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Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City ID Card Projects Large Scale ID Projects Based on Biometrics (Specifically Fingerprint)

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Presentation on theme: "Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City ID Card Projects Large Scale ID Projects Based on Biometrics (Specifically Fingerprint)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City ID Card Projects Large Scale ID Projects Based on Biometrics (Specifically Fingerprint) Speaker: Hugues Gervais, VP, Business Development

2 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 2 Introduction Subject: Large scale ID projects based on Biometrics (specifically Fingerprint) A.Technologies involved B.Major projects C.Benefits and Risks involved D.Conclusion

3 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 3 A. Technologies Large scale ID projects involve the following technologies: Biometrics (Fingerprint) Cards Biometrics Database (AFIS) Face Database

4 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 4 Biometrics Fingerprint Face geometry Retinal scan & Iris (eyes) Others

5 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 5 Cards Plastic Cards Memory Cards Smart Cards

6 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 6 Card Materials PVC : PolyVinylChloride –Cheaper (0.10$) –Less durable (< 3 years) PETF : Polyester film –Expensive (0.25$) –More durable (5 to 10 years) PC : PolyCarbonate –More expensive (1.00$) –More durable (> 10 years) –Used in Hong Kong, Macao and Finland National ID cards project Note: CAC card is made of 40% PET and 60% PVC

7 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 7 Biometrics Template Storage 2D bar code Smart Card Optical Card

8 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 8 Smart Card Type Contact –ISO-7816 –32 Kbytes to 64 Kbytes –Cryptographic capabilities (digital signature) Contactless –1 Kbytes to 4 Kbytes –Many standards

9 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 9 Contactless Smart Card MIFARE ISO-14443 type A ISO-14443 type B ISO-15693 Vicinity Hua Hong (China) Legic iClass (HID)

10 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 10 Smart Card O/S Multi-Applications require an Operating System on the card to handle and control all the applications Java Multos Proprietary

11 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 11 AFIS AFIS: Automated Fingerprint Identification System Identification : one-to-many Can locate duplicates Storage of full size fingerprint images and allows template format changes Suppliers: 123ID, Biokey, Cogent, Dermalog, Nec, Printrak, Sagem

12 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 12 Facial Database Identification : one-to-many Can locate duplicates Storage of full size facial pictures Suppliers: Identix (Visionics), Viisage, others

13 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 13 Fingerprint Template Minutiae Base –Cannot recreate a fingerprint image from the template –Standard for Law Enforcement for 100 years Pattern Base –More Precise (better FAR) –But a fingerprint image can be recreated from the template

14 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 14 B. Government Projects Large Scale Deployment Citizen –National ID Government Employees –Military –Transportation

15 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 15 Government Applications Citizen ID and Driver’s License Mass Transportation Passport / VISA Election Card Social Security Card Healthcare Card

16 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 16 Government Applications Airports Nuclear & other Power Plants Seaports Military ID

17 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 17 Citizen ID Projects UAE France USA Malaysia Mexico Brazil Hong Kong Morocco

18 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 18 Brunei Multi-Application Citizen card: –0.3 millions cards issued –Smart card Contact chip with 8 Kbytes Digital certificates on the cards 2 Fingerprint templates and photo ID stored in the card –Applications: Citizen ID

19 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 19 Malaysia Government Multi-Purpose Card (GMPC): –Issued to every citizen over age 12 –19 million cards expected by 2008 –Smart card Contact chip with 32 Kbytes Digital certificates on the cards Fingerprint thumbprint and photo ID stored into the card –Applications: Citizen ID, Driver’s license and passport

20 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 20 Hong Kong National ID Card: –Issued to every citizen over age 11 –7 million cards expected by 2007 –Multos smart card Contact chip with 32 Kbytes Digital certificates on the cards 2 Fingerprints templates and photo ID stored into the card –Applications: Citizen ID –Optional Applications: Driver’s license and e-purse

21 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 21 Macau National ID Card: –0.5 million cards expected by 2007 –Java card Contact chip with 32 Kbytes Digital certificates on the cards Fingerprint stored into the card –Applications: Citizen ID, Driver’s license and more

22 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 22 China National ID Card: –Not started yet (has been delayed for years) –Will be issued to every citizen older than 16 years –Around 800 million cards expected –Might issue 70 million cards in 2004 ! –Controlled by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) –Application: ID only –Will use 4 Kbytes contactless MIFARE, ISO-14443 type B or Hua Hong

23 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 23 ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) –May 28 th 2003, adopted the integration of biometric identification information on Passports and Machine Readable Travel Documents (MRTD) –Facial recognition was selected as prime biometrics –Fingerprints and eyes can also be integrated (option) –They selected high-capacity, contactless integrated circuit (IC) chips to store identification information –188 Member States with more than 700 million MRTD (Passport, Visa, Identity Card)

24 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 24 TWIC Transportation Worker Identification Card (TWIC) Controlled by Department of Homeland Security Will be issued to 15 million transportation workers US Transportation facilities: 429 airports & 361 seaports Technology evaluations are in process

25 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 25 USVISIT USVISIT : US Visitor Immigration Status Indication Technology System Control by the U.S. Homeland Security Agency By October 2004, Visa Waiver (26 nations) Countries need to begin issuing passports carrying biometric data Application: Border crossing (Visa) Will incorporate features of the DoD CAC Card –Java Card –Three digital certificates 2 chips –Contact chip of 64 Kbytes –Contactless (ISO-14443) chip for building access

26 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 26 DoD US Department of Defense (DoD) Called the Common Access Card (CAC) Almost 2 million cards issued out of 4 million Java Card with Contact chip, 32 Kbytes –Three digital certificates –Will include fingerprint template (Identix) Plan to: –Expand memory to 64 Kbytes –Add contactless chip (ISO-14443)

27 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 27 Middle-East Oman (1.2 million cards) –Index fingerprint & photo –Citizens and residents 15 and over –Applications: Passport, Driver’s license, Medical data –Plan to add digital certificates UAE: United Arab Emirate –Fingerprint stored on a 32 Kbytes Java Smart Card –Citizens and residents 15 and over –Applications: Passport, Driver’s license, Health & Banking Saudi Arabia –Contract awarded soon –Fingerprint stored on a 32 Kbytes Multos Smart Card

28 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 28 Others Spain: Social Security Card with biometrics and smart card chip Netherlands: Biometrics into passport by 2004 U.K. Asylum Seekers Card: Fingerprint and photo on a smart card chip Mexico: Voter Registration

29 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 29 C. Benefits Improve National Security Minimize paying services for non-residents

30 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 30 Risks Large infrastructure and expensive Influenced by Politics and Legislation User acceptance and Privacy Law concerns Case of Multi-Applications, creates power struggle between Government Agencies

31 Hosted by: June 23-26, 2003 New York City 31 Conclusion But budgets are there Security threats are here New legislations are in place These large scale projects generate momentum for other projects

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