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Final Demonstration: Dead Reckoning System for Mobile Robots Lee FithianSteven Parkinson Ajay JosephSaba Rizvi.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Demonstration: Dead Reckoning System for Mobile Robots Lee FithianSteven Parkinson Ajay JosephSaba Rizvi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Demonstration: Dead Reckoning System for Mobile Robots Lee FithianSteven Parkinson Ajay JosephSaba Rizvi

2 Problem Statement  Dead reckoning is navigation based on measurements of distance traveled from a known point.  Use a mobile robot and develop a synthesized dead reckoning navigation algorithm.  We will integrate various sensors.

3 Robot and Sensors  MARK III Robot with OOPic Chip  MEMS Accelerometer  MEMS Gyroscope  Shaft Encoders  Digital Compass

4 Algorithms We Tested  North Bound using Compass  Turning using Gyroscope  Turning using Encoders  Turning using Compass  Encoder x,y Movement

5 Algorithms We Tested (Cont)  Accelerometer x,y Movement  One-Direction using Accelerometer and Encoders  Turning using Encoders and Gyroscope  X, Y Path integrating sensors  Z Path using all sensors

6 Merging Data  Accelerometer and Encoders data merged for translations  Gyroscope and Encoders data merged for rotations  Weights found for each sensor by calculating percent errors

7 Merging Data (Cont)  Weights  Gyroscope - Rotational  CW –.11  CCW –.19  Accelerometer - Translational .12  Encoder  Rotational CW –.89 CCW –.81  Translational.88

8 Merging Data (Cont)  Equation  (Sensor 1 *weight 1 + Sensor 2 *weight 2 ) / Target < 1

9 DEMO 1: North Bound Using Compass  Robot will turn and travel towards north where ever it is initially pointing

10 DEMO 2: Z-Path integrating sensors  Uses combination of all sensors  Fusion of sensors ORANGE – gyroscope turns 90 degrees, CW RED – accelerometer travels 56 cm BLUE – encoder turns 150 degrees, CCW GREEN – encoder travels 64 cm BLACK – gyroscope and encoder merged to turn 150 degrees, CW PURPLE – accelerometer and encoder merged to travel 56 cm

11 Problems With Each Sensor  Accelerometer - Converting values - Unable to use Digital signal  Encoder - Mounting on Robot in an aesthetic manner  Gyroscope - Analog signal sensitive to noise - Converting values  Compass - Accuracy is very dependent on environment

12 Other Problems  Batteries change results  Unable to get PAK to work  Unable to use floating point

13 Refinements  Forty pin OOPic connecter  Pad per hole PCB  Five pin encoder connecter  Socket for accelerometer  Used analog mode for accelerometer  Software

14 Conclusion  Construction  Mark III based robot with shaft encoders, accelerometers, compass, gyroscope  Validation to ensure systems work at a basic level  Experimentation  Use dead reckoning navigation in trials.  Analysis  Numerical analysis of accuracy of navigation method.

15 Deliverables  Project Proposal  Implementation Notes  User ’ s Manual  Course Debrief  Notebooks  Robot  CD containing all files

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