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Presented by Rosa Munzer November 12, 2008 Vancouver GIS Users Group An Over View of British Columbia Lands Information.

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1 Presented by Rosa Munzer November 12, 2008 Vancouver GIS Users Group An Over View of British Columbia Lands Information

2 Land ownership in BC Private (non-Aboriginal) registered in ALTOS –fee-owned –strata Crown –Federal (Dominion) –Provincial government (registered in ILRR) –Local government (individual data sets) Aboriginal registered with Indian & Northern Affairs –Indian Reserves and traditional territories subject to the treaty process. –Purchase of private land to add to reserve

3 Private Land The Land Title and Survey Authority (LTSA) administers the private land registry using the Torrens System. –Title to land depends on registration. –Te prospective buyer can rely on the register, the accuracy of which is guaranteed by the state and backed by an assurance fund. –It eliminates the need to research the chain of title. ALTOS is a register of documents (imaged) and has no spatial data –Access is through BC Online –The act of registering a title in ALTOS creates the land interest and each interest is assigned a unique identifier referred to as a PID. The LTSA also has statutory authority for approving all Crown land Survey parcels (the Surveyor General) and for registering private land survey plans (Director of Land Titles). Private ownership of the surface does not generally include subsurface mineral rights. Privately owned subsurface is also registered in ALTOS.

4 Crown Land 94% land is BC is owned by the Crown Temporary occupation of Crown land for some purpose is referred to as “land tenure” –This concept was introduced in the colonial era through leasing (renting). –There are over 270 different types of tenures issued (Land Act, forests, subsurface, oil & gas, water, easements, etc.) In most cases, the Crown retains some or all the subsurface rights on privately owned land. The subsurface mineral and placer can be acquired as tenures. The Integrated land and Resource Registry is a web enabled register of legal interests, rights, designations, and administrative boundaries on Crown land.

5 Receipt and review application / request Issue right or interest INTEGRATED LAND AND RESOURCE REGISTER Rights maintenance Determine interests and encumbrances Evaluation Status / Adjudication Clearance Referral Negotiate Stake Assess Notation of Interest Agreement in Principle Designation Permit Licence / Lease Grant Free hold (private) Record a claim Restriction / Encumbrance Right of Way /Easement Administrative boundary Treaty settlement lands Designate archaeological site Update interest interest holder parcel information ownership (Crown / or private) restriction / condition term status Record work Enforcement / Compliance Terminate / Cancel / Expire Crown Land Tenure - Rights Granting Life Cycle Rights Granting Ministry or Agency ACTIVITIES Queries and reports Record Register the right or interest in ILRR Register or update “request” Update right or interest Record request Record Access

6 Rights of Way (ROW)& Easements Normally used to authorize linear uses of Crown land for transportation, communication, energy production and utility developments. The tenure holder is granted legal right of passage over the land for a specific purpose Statutory ROW are issued for so long as required A common misconception is that a utility, such as BC Hydro, owns the land under its transmission and distribution lines When land is subdivided an easement is registered on title to provide access across privately owned land (charge on title) Since ROW holders need to advise land holders about access and or work identifying and maintaining ownership and supporting GIS data is a key challenge

7 Unsurveyed Crown Land PIN/SID 36822581 Private Land PID 005039312 Survey Parcel ROW 90022029 Survey Parcel ROW 90022005 SID: 1328940 SECTION 5, RANGE 7, SEYMOUR DISTRICT Status: ACT LTO PID: 004397614 Complexity of Statusing Right of Way Intersecting ROW. Linear corridors intersecting parcels registered in multiple registries (Land Titles, Crown lands, Indian Registers) with constant ownership changes. Parcel fabric continually changing (subdivisions, consolidations, disposition of Crown land etc). No process for notifying ROW holders of sales or subdivisions. Multiple circuits in a ROW.

8 ROW Data Hierarchy

9 To Status Land Users Must Consider Legal decisions/statutes/precedents Time-lines impact interpretation (i.e. over time the type of rights conferred changed) Logical flow (the status at a specific point in time cannot automatically be applied based on a different point in time) Which land tenures can co-exist on the same parcel of land and which are in conflict Human error at time of recording. Human error in interpretation of rights. Location, condition and completeness of original records. Location, completeness and accuracy of electronic records.

10 Accessing Land Tenure Records DOCUMENTNON-DIGITAL (PAPER, LINEN AND MYLAR) RECORDS DIGITAL RECORDS Original Crown Grants. Original in Land Titles Branch and duplicate in Crown lands. Access restricted due to age and condition of records. Most available using GATOR on-line. Fee for non-government users. E&N grant and tenure docs EN grants are held by CP Rail in Alberta head office. No access available. No. Privately held lands. Surface and Sub-surface Land Titles offices. Historical records are fragile and access is restricted. Not all records are reflected in the electronic system. Current records (since 1990) available through BC On-line for a fee. Crown lands surface Crown Lands Registry, MSRM. (Can access survey plans, official plans and field books). Gator on-line for search, Crown grants, etc. Crown lands subsurface Gold Commissioners and Titles Branch (Ministry of Energy and Mines). Have most current status. Integrated Land and Resource Registry. Mineral Titles On-line. Reverted Crown Grants Sub-surface, Gold Commissioners, MEM. Grants reverted due to non-payment of tax Resource Revenue, MEM. Reverted surface rights, Crown Lands Registry. No. ILLR and Gator on-line.

11 Scanned Image of Crown Grant Tracing  Scanned Image  of Crown Grant Document  Copy of Plan from Field book for DL 953s SDYD Scanned Images from GATOR

12 Spatial Data Challenge ICIS provides There is no single source for all needed spatial information Everyone depends on spatial data from multiple external sources Multiple GIS software systems and map projections are in use: –Provincial Gov’t, ERSI –Utilities, SmallWorld, –Municipalities, various

13 GIS Challenges The complexity of land information. No single source for all information (ICIS provides most complete source). Some local governments do not have data due to lack of funds or expertise. GIS information is representational (actual location on the ground defined by survey). No single GIS standard for all BC Individual creation of polygons using different map bases and projections over time introduces overlay problems. Different levels of government using different GIS software (ERSI, MicroStation, CAD, SmallWorld) and standards (accuracy, currency, etc). Missing unique identifiers to link information to the related land parcel Different agencies using identifiers for their systems with no common link to other data sets)

14 Survey Control Mineral, Coal and Petroleum Tenure (MEM) Administrative Boundaries (Tenure Related) (Various regulators) Land Tenure Water Tenure Forest Tenure (MOF) Land and Resource Data Warehouse REGULATORY (TENURE MANAGEMENT) (OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS) CADASTRAL FRAMEWORK DIGITAL SURVEY FABRIC COMMON CADASTRAL FABRIC INTEGRATED LAND AND RESOURCE REGISTRY Other Tenure BC Assessment Integrated Cadastral Information Society HIGH LEVEL CADASTRAL FABRIC DATA FLOW Survey Control Monuments (BMGS/SG) MASCOT (Base Mapping and Geomatic Services) Primary Crown Cadastre (Surveyor General) Private Cadastre (Land Titles) Administrative Boundaries (Surveyor General)

15 Conduct Research and Acquire Imagery Integrated Cadastral Information Society BC Online registrations under the Land Title Act, Personal Property Security Act (i.e. Liens and Security Agreements), and a range of other useful information. Integrated Land and Resource Registry (ILRR) GeoBC Land and Resource Data Warehouse Information services – Data Distribution – Data Discovery – Base Map Online Imagery – iMapBC - spatial viewing access to over 100 datasets in the Land and Resource Data Warehouse (LRDW) from many different agencies. Add your own lines and text through the use of markup tools provided in the application. You can also add your own data. GEOBC on Goggle Earth –layers sourced form the LRDW (Integrated Cadastral Fabric – Lot Lines, Map Grids, Parks and Protected Areas)which users can copy and paste these layers their own KML files and publish them to the web.

16 Integrated Cadastral Information Society Originally incorporated as a not-for-profit society in 2001, the Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICIS) is a partnership of: –147 local governments, –utility companies and –provincial agencies. ICIS vision facilitates collaborative sharing and integration of spatial data for the economic and social benefit of British Columbia. Members have access to land parcel information in the data warehouse –Local Government Parcels884,521 –Standard Parcels665,181 –Assessment Parcels836,568

17 Local Governments Most, but not all, local governments are members of ICIS. Much of the municipal data in ICIS is in a non-integrated “as is” format). There is no common data standard for local governments to create and maintain or geo-reference data so integration is not straight forward. ICIS has instigated a program to assist communities.

18 A quick Summary Data sharing warehouse for members (utilities, provincial, local gov’t, associate members) Assess value or land and improvement. Developing Assessment fabric ALTOS private lands register. Survey plan registration. Digital Survey Plan Program Land Titles and Survey Authority BC Assessment (Value BC) ICIS Infrastructure info. (e.g. pipelines, power lines etc.). Rely on others for base and cadastre information Utilities Base map info (TRIM, cadastre, orthophotos). Online store for purchase. Base Map Information Crown land registry updated in real time from issuing agency operational system (e.g., forests, mines, etc.) Integrated Land & Resource Registry GeoBC (Integrated Land Management Bureau Land & infrastructure. Various depts. e.g. Indian & Northern Affairs, National Defense, etc. Federal Gov’t Individual Band systems First Nations Individual systems with land and infrastructure info. Local Gov’ts

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