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Sea Urchin Vitelline Envelope Removal Devin Morris Maurice Fernandez Milton Diaz.

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Presentation on theme: "Sea Urchin Vitelline Envelope Removal Devin Morris Maurice Fernandez Milton Diaz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sea Urchin Vitelline Envelope Removal Devin Morris Maurice Fernandez Milton Diaz

2 Question Do the two different methods used in VE removal (Alpha- Amylase & DTT) yield the same data in 10% and 12% gels, or does one yield more accurate results than the others?

3 Removal of Vetelline Envelope Vitelline Envelope - Outer membrane of female egg that plays a role in fertilization α-Amylase - Enzymes used to break up starches Dithiothreitol - DTT - Reduces disulfide bonds in proteins and enzymes. Manual - Manually remove the Vitelline Envelope

4 Gels Measured 10% Acrylamide gel Concentration 12% Acrylamide gel Concentration

5 Lanes - Measured each band length - Adjusted brightness and contrast on lanes to make better measurements of bands 10% Manual12% Manual

6 Linear

7 Quadratic

8 Cubic

9 10% Linear Model

10 10% Quadratic Model

11 10% Cubic Model

12 10% Non-Standard Model Y=ax^3+bx+c

13 Linear

14 Quadratic

15 Cubic

16 12% Linear Model

17 12% Quadratic Model

18 12% Cubic Model

19 12% Non-Standard Model

20 Conclusion - Based on our data analysis and calculations we concluded that the cubic model fits better for 10% and 12%.

21 Alpha - amylise 10% Cubic vs Non-Satandard

22 DTT 10% Non-standard vs Cubic

23 10% Manual Non-standard vs Cubic

24 Alpha - amylise 12% Cubic vs Non-standard

25 DTT 12% Non-standard vs Cubic

26 12% Manual Cubic vs Non-standard

27 Conclusion - In addition the DTT process of removal of the Vitelline envelope is better than the α-Amylise process for both the Non-standard and cubic models in both 10% and 12% gels. Analysis of the confidence intervals produced by the cubic and non-standard models showed the non-standard model to work better for the 10% gel and the cubic to work better for the 12% gel.

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