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Infrastrutture per Biblioteche e “Repositories” Digitali Donatella Castelli.

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Presentation on theme: "Infrastrutture per Biblioteche e “Repositories” Digitali Donatella Castelli."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infrastrutture per Biblioteche e “Repositories” Digitali Donatella Castelli

2 PAST (stand alone system) PRESENT (e-Infrastructure) FUTURE ( e-Infrastructure ecosystem) Facilitating efficient production of new knowledge


4  Digital Curation  Search  Access  Single-type document  Submit  Annotate  Recommend  Collaborate  Specialised analysis & processing  …..

5 5 PUMA Service (

6  Digital content production & curation  System development  Hw & sw maintenance  Workload peaks coverage

7 Cross-access Metadata & document mapping & harmonization Metadata cleaning Policy control …

8 8 ERCIM Technical Reference Digital Library Scholnet Project Europeana

9  Digital content production & curation (reduced)  System development  Hw & sw maintenance  Workload peaks coverage  Interoperability  Metadata & object structure  Contextual information  Provenance  Policy  Quality  …


11 11 Managed set of Services

12  Networking  Computer and storage capabilities  Access to  Metadata and document collections  Ontologies, thesauri  Dictionaries  …..

13  Authentication, Authorization, Accounting and Auditing  Metadata aggregation and transformation  Automatic metadata cleaning and enrichment  Provenance and preservation management  Search, retrieval and access and visualization  Process management  Authority files management  Workspace Management  …….  Document & Community application specific tools  …..  Virtual Research Environments  ….

14 14 VRE

15  DRIVER  OpenAIRE  EFG  HOPE  D4Science  ESA-testbed  gMan 15 D-Net enabled gCube enabled

16  Digital content production & curation  System development  Hw & sw maintenance  Workload peaks coverage Partially covered by the e-Infrastructure  E-INFRASTRUCTURE SET-UP &MGMT COST

17 VRE


19 D4Science Knowledge Ecosystem DRIVER

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