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Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation

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1 Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation
Physics 100 Chapt 10

2 Very fast horizontal toss
t = 0s t = 1s x= 8km t = 2s x=16km t = 3s x=24km V=8km/s 5m 20m 45m

3 Centripetal acceleration
a = v2/r for a circular orbit (v = 8km/s = 8x103m/s) (8 x103 m/s)2 6.4 x 106 m 64 x106 m2/s2 6.4 x 106 m a = = = g = 10 m/s2 Toward Earth’s center

4 Orbital motion is free fall
Circular Orbit! Eliptical Orbit V = 10 km/s V = 8 km/s V = 4 km/s V = 6 km/s

5 Artificial satellite a = v2/r = g v a

6 Moon-earth v a=v2/r

7 Is the Moon in free-fall around the Earth?
v a = v2/r r=3.84x105km what is v? 2pr 28d 2x3.14x 3.84x108 m 28dx(24h/d)x3.6x103s v = dist/time = = 24 x 108 m 2.4x106s = = 1.0 x 103 m/s

8 Moon’s centripetal acceleration
amoon = v2/r; v = 1.0 x103 m/s) (1.0 x103 m/s)2 3.84 x 108 m 1.0x106 m2/s2 3.84 x 108 m amoon= =  g 1 3600 = 2.7 x 10-3 m/s2 Toward Earth’s center

9 Newton’s dreams Hmmmmm……. The Moon is in free-fall around the Earth
It’s acceleration is only 1/3600 g (accel at the Earth’s surface)

10 Distances ( )2= The moon is 60x further from
the Earth’s center than objects on (near) the Earth’s surface r=3.84x108m  60 x (6.4x106 m) = 60 x RE 1 60 1 3600 ( )2= RE = 6.4x106m

11 Newton’s big idea The force of gravity gets weaker as distance squared
The moon is 60x further from the Earth’s center than objects on (near) the Earth’s surface The strength of Earth’s gravity near the Moon is (1/60)2 =1/3600 times weaker

12 Gravity gets weaker as 1/dist2

13 Universal law of gravity
M m r F  m F  M Proportionality constant: 1 r2 F  “Newton’s Constant” mM r2 mM r2 combine: F  F = G

14 Universal Universal: applies to all objects!!!

15 What is G? mME RE2 W= G W GME RE2 W= m W= m g GME RE2 g=

16 Determine G from g, RE & ME
10m/s2x(6.4x106m)2 6x1024kg G = 10m/s2x 41x1012m2 6x1024kg G = 410x1012m3/s2 6x1024kg G = G = 6.7.x10-11 m3/kg s2 G = 6.7x10-11 Nm2/kg2 A very small number

17 Force of gravity between “ordinary-sized” objects
mM r2 F = G 80kg 60kg 1m 60 kg 80kg (1m)2 F = 6.7x10-11Nm2/kg2 F = 6.7x60x80x10-11N F = x10-11 N = 3.2x10-7 N  30x109 times bigger! Boy’s weight = mg = 80kg x 10m/s2 = 800 N

18 Measuring gravity force between “ordinary-sized” objects is very hard

19 I weighed the Earth Cavendish’s measured the gravitational
Force between known masses & from this deduced the value of Newton’s Constant G. From this and the relation for g he deduced ME, the mass of the Earth, which turned out to be about twice the value people had guessed it to be at that time. I weighed the Earth

20 Moon’s gravity causes tides

21 So does the Sun’s Half Moon New Moon Full Moon

22 Measuring Weight N mg

23 Weightlessness N =0 N =mg N >mg N <mg

24 Weightlessness means =0
compensating upward

25 Weightlessness in action

26 “Floating” is space is really free-falling in space

27 What is g on the moon? MM mMM RM2 m W= G GMM RM2 W W= m W= m gM GMM
RM=1.7 x 106m GMM RM2 W W= m W= m gM MM GMM RM2 gM=

28 gM on the Moon gM = 1.7 m/s2 GMM RM2 g = 6.7x10-11Nm2/kg2 x 7.4x1022Kg
(1.7x106m)2 = gM = 1.7 m/s2 1/6 x gEarth

29 Does Minertial = Mgravitational ?
Eotvos experiment .. .. .. .. Lorand Eotvos Devised a sensitive test of the equality between inertial & gravitational mass

30 q Miv2/r Mi MG MGg q If Mi = MG, q is the same for every object

31 twist different amounts
If Mi = MG, different materials twist different amounts inertia same masses different materials

32 Minertial = Mgravitational
.. .. Eotvos saw no effect, all materials felt the same twist to 1 part in 109 Minertial = Mgravitational to very high precision

33 summary Obey the law!

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