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Responsive Classroom Songs

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1 Responsive Classroom Songs

2 There’s a fountain flowing deep and wide.

3 Ram Sam Sam A ram sam sam A ram sam sam Guli guli guli guli guli Ram sam sam A ram sam sam A ram sam sam A rafi, A rafi,

4 Ram Sam Sam A Burger King, A Burger King A Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Burger King McDonalds, McDonalds

5 Ram Sam Sam additional lyrics
A Volkswagen, A Volkswagen A Chevy Truck and a Volkswagen Ferrari, Ferrari

6 Dum-dum da-da da-da Dum-dum da-da Dum-dum-dum

7 Circle of the Sun- birthday song
(Name) was born in the circle of the Sun Circle of the Sun on his birthin' day (Name) was born in the circle of the sun Circle of the sun on his birthin' day. Storms to the north, Storms to the south Wind and rain to the east and the west Yee-Haw!

8 Wishy-Washy Washerwoman
In the deep, dark jungle where nobody goes There’s a wishy-washy washerwoman washing her clothes. She goes “Ooh, ahh, ooh, ahh, Ooh ahh ahh and a ringy-ding-ding.”

9 I Need a Waiter I need a waiter, with some water. I need a waiter with some water for my daughter. I need a waiter with some water, with some water for my daughter. So my daughter doesn’t die of thirst.

10 A Birthday Song- Good Old Days
Well it makes me think of the good old days, Happy birthday to you! (clap, clap) You sure grew out of your baby ways, Happy birthday to you! (clap, clap) ___th birthday, we wish you many more, Health and wealth and friends by the score! So cut the cake and let’s eat some more,

11 Duke of York Oh, the Noble Duke of York He had ten thousand men He led them up to the top of the hill And he led them down again. Now, when we’re up, we’re up And when we’re down, we’re down And when we’re only halfway up We’re neither up nor down.

12 America Round America, America Land of hope and liberty Freedom rings from every mountain From sea to sea

13 Tommy Tinker Little Tommy Tinker Sat on a clinker And he began to cry, “Oh, Ma!” “Oh, Ma!” Poor little innocent guy!

14 Keep on the Sunny Side Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side Keep on the sunny side of life You’ll be to blame if we drive you insane So just keep on the sunny side of life

15 Kings and Queens- birthday song
Kings and Queens and Princes too. They all wish the best for you. So hey, hey, wha’ da’ ya say (clap) It’s you birthday (clap) Happy Birthday to you.

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