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Active Filter It is phasor time again. Active Low Pass Filter Amplification: R F /R S low pass factor 1/(1+j  R F C F ) Cut off frequency:  R F C F.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Filter It is phasor time again. Active Low Pass Filter Amplification: R F /R S low pass factor 1/(1+j  R F C F ) Cut off frequency:  R F C F."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Filter It is phasor time again

2 Active Low Pass Filter Amplification: R F /R S low pass factor 1/(1+j  R F C F ) Cut off frequency:  R F C F =1 R F /R S =10, 1/R F C F =1

3 Figure 8.24, Active high-pass filter R F /R S =10, 1/R F C F =1

4 Figure 8.26, 8.27 8-11 Active bandpass filter Figure 8.26 Normalized amplitude response of active bandpass filter Figure 8.27

5 Let’s build an integrator Let’s start with the following insight: We need to somehow convert voltage v I to current

6 First try…use resistor But, v 0 must be very small compare to v R, or else When is v 0 small compare to v R ? For good integrator  RC >> 1

7 There’s a better way…

8 Op Amp Integrator Examples: 8.6, 8.7 Drafting problem

9 Op Amp differentiator Triangle wave to square wave

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