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Basis of DC Motor Action. Magnetic Field Tippler.

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Presentation on theme: "Basis of DC Motor Action. Magnetic Field Tippler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basis of DC Motor Action

2 Magnetic Field Tippler

3 Field of a Permanent Magnet North to south outside the magnet; south to north inside the magnet N S

4 Field of an Electromagnet is similar to that of a permanent magnet N S N S

5 Oersted Experiment Tippler

6 Compass on Top of the Wire shows approximate direction of field as the result of current flowing in the wire

7 Compass on Bottom of Wire for current flowing in the same direction as before

8 Field Around a Current Tippler

9 Field Around Current-Carrying Wire schematically showing the direction of the field around the wire for current flowing in the direction shown in the wire

10 Right Hand Rule From /

11 Electromagnet and One Loop shows that the field inside the loop is always in the same direction N S

12 Three-Dimension Demonstration

13 Opposite Poles Attract so if the center magnet is can rotate around its midpoint, it will tend to line up with the two fixed magnets NS N S N S N

14 Momentum Causes Overshoot so the direction of rotation will be reversed by the magnetic attraction NS N S N S N N S NS NSN S

15 And finally stops NS NS N S N S N NS NSN S NSNS

16 Opposite Poles Attract so the center electromagnet rotates N S NS NS N

17 If the direction of the current changes just as the electromagnet passes the fixed magnets, like poles repel causing the electromagnet to continue rotating. NSNS NS NS N S S N S

18 Rotation Continues NSNS NS NS N S N S S N S NSNS

19 The direction of the current can be changed if the ends of the wires brush along the fixed + and – contacts as the electromagnet rotates. + _ brushes rotates stationary

20 Go to motor applet fendt.delph11e/electricmotor.htm fendt.delph11e/electricmotor.htm

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