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Vowels A comparative analysis of vowels in 4 languages ENS701M Experimental Phonetics Maddalena Tovazzi Minna Marika Timonen.

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Presentation on theme: "Vowels A comparative analysis of vowels in 4 languages ENS701M Experimental Phonetics Maddalena Tovazzi Minna Marika Timonen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vowels A comparative analysis of vowels in 4 languages ENS701M Experimental Phonetics Maddalena Tovazzi Minna Marika Timonen

2 1. Cardinal vowels 2. Vowel length

3 Cardinal vowels: Finnish and Icelandic


5 Cardinal vowels: Italian and English

6 2. Vowel length Finnish  Phonemic  always shown in spelling  Tuli-tuuli  Ahtisaari  0,117/ 0,177 Icelandic  Allophonic  VC = Long vowel  VCC = Short vowel  Fara-banna  0,153 / 0,294

7 Exceptions in Icelandic LONG vowels also in:  one-syllable words with word-final vowel  Þú 0,362 sec, fúll 0,227 sec  vowels preceding consonant clusters pr, tr, kr, sk, pj, tj, sj and tv, kv  Esja 0,288 sec, penni 0,098 sec

8 Italian There is no noticeable difference in lenght Vowels in final position are always pronounced clipped Vowels in stressed open syllables are long The distinction between close-mid (e o) and open-mid ( ɛ ɔ ) is made in stressed syllables only.

9 elemento

10 modo

11 English There is a well-known distinction between long and short vowels Nevertheless, many accents are nowadays “losing” this distinction More importance is given to lax/tense distinction, or free/checked distinction

12 Vowels are generally longer when in stressed syllables: peoplecarriage

13 Allophonic length Certain dialects display allophonic vowel length In the coda of a syllable, vowel phonemes are realized as allophones before voiced consonant phonemes

14 For example, in bat the phoneme is realized as a short allophone. In bad there is a longer realization, due to the presence of the voiced consonant: badbat

15 Alternation of vowels in a word Some Italian words seem to vary greatly between speakers One well known example is the word bene (good). There are 4 different realizations

16 1. closed + closed (0.175; 0.169)

17 2. open + closed (0.199; 0.086)

18 3. closed + open (0.114; 0.095)

19 4. open + open (0.167; 0.158)

20 According to standard grammar, the correct pronunciation of the word is as shown in 3 (open/closed). All the four variations are nevertheless found everywhere. The alternation is NOT on a regional basis.

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