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EPFA 520 Problem Scenario 01 Team 04: Andrew Lillie & Roberto Suárez.

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1 EPFA 520 Problem Scenario 01 Team 04: Andrew Lillie & Roberto Suárez

2 Thesis Statement Electrosystem should implement a training program to educate members of its Shop Council on change management and small- and intra-group dynamics in order to start the process of changing its corporate culture.

3 Question 01 What do you see as the key issues facing the Shop Council as they attempt to get at the underlying problems within Electrosystem?

4 Question 01: Answer Electrosystem had unrealistic expectations and unclear goals for the re-organization effort which have led to the development of negative attitudes and behaviors. (Krantz) Shop Council members don’t understand their purpose because the larger organizational culture was transformed without consciously recognizing the previous culture before introducing the new culture. (Stapley) Change management plan did not consider people’s emotional reactions to change. (Bridges)

5 Question 02 What group interpersonal or self/other relationship issues do you anticipate within Shop Council? Within Electrosystem?

6 Question 02: Answer Shop Council members will import the history and dynamics from membership in their workgroups to the new Shop Council structure. (Smith and Berg) Organizing principles unconsciously present in Shop Council members will be challenged by the new organizational structure. (Dirkx and Deems) Employees in the new role of “Boundary Manager” will ineffectively fill this role due to lack of proper training. Resistance to change, and a feeling of loss of security and identity among employees who previously identified with the old organizational structure. (Bridges)

7 Question 03 How will these self/other relationship issues manifest themselves?

8 Question 03: Answer Misunderstanding: Employees will want to continue to use old strategies to deal with others with whom they now have new relationships. (Smith and Berg) Resentment: Employees will prefer their old responsibilities rather than taking on new ones, creating a conflict between their previous “organizing principles” and the new social reality. (Dirkx and Deems) Scapegoating: New communication dynamics between front-line operators and upper management cause the emergence of “immature behaviors,” such as the scapegoating of front-line supervisors. (Stapley)

9 Question 04 What strategies will you use to help the Shop Council address their self/other relationships and those of the other employees within Electrosystem?

10 Question 04: Answer Shop Council members must first be educated on how to help the group function in a way that fosters the development of healthy relationships among them. Shop Council meetings should be initially moderated by a facilitator trained in group psychodynamics. Facilitation should allow participants to reflect on their roles in the group, as well as on the dynamics of the group. (Tomov, et al).

11 Question 05 What kinds of activities might you develop to train the Shop Council?

12 Question 05: Answer “Listening Group” Retreat: Session(s) for the Shop Council members where they are free to express their feelings and experiences regarding the organization, moderated by a facilitator trained psychodynamic organizational behavior. (Stapley) Design Study Groups from the members of the Shop Council who will work through a process of developing a mission statement for the new organization. (Silberman) Hold a “ritual of passage” event to celebrate the memories and mourn the loss of the previous organizational structure. (Bridges)

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