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Creating a Resource-Rich Classroom Session 9, Focus on Realia and Learning Centers L. Opp-Beckman, C. Kieffer University of Oregon

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Resource-Rich Classroom Session 9, Focus on Realia and Learning Centers L. Opp-Beckman, C. Kieffer University of Oregon"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Resource-Rich Classroom Session 9, Focus on Realia and Learning Centers L. Opp-Beckman, C. Kieffer University of Oregon

2 Session 9 Opening Remarks and Review Learning Centers Activity #1: Realia Activity #2: Read, Write, Realia Q & A (time permitting).

3 Learning Centers Rationale Individualize learning Offer student choices Integrate skills thematically Motivating…fun!

4 Learning Centers Management Scheduled rotation Students sign up Open access Tracking Self-tracking Documentation

5 Activity #1 United Nations Environment Programme “Clean Up the World Weekend” September 15-17, 2006

6 Activity #1 Realia: “Bio-rama” From: “35 Rubrics & Checklists to Assess Reading and Writing.” Make a plan for a “Clean Up the World” diorama with a biospheres theme (e.g. Saharan desert, Oregon rain forest, Amazon rain forest, Arctic Circle).

7 Realia Rationale Kinesthetic learners Learning by doing Authenticity More interesting (motivating) Process and product-oriented

8 Realia Examples Dioramas or artwork Clothing, props Creating games, making inventions How-to activities (cooking, building, inventing, etc.)

9 Activity #2 “Bio-rama” Song Using the research/reading from your “bio-rama” (biosphere diorama), write an original song about an animal, plant, place, or other item in your ecoregion. Use the tune for “A-B-C…” or another already familiar tune.

10 Realia Libraries Shared Resources Choose thematic areas Build thematic realia collections House in a shared library Add and update over time

11 Final Session Bring… Resources for the “Swap Shop.” Your classroom examples. For copies of handouts, see:

12 Creating a Resource-Rich Classroom Session 9, Focus on Realia and Learning Centers L. Opp-Beckman, C. Kieffer University of Oregon

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