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Bibliographic Information Visualization and Analysis Chitra Madhwacharyula Colleen Whitney Lulu Guo.

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Presentation on theme: "Bibliographic Information Visualization and Analysis Chitra Madhwacharyula Colleen Whitney Lulu Guo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bibliographic Information Visualization and Analysis Chitra Madhwacharyula Colleen Whitney Lulu Guo

2 Background California Digital Library serves the entire UC system: more than 35 million bibliographic records in the combined catalog Need to be able to find patterns in this data in order to develop better services and tools

3 Project Goal Facilitate exploration of items in bibliographic collections using brushing and linking techniques Key concepts of interest  Circulation patterns by general subject area  Circulation patterns by time  The relationship of circulation to holdings

4 Targeted Audience California Digital Library Staff Characteristics  Develop tools and programs to serve all UC campuses  Not involved with day-to day workings of the libraries, but many are ex-librarians  One related project: improving the quality of information retrieval

5 Related Work PaperLens  Overview of collection along defined axes  Ability to zoom in and see patterns within a subset  Ability to highlight an item and see details, additional patterns within the collection

6 Related Work

7 Dataset Sample data (from UCLA)  320 randomly selected items  Related circulation data  Mid-1999 - mid-2005  All these items circulate (which is only true for about 25% of the entire collection)  This small set is being used to test the general visualization approach; we will be working with a much larger set eventually

8 Our Prototype

9 Visual Components Bar Graphs  Small multiples segment data by subject  Bars indicate number of circulation transactions, by time Scatter plots  More detail, new dimension within subject/time Item Detail  Temporal pattern at item level

10 The Software Debate Tableau  Small multiples but no brushing and linking Spotfire  Brushing and linking, but no small multiples Our Choice  JpGraph: PHP graphics package backed by a MySQL database

11 Demo

12 Issues Size of dataset Complexity of metadata Data transformations What sampling technique to use ? Limitations of JpGraph

13 Future Work Expand the dataset Make interface more intuitive  Support filtering by subject and time at the outset  Make timeline presentation of item-level circulation pattern Solicit and incorporate feedback from target audience

14 Questions ?

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