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Project Management Trade-off Analysis In A Project Environment

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Presentation on theme: "Project Management Trade-off Analysis In A Project Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Management Trade-off Analysis In A Project Environment

2 Outline Introduction Methodology for Trade-off Analysis
Contracts : Their Influence on Project Industry Trade-off Preferences Conclusion

3 Overview Of Project Management

4 Tradeoffs Time Cost Performance T C P
Note: = Deviations from original plan

5 Categories of Constraints

6 Trade-off Facing Factors

7 The Systems Approach

8 Six Steps Trade-off Analysis
Recognizing and understanding the basis for project conflicts Reviewing the project objectives Analyzing the project environment and status Identifying the alternative courses of action Analyzing and selecting the best alternative Revising the project plan

9 Tradeoff Questions Is the information pertinent?
Is the information current? Are the data complete? Who has determined that this situation exists? How does he know this information is correct? If this information is true, what are the implications for the project?

10 Unexpected Problems Human errors/failures
Impossible schedule commitments Poor control of design changes Poor project cost accounting Machine failures Failure to receive a critical input Failure to receive anticipated approvals

11 Unexpected Problems Uncertain Problems Too many concurrent projects
Labor contract expiration Change in project leadership Possibility of project cancellation

12 Unexpected Problems Unexpected Problems
Over-committed company resources Conflicting project priorities Cash flow problems Labor contract disputes Delay in material shipment “Fast-track” people having been promoted off of the project Temporary employees having to be returned to their home base

13 Unexpected Problems (Continued)
Inaccurate original forecast Change in market conditions New standards having been developed

14 1. Performance is Fixed

15 1. Performance is Fixed (continued)

16 2. Cost is Fixed

17 3. Time is Fixed

18 4. No Constraints are Fixed (1/4)

19 4. No Constraints are Fixed (2/4)

20 4. No Constraints are Fixed (3/4)

21 4. No Constraints are Fixed (4/4)

22 Industry Trade-off Preferences

23 Special Cases

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