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Track quality - impact on hardware of different strategies Paola FTK meeting 21-02-2007 1.Performances on WH and Bs   2.Now we use all the layers.

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Presentation on theme: "Track quality - impact on hardware of different strategies Paola FTK meeting 21-02-2007 1.Performances on WH and Bs   2.Now we use all the layers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Track quality - impact on hardware of different strategies Paola FTK meeting 21-02-2007 1.Performances on WH and Bs   2.Now we use all the layers in the fit and we suffer– can we drop something going to raw hits? 3.Refresh about the FTK architecture 4.Impact on hardware due to different configurations

2 FTK iPat V10 Truth

3 3 Fakes Bs  Good Bs  89% 10% 5/6 tracks 2 pixel layers 5/6 tracks 3 pixel layers

4 23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli4 Bs->  fake analisys - cuts Asym in ctheta distance. To be investigated. Distance from the nearest truth. Log scale. Cphi ctheta z0

5 5 No miss Miss Pix0 Miss Pix2 Miss Sct0 Miss Sct1 Miss Sct2 Miss Sct3 2 pixel layers + 4 SCT Space points 3 pixel layers + 3 SCT Space points No miss Miss Pix0 Miss Pix2 Miss Sct0 Miss Sct1 Miss Sct2 Miss Sct3

6 6 Were is the problem? Francesco can you run your classification fake/good on WH samples, or give to Monica the tool? It could be “higher fraction of Fakes” 1.Is it in FTK or is it a more general problem? What happens if FTK and iPatRec use exactly the same detector? NO TRT, all the 7 available space points for both. 2. Is it the new software release that has problems? 3.Can a complex b-tag algorithm recover some performances? How today-iPatRec b-tag performance compare with the past? 4.If the problem is the poor detector performance (problem seen both by iPatRec & FTK), difficult to use only 6 layers in FTK dropping redundance: is it a pattern recognition problem or a fit problem?  Just a fit problem: we can use 11 layers in the fit and 6 layers in the AM  General problem: may be we need to use 11 layers in the whole system since the prototype beginning.

7 7 HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE Pt (GeV) Rcrv (m)  (deg)  (rad) 23.3334.50.0781 11.6669.00.1567 0.50.83318.20.3071 Size of overlap regions as function of Pt threshold AM R-  stereo: 2 SCT layers/bus 6 buses Each one Can provide 2 layers 1 core crate/partition

8 8 Track data ROB Track data ROB Raw data ROBs ~Offline quality Track parameters ~75 9U VME boards – 4 types SUPER BINS DATA ORGANIZER ROADS ROADS + HITS EVENT # N PIPELINED AM HITS (LVDS links) DO-board EVENT # 1 AM-board 2 nd step: clean-up & track fitting Pixels & SCT Data Formatter (DF) 50~100 KHz event rate RODs cluster finding? split by layer overlap regions NEW S-links RW-HW Track Fitter

9 9 CORE system SIZE CUSTOM BACKPLANE FTK INPUT FROM Data Formats O(2.5 M) patterns 1 crate for Each  sector AM-B7AM-B8 AM-B1 AM-B0 DO5 DO4 DO3DO2 DO1 DO0 Ghost Buster CPU0 CPU1 AM-B2AM-B3 CPU2 CPU3 AM-B4AM-B5 AM-B6 1 Gigafitter 128 AMChips /board = 320 kpat/board Using 12 layers 640 kpat/board Using 6 layers NOW in FTKsim SS size (too large? Check timing!): Pix: 5mmx z_Mod Sct:10mmx z_Mod ~1 Mpat for 90 degree sector: 4x2 AMB for 12 layers 2 AMB for 6 layers 8x2 AMB for 12 layers 4 AMB for 6 layers 180 degree sector:

10 10 SCT end caps x3 wheels z Pixel end caps   6 modules each  8 sectors option DATA FORMATTERs Barrel

11 S-links Receive S-links Find Clusters Divide by Layers Send Hits to DOs Sends overlap region to near phi-sector DATA FORMATTER LVDS Serializer/ Deserializer To DOs Overlap region P3 DATA FORMATTER

12 12 RODs and DFs if RO by wedge # RODs # DFs 4 S-links/DF # DFs 6 S-links/DF # outputs /DF Pix 0369*->1061 (1 layer) Pix 1-23285*->62 or 1 if Muxed Pix disks1643*->45 SC0-34411*->1284 (8 stereo) SC disks4812 3 (6 stereo) Total1764624+12=36130/106 180 degree sectors

13 13 RODs and DFs if RO by wedge # RODs # DFs 4 S-links/DF # DFs 6 S-links/DF # outputs /DF Pix 0361061 (1 layer) Pix 1-232862 (1 if Muxed) Pix disks164->8? 5 SC0-34412->1684 (8 stereo) SC disks4812->16 3 (6 stereo) Total17646->5836->44130/106 45 degree sectors If we have 8 sectors some DF needs to send data to 2 different DOs. This is feasible for DF with few outputs (Pix0, Pix1-2, Pix disks?). It can be done for SC0-3 and SC disks too if stereo layers are not used or sent to the same DO. The fall back solution is to increase the number of DFs up to nearest multiple of 8.

14 14 DO5 DO4 DO3DO2 DO1DO0 Ghost Buster CPU0 CPU1 CPU2 CPU3 AM-B7AM-B8 AM-B1 AM-B0 AM-B2AM-B3AM-B4AM-B5 AM-B6 SLINKS DO5 DO4 DO3DO2 DO1DO0 Ghost Buster CPU0 CPU1 CPU2 CPU3 AM-B7AM-B8 AM-B1 AM-B0 AM-B2AM-B3AM-B4AM-B5 AM-B6 RODs DF To DOs LVDS LINKs The Old IDEAs: 2 phi sectors >16 AMB for 12 layers: too much Overlap

15 15 Let’s try to work with 4 sectors. First of all try to see if a BANK with 11 LAYERS is REASONABLE. We expect a factor 2 AM size AM 4 core crates, each one containing: > 10 AMBoards 6 Dos 1-4 boards for RW-HW-Track fitting DFs # ~ 36 independent on sector #  ~ 2 crates. TOTAL 6 crates If we would Use 2 track Segments: If 2  sectors  4+2 crates If 4  sectors  8 + 2 crates But worse performances

16 16 Conclusions 1.First of all understand well the problems in track reconstruction quality. Repeat Francesco analysis of WH sample and see if a good b-tagging algorithm can make the difference 2.However I suspect that going to raw hits we cannot use less than 11 layers at least in the fit (differently from what we were planning for the first prototype) ! 3.Let’s try to use a 11 layer for pattern recognition and fit: Let’s see how much big is the bank (we expect x 2) Let’s see the performance of the system (road size and processing time also!) 4.If we find problems with an 11 layer AM bank : Use 6 layers in AM and 11 layers in fit procedure Or see if we can split into 2 track segments.

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