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Solving Problems in Groups Ch. 9. Advantages of group problem solving Groups posses a greater collection of resources than individuals Groups increase.

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Presentation on theme: "Solving Problems in Groups Ch. 9. Advantages of group problem solving Groups posses a greater collection of resources than individuals Groups increase."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solving Problems in Groups Ch. 9

2 Advantages of group problem solving Groups posses a greater collection of resources than individuals Groups increase level of accuracy Members are committed to decisions made in groups

3 When should we use groups to solve problems? Job goes beyond one persons capacity Individual’s tasks are interdependent When there is more than one solution to be found, or more than one decision to be made.

4 Steps to solving a problem within a group 1. Identify the problem 2. Analyze the problem 3. Develop creative solutions 4. Evaluate possible solutions 5. Implement a plan 6. Follow up on the solution

5 (1) Identify the problem What are the Individual/group goals? Is the problem one that all members agree on?

6 (2) Analyze the Problem 1. Word the problem as a probative question (an open question that encourages exploratory thinking) EXAMPLE: “Why are sales down this year?” 2. Gather relevant info- what information will help in solving the problem? 3. Identify Impelling and Restraining forces

7 (3) Develop Creative Solutions There may be many possible solutions available Use Brainstorming

8 When Brainstorming remember:  Don’t criticize or evaluate ideas  Allow free flow of ideas, good and bad  The more the better when brainstorming  Combine and expand on previous ideas

9 (4) Evaluate Possible solutions 1. Will this solution produce desired changes? 2. Can this solution be implemented by the group? 3. Does this solution contain any serious disadvantages?

10 (5) Implement the plan 1. Identify specific tasks to be accomplished 2. Determine necessary resources 3. Define individual responsibilities 4. Provide for emergencies

11 (6) Follow up on the solution Meet often with group members to evaluate progress Change elements of the plan that are not working

12 Group Participation In an effective group each member equally participates When a few members dominate, the group’s ability to solve a problem effectively is reduced The more members participate the better

13 Encouraging participation Seek out his/her ideas Encourage his/her input Assign specific tasks Reinforce contributions of one another

14 In conclusion Every group has a chance to be successful in solving problems An effective group follows particular steps, in order to ensure that the best possible solution is found for the problem at hand

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