -- built in equality { CXU |-> g b, CYU |-> g b } 1 true -- condition(1) true : Bool -- condition is satisfied, applying rule -- shifting focus back to previous context result b : B close

54 INJ Explained 1.eq [linv] : g f a = a. 2.ceq [inj]: b0 = b1 if g b0 == g b1. INJ. 4.op b : ­> B. 5.start f g b. 6.apply.inj with b1 = b at term 7.apply red at term. Print out notes section slides 54-59, run slide show 54-59. Try to relate notes to slide show.

55 INJ Explained 1.eq [linv] : g f a = a 2.ceq [inj]: b0 = b1 if g b0 == g b1 INJ. 4.op b : ­> B. 5.start f g b. 6.apply.inj with b1 = b at term 7.apply red at term. Substitutions are : f g b b f g b b

56 INJ Explained 1.eq [linv] : g f a = a 2.ceq [inj]: b0 = b1 if g b0 == g b1 INJ. 4.op b : ­> B. 5.start f g b. 6.apply.inj with b1 = b at term 7.apply red at term. giving : ceq [ injNew ] : f g b = b if g f g b == g b

57 INJ Explained 1.eq [linv] : g f a = a 2.ceq [inj]: b0 = b1 if g b0 == g b1 INJ. 4.op b : ­> B. 5.start f g b. 6.apply.inj with b1 = b at term 7.apply red at term. giving : ceq [injNew] : f g b = b if g f g b == g b

58 1.eq [linv] : g f a = a 2.ceq [inj]: b0 = b1 if g b0 == g b1 INJ. 4.op b : ­> B. 5.start f g b. 6.apply.inj with b1 = b at term 7.apply red at term. giving : ceq [injNew] : f g b = b if g f g b == g b Substitutions g b g b INJ Explained

59 1.eq [linv] : g f a = a 2.ceq [inj]: b0 = b1 if g b0 == g b1 INJ. 4.op b : ­> B. 5.start f g b. 6.apply.inj with b1 = b at term 7.apply red at term. giving : ceq [injNew] : f g b = b if g f g b == g b Giving new equation eq [linvNew] : g f g b = g b INJ Explained

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