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02/12/00 E-Business Architecture
John Tullis DePaul Instructor
e-business Solutions E-business solutions allow an organization to leverage web technologies to re-engineer business processes, enhance communications and lower organizational boundaries with their customers and shareholders (across the Internet), employees and stakeholders (across the corporate Intranet) and its vendors suppliers and partners (across its Extranet)
e-business Architecture
E-business Architectures leverage web technologies to implement mission critical e-business applications. These architectures use clients that have small footprints to access services provided by resource managers and accessed across a strong and reliable network. These clients can be browsers running on PCs or network devices, PDAs, Cell Phones and other Pervasive Computing devices.
e-business Architecture
Thin Client e-business architectures that support these solutions are based upon web technologies across a network Characteristics Thin - Small Footprint Portable OS Independent Protocol Independent Control Logical Unit of Work Reusable Components Presentation Application Services Client Reuse Legacy Code Platform Specific Code Resource Managers Resource Manager Application Service Responsibilities Present data to users Validate Input data Verify data types (valid dates, valid numeric and alpha data etc.) Use appropriate Application Services to access and update data Perform Business Logic (Calculations, Edits, Business Rules) Access data from Resource Managers Perform Distributed Transactions Encapsulate Business constructs Store and Retrieve data from data sources. Perform sorting, filtering and selective data retrieval Eliminate any platform dependent issues such as data types, field misuse etc.
e-business Architecture Characteristics
e-business Architecture Definition
The e-business architecture is more than just a collection of technologies and products. It consists of several architectural models and is much like a city plan in that it defines blueprint that will meet current and future needs of a diverse user population and will adapt to changing business and technology requirements.
e-business Architecture Key Influencers
The key elements that help influence an e-business architecture include: The overall e-business Strategy of the organization Business Drivers such as Time to Market, One-to-one customer service etc. The Current IT Environment IT Vision, Objectives and Strategies Organizational Constraints – Staff, Budgets, Risk Tolerance etc. New and Emerging Technologies
E-business Architecture
User Interface Information Architecture Content Management Functional Model Data Architecture Security Architecture Systems Management Model Individual Tasks (screen or set of screens) Business Functions Business Vision, Objectives and Strategies Phase n - Deliverable User Interface Information Architecture Content Management Functional Model Operational Model Data Architecture Security Architecture Systems Management Architecture Phase 2 Deliverable Phase 1 Deliverable IT Vision, Objectives and Strategies Existing IT Environment New and Emerging Technologies
e-business Architecture Models
Developing a new brand or extending a strong brand to the online environment What is the Business functionality that needs to be provided by the solution? Operational/Systems Mgt. Architecture Security Architecture Functional Architecture Digital Branding & UI Design Information Content Management Data Architecture Creating the look and feel of the e-business Solution What types of content, how is it maintained, published and distributed What information needs to be made available, to whom, and how? Where is the information stored, how is it accessed and how is data integrity maintained? How do you manage and administer the infrastructure and the application What are the security and privacy Requirements for the infrastructure and application
Digital Branding The key components of the Digital Branding effort include: Developing an online Brand Extending a strong brand across multiple channels – paper, print, media and the Internet Developing guidelines for representing the brand across the web
User Interface & Usability
The key components of the Usability: Site navigation Experience with screen interaction Impact of personalization Human interface factors (color, size, font, etc.) Use case modeling impact
Information Architecture
The key questions that are addressed by an information architecture are: What data are made available to users? Who are the users who can accesses the information? What roles do these users play when they access the information? What do they need the information for? – Understand the context How do they access the information? – Browser, PDA, GUI, VRU etc. The Information Architecture drives how data and information are stored and accessed within the e-business solution
Content Management The key questions that need to be addressed by the content management architecture are: Identify types of content Who owns and manages the content? Expiration date for the content The process and the workflows needed to manage the content How is the content developed and published How is the content distributed Content Management Creation Publishing Distribution
Functional Architecture
The Functional Architecture should focus on describing the function of the IT system and is primarily concerned with: the structure and modularity of the software components (both application and technical) interactions between components, including protocols the interfaces provided by components, and their usage dynamic behavior, expressed as collaborations between components
Data Architecture The Data Architecture includes a thorough analysis of: what data needs will be accessed ? why is the data accessed ? where is the data located ? what is the currency of the data ? how will we maintain data integrity ? what is the data relationship between data displayed & stored? how can we provide round the clock availability when the backend systems and databases are not available on a 24x7 basis?
Security Architecture
Firewalls, proxies and other services to protect the application Virus detection and protection, spam filters etc. Authentication Privacy Information Integrity Non repudiation PKI Intrusion Immunity Boundary Server Policy Manager Encryption Services needed to ensure the integrity of the information Public Key Infrastructure Services Services required to allow the information to hold up in a court of law Services to validate you are who you say you are Establish adequate privacy requirements and guidelines for the application
Systems Management Architecture
The Systems Management Aspect should cover: all the nodes within the architecture manageable from local and remote locations based on standards and extensible to support new technologies include support for systems administration, systems management, and software configuration management
Systems Management Architecture
The Operational Aspect’s focus is on describing the operation of the IT system and is primarily concerned with: representing network organization (hardware platforms, locations, topology, etc.) what runs where - where software and data are ‘placed’ on this network satisfying the Non-Functional requirements of the system (performance, availability, security, etc.) the management and operation of the IT system (capacity planning, software distribution, backup and recovery)
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