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Conference Calendar 1.Description 2.User’s World 3.Data Structures 4.Use Cases 5.Schedule.

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Presentation on theme: "Conference Calendar 1.Description 2.User’s World 3.Data Structures 4.Use Cases 5.Schedule."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conference Calendar 1.Description 2.User’s World 3.Data Structures 4.Use Cases 5.Schedule

2 Description The Conference Calendar is a web application that allows registered users to post conference events and have them display on a calendar for anyone to see. Registered users can add and/or edit entries, including the date, location, title of event, description and sponsors. There would be an administrator that makes sure that there are no vandalisms and reverts any changes if necessary. All changes are saved and backup, allowing the ability to revert changes. The Conference Calendar functions like a wiki, allowing anyone to see the calendar, but restricts editing to only registered members and administrators. User can search by date of conference, topic, location and/or sponsors of a conference. Users can comment or review the conferences or the speaker and can comment on each other.

3 User’s World Conference –Title of event –Date of event –Location –Description –Conference Fees –External Links –Call for Papers deadline –Sponsors –Workshops

4 User’s World Users –Non-registered Users Not logged in, no privileges other than viewing and searching. –Registered-Users Logged in, able to add, edit and delete entry. Able to reset password –Admin Able to restore backup Report abuse of privileges.

5 userLogin and userSignup username password resetPassword username password confirmPassword email

6 Data Structures User Username userID Password Level email

7 Data Structures (cont.) Conference Event Title Conference type (workshop, academic, business, commercial, etc.) Date entry is added Location Event Date Paper Submission Deadline Description Web Links Sponsors (IEEE, ACM, etc.)

8 Use Cases Scenario 1 User views Scenario 2 User searches for event Scenario 3 User wants to add/edit/delete entry Scenario 4 Undo vandalism

9 search searchByEventDate searchByEventTitle searchByLocation searchBySponsors searchBySubmissionDeadline searchByFees

10 addEntry and editEntry eventTitle eventSponsors eventDate eventLocation eventDescription eventFee Rating (not enabled until date has passed)

11 deleteEntry sessionTracking checkUserID (userID) delete(eventID)

12 restoreDatabase (admin user) eventID backupDate

13 callForPaper  Link  backupLastThreeMonths  date  email

14 listGenerator currentDate sortByDate(eventDate)//default display sortByTitle() sortByLocation()

15 CS337/437 Schedule

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