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Lord of Fries Team: Order of Fries. Team Members Carson Lee - Documentator Daniel McCue - Coder Franchesca Chung - Tester Michael Zhu - Coder James Sheldon.

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Presentation on theme: "Lord of Fries Team: Order of Fries. Team Members Carson Lee - Documentator Daniel McCue - Coder Franchesca Chung - Tester Michael Zhu - Coder James Sheldon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lord of Fries Team: Order of Fries

2 Team Members Carson Lee - Documentator Daniel McCue - Coder Franchesca Chung - Tester Michael Zhu - Coder James Sheldon - Facilitator

3 Overview like both a Turn-Based Strategy Game and Real-Time Strategy Game Playing field resembles chess Units have different characteristics

4 Game Rules Player related: Time limit to each round - Advantage for first strike - Decreases with pieces on board

5 Game Rules Battlefield rules: Board of size 8x8 - A unit takes up at least 1 tile About 16 pieces - Analogous to chess BUT - Pieces can survive many hits - Defeat permanently removes unit Must have line of sight to attack - Obstacles, Units

6 Game Rules Unit abilities: Movement Speed Hit Points (HP) Attack Power Attack Range Attack speed (Reload)

7 Risks Development related: Graphics Networking Code Integration Algorithm implementation Team member run over by bus Lag during Loading, Connection

8 Risks Gameplay related: Unit Strength/Weakness Round Timing Users getting impatient while waiting for turn

9 Wishlist original sprite graphics chatting more than two players multiple tilesets multiple unit framesets varying game map sizes magic

10 Wishlist multiple maps scriptable unit descriptions AI sound music fortifiable obstacles

11 Wishlist territorial control giving benefits different victory conditions/game modes area of effect attacking area of effect healing destructable obstacles buildable obstacles

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