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COMENIUS PROJECT “Similarity in Diversity (SID)“

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2 COMENIUS PROJECT “Similarity in Diversity (SID)“

3 Introduction Migration What is migration? Emigration is when people leave their homes and move to another country Immigration is when people enter their new habitation Why do people migrate?

4 Huguenots (French protestants) migrating to Germany Emigrants leaving for America

5 Push and Pull factors Push-Factors: Reasons why people (want to) leave their home country Pull-Factors: Reasons why people (want to) live in a particular country



8 Migration because of: Economy Social problems Incidents Demographic problems Political conflicts

9 Soviet prisoners of war and forced labourers in Münster

10 Drawing of a former prisoner of the concentration camp Sachsenhausen

11 Changing borders of Germany 1848- 1989 Federal Republic of Germany 16 federal states Berlin is the capital Käthe-Kollwitz- Gymnasium is located in Neustadt an der Weinstraße

12 -Revolt of bourgeoisie -Desire for a nation-state -Counterrevolution -Collapse of the revolution German Revolution 1848/1849

13 Political map of the German Confederation, Source: Putzger – Historischer Weltatlas, 89. Auflage, 1965

14 German Empire (1871–1918) On January 18th 1871 the first German nation-state was founded, under the rule of the Prussian Hohenzollern Germany still is a monarchy with a disappointed liberal movement, because of the lack of civil liberties in this new state.

15 Political map of the German Empire (1871 - 1918), Source: Putzger – Historischer Weltatlas, 89. Auflage, 1965

16 The First World War (1914-1918) First World War was originally a war between the middle-sized powers, the German Empire und Austria-Hungary, and the Entente-powers, France, Great Britain, Russia as well as Serbia. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot to death in Sarajevo

17 Weimar Republic (1919-1933) During the Weimar Republic the German Empire was ruled by means of a democratic federal state and therefore consisted of a presidential and parliamentary regime. The time of the Weimar Republic was characterised by multiple crises, such as the world economic crisis and the mass unemployment, which devastated the young Republic.

18 Nazi regime (1933-1945) and the Second World War (1939-1945) On January 30th 1933, Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of the Weimar Republic. In a short period of time the Weimar Republic was changed from a democratic state into a totalitarian dictatorship. On September 1st 1939, German troops attacked Poland. This was the reason for the Second World War. The Second World War ended with the unconditional surrender of the German Empire on May 8th1945 and with the surrender of Japan on September 2nd 1945. Because of the Second World War, 55 to 60 million people died.


20 Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR (1949-1990) The Federal Republic of Germany was founded in the western zone of occupation on May 23rd 1949. Because of the Cold War, Germany was divided into East and West. Iron Curtain led across through Central Europe and therefore divided Germany into two parts. With the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961, the last free access from East to West Germany was closed.

21 Federal Republic of Germany and GDR

22 Reunification (1989/1990) The entry of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) into the Federal Republic of Germany on October 3rd 1990. This action was possibly, because of the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9th 1989 in Berlin.

23 Federal Republic of Germany

24 Overview Migration from and to Germany After Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648)‏ In the middle of the 19 th century During the First World War (1914-1918)‏ During the Second World War (1939-1944)‏

25 After Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648)‏ Persecuted French protestants Tax exemption, freedom of religion, financial support New cultures, new food, new technologies

26 In the middle of the 19 th century Technical know-how “steam power“ Railways Tunnels Roads High salaries for technicians

27 Economic Boom 1871 Victory against France Polish and Italian immigrants Construction sites Mines Ban on Polish language

28 During the First World War (1914-1918)‏ 1.2 million foreign workers At first: limited immigration into Germany Then limited emigration from Germany 1.6 million war prisoners Agriculture / war industry

29 During the Second World War (1939-1945)‏ Slavery and deportation Work camps 7.8 million foreigners 500.000 KZ prisoners Over 10 million “displaced persons”

30 Arriving in the United States: Ellis Island main immigration port for immigrantsmain immigration port for immigrants CheckupsCheckups 3.1 millions came from Germany3.1 millions came from Germany e every second American has ancestors who came through Ellis Island to Amercia

31 Ellis Island; the island of hopes and tears Ellis Island belongs to the two states New Jersey and New York

32 Arrival on Ellis Island

33 Ellis Island medical check

34 The Griesemer Story Family history Reasons for migrating and problems Educational possibilities Migration nowadays

35 Comenius Project BACK


37 Family History




41 Reasons for migrating Economic conditions Military duty –Prussian army Foundation of a cobbler enterprise



44 Educational possibilities

45 Migration nowadays Law of mobility for EU-citizens Visa Sufferance Right to stay Permission to stay Permission to settle

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