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Data Collection and Interpretation

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Presentation on theme: "Data Collection and Interpretation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Collection and Interpretation
A Chieng

2 Today’s workshop Data collection Data analysis
Instrumentation Research questions Data analysis Interpretation of findings

3 Another case study? Developmental research?
What is your study? Another case study? Developmental research?

4 Data collection Research questions Instrumentation Enough
Types of instruments Instrumentation What for? Do-able? Which is the instrument? Types of data needed Triangulation Types (& literature) Questionnaire survey Interview Structured Semi-structured Open Video-recording Observation and note-taking Documents Software involved?

5 Questions: direct? Likert scale
Questionnaire survey Questions: direct? Likert scale

6 Transcripts and audio-recording
Interviews Transcripts and audio-recording

7 Observation and note-taking

8 Video recording Why?

9 Documents And others…

10 Validity, reliability of data
Why? How to improve? Assumptions?

11 Data Analysis

12 Motivation and Performance in Part-time Study
The objectives of this study are to: 1. Identify the characteristics and motivation factors of full-time teachers undertaking part-time tertiary study. 2. Trial a range of innovative and flexible pedagogies in selected modules to determine their effect on academic performance and participation. 3. Compare the efficacy of flexible learning with traditional face-to-face instructional approaches 4. Determine other factors that influence learning progress 5. Design and pilot an instrument that will enable instructors to gain information on motivation and lifestyle factors 6. Provide preliminary data for monograph for return-to-study teachers.

13 Questionnaire survey 02 Programme (Single choice) BITE - BLIS - MITE
03 Year of Study (Single choice) First - Second - Third 04 Age (Single choice) 05 Sex (Single choice) M - F

14 Data collected 2. BITE : 72 3. First : 23 Second : 16 Third : 33 : : : : : : 6 5. F : 35 M : 37

Data to becollected PART 2: LEARNING STYLE : Clarity 01 I know what I want to learn next (Single choice) Always,  Most of the time,  Some of the time,  Once in a while,  Not at all,  02 I know how I learn best (Single choice) 03 I know whether I'm learning something worthwhile or not (Single choice) 04 I know when I need to learn more about something (Single choice) 05 I have a vision that leads me toward the future Always,  Most of the time,  Some of the time,  Once in a while,  Not at all, 

16 Data collected

17 Quantitatively analysis
SPSS Simple frequency calculation




21 Open-ended questions Motivation 01 Why did you enrol in the B.Ed. programme? (Essay type question) 02 How would you describe yourself as a learner? 03 Do you plan to complete further study within the next 5 years? (Yes/No) If yes, what course and why?

22 Why did you enrol in the B.Ed. programme?

23 Data analysis by coding

24 Transcript of Interviews
Q02) What is the biggest problem for you in part-time tertiary study? #1: Time, tiredness, and money. #2: As we have to work, we don’t have time to do the assignment and to read the papers. And after working, we have already been tired. #3: Time, tiredness, and money. #4: Time management. Besides, because I don’t have background knowledge about IT, so I have to ask my colleagues and spend a lot of effort to catch up.

25 Interpretation of Findings

26 As subheadings Presentations
Research questions As subheadings Presentations

27 ANOVA Time spent preparing for university class per week
Time spent preparing for university class per week Time spent for leisure per week Time to prepare for university class in school per week Programme (3) X Year (3) Age-group (8) Sex (2) Number of children (5) Number of children below 15 (5) Highest academic qualification (5) Teaching position (4) Years of full-time teaching experience (5) ANOVA

28 Clarity Programme (3) X Year (3) Age-group (8) Sex (2) Number of children (5) Number of children below age 15 (5) Highest academic qualification (5) Teaching position (4) Years of full-time teaching experience (5) ANOVA results

29 Q01) Have you previously undertaken part time study before BEd?
Of the 15 students answering this question, 12 have undertaken part time course before, and 3 have not.

30 Q02) What is the biggest problem for you in part-time tertiary study?
Most of the students mentioned “time” as the biggest problem. The issue of time triggered another problem of “tiredness”. Some of them mentioned the expensive school fee as another problem. Two students mentioned the lack of IT background. One student said his/her problem was that the lecturer was difficult to find.

31 “Time is not enough. The school would not reduce your workload
“Time is not enough. The school would not reduce your workload. And the workload of a teacher is really heavy, a lot of things have to be prepared after school.” “I do not have enough time to study and revise. The time for classmates to gather is not enough, the day-time courses would have more discussion, but for part-time courses less.” “Time, tiredness and money. To some of my classmates the workload may be too heavy, and they have no computer or IT background.” “Sometimes we encounter problems in the assignment, we want to ask the lecturer, because our classmates may not know even if we ask them. But some of the lecturers are difficult to find. If you could find them, things would be fine, problems could be solved. If not, there would be problems in doing the assignment.”

32 Age vs time spent for university work

33 Literature To support…

34 Have I answered the questions?
Ask yourself Have I answered the questions?

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