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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE & DATA INFORMATION SERVICE COOPERATIVE INSTITUTES Directors’ Meeting June 2, 2005 Michael J. Nelson, Director NOAA Grants."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE & DATA INFORMATION SERVICE COOPERATIVE INSTITUTES Directors’ Meeting June 2, 2005 Michael J. Nelson, Director NOAA Grants Management Division Marilyn Moll, Program Manager NESDIS Cooperative Institutes

2 NOAA Grants Management NOAA’s Grants Management Division supports NOAA's mission by reviewing solicitations for applications, processing applications, negotiating awards, managing administrative and financial aspects of awards, monitoring progress against expenditures, resolving audit problems, and closing out awards when the projects are completed. Grants Management Division sponsors workshops and training sessions for recipients/applicants and Federal program officials to keep the NOAA grants community current on procedures and requirements relating to grants and cooperative agreements.

3 NESDIS STATUTORY AUTHORITIES FOR ASSISTANCE 15 U.S.C. 313 – authority to conduct weather research 15 U.S.C. 1540 – authority to aid scientific/educational activities to foster public understanding of NOAA 15 U.S.C. 2901 et. seq – authority to award Federal assistance for climate related activities 33 U.S.C. 883d – authority to conduct investigations and research in geophysical sciences (including geodesy, oceanography, seismology and geomagnetism) 33 U.S.C. 1442 – authority to conduct research on ocean ecosystems 49 U.S.C. 44720(b) – authority to promote and develop meteorological science and foster and support research projects in meteorology through the use of private and government research facilities

4 Discretionary Funding Competitive Awards Announced in a Federal Register Notice and Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) Non-Competitive Awards Internal sole source (non-competitive) justification Soft EarMark Awards Found in House, Senate, Conference reports Institutional Awards Long term partnerships with NOAA

5 Discretionary Funding Competitive Awards Omnibus Notice Published 2x a year on/around June 30 and Dec 31 Proactive approach to spreading the workload Programs identified are based on President ’ s Budget/House/Senate/Conference marks Due to be published on June 30, 2005 Stand Alone FRNs to find and apply

6 Discretionary Funding Non-Competitive Non-Competitive Awards Project must fall outside of competitive program Requires non-competitive justification and three merit reviews Noncompetitive Awards - Six exceptions to competition are permitted on a case-by-case basis subject to Grants Officer approval.

7 Discretionary Funding Soft Earmarks and Institutional Soft Earmark Awards Congressional add-ons to NOAA’s budget Located in the House, Senate or Conference report but do not have the force and effect of the law Three merit reviews required Institutional Awards Long standing partnerships with NOAA and most were initially awarded after an open competition in the Federal Register

8 Discretionary Funding Institutional Awards Proposed NOAA Policy and Process for Creating and Managing Cooperative Institutes Published in Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 44 / Tuesday, March 8, 2005 Long-term partnerships Joint/Cooperative Institutes Sea Grant Program National Undersea Program Program reviews required at least once every 5 years

9 Non-Discretionary Funding Congressionally-Mandated or Hard Earmark Funds Statutory authority is the basis for making awards with non-discretionary funds. Two types: Limited by Statute (Formula based or Allocation) Mandated by Statute (Congressionally-mandated). Recipient specifically named and for which funds may be set aside in an appropriations act.

10 Grants Management Division Internal Deadlines Planning is a key element for submissions: NOAA operating under performance measures that are based on the FRN deadline or the date of the signed appropriations (FY05 Signed Dec. 8, 2004) Must adhere to deadlines for submission as identified in the Federal Register Notice or other announcement to be considered under a competitive program. Timely submission requirements established by Program Office for other types of funding May 8 June 30


12 NOAA FY 2004 FEDERAL FUNDING BY TYPE Discretionary Funding Non-Discretionary Funding Grant Awards (1501)Grant Dollars ($971.9M) 218 (15%) 184 (12%) 138 (9%) 228 (15%) 17 (1%) $129M (13%) $107M (11%) 716 (48%) $279M (29%) $186M (19%) $174M (18%) $95M (10%) Competitive Non- Competitive Soft Earmarks Institutional Formula Discretionary Funding Non-Discretionary Funding Competitive Non- Competitive Soft Earmarks Institutional Formula Congressionally Mandated

13 NOAA FY 2004 FEDERAL FUNDING BY GRANTEE TYPE Grant Awards (1501)Grant Dollars ($971.9M) 698 (47%) 285 (19%) 22 (1%) 125 (8%) 371 (25%) State and Local Government Higher Education Non- Profit For-Profit Other State and Local Government Higher EducationNon- Profit For-Profit Other $346M (36%) $195M (20%) $14M (2%) $65M (7%) $349M (36%)

14 NOAA’s STRATEGIC PLAN 2005 – 2010 Vision An informed society that uses a comprehensive understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts, and atmosphere to make the best social and economic decisions Ecosystems Protect, restore & manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through an ecosystems approach to management Climate Understand climate variability and change to enhance society’s ability to plan and respond Weather and Water Serve society’s needs for weather and water information Commerce and Transportation Support the Nation’s commerce with info for safe, efficient & environmentally sound transportation Ensuring Sound, State-of-the-Art Research Promoting Environmental Literacy Drivers Leading International Activities Supporting NOAA’s Mission Provide Critical Support for NOAA’s Mission Developing, Valuing, and Sustaining a World-Class Workforce Mission To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and conserve and manage coastal and marine resources to meet our Nation's economic, social, and environmental needs Strategic Goals Cross-Cutting Priorities Integrating Global Environmental Observation and Data Management

15 $380,900$255,500 $1,382,000 $372,500 $1,360,100 Weather & Water Climate Ecosystems Commerce and Transportation Mission Support Total: $3.75 billion 2004 NOAA BUDGET BY GOAL (in thousands)

16 Weather & Water Commerce and Transportation Mission Support $732,770 Climate $134,394 $69,881 $17,215 $17,697 Ecosystems Total: $972 million (26%) FY 2004 GRANT AWARDS BY GOAL (in Thousands)

17 The Program… Is a cross-agency E-Government initiative, spanning 900 grants programs and over $350 billion in annual awards Will produce a simple, unified “storefront” for all customers of Federal grants to electronically Find grant opportunities Apply for grants Manage grants Is an E-Government initiative, covering all 26 Federal grant making agencies and is managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

18 provides robust functionality… For Grantors Post available grant opportunities Post related application packages Retrieve application packages Assign tracking numbers For the Grant Community Search for available grant opportunities and related application packages Download application packages Complete application packages offline Submit completed application packages Track the status of submitted applications

19 WHAT IS GRANTS ONLINE? NOAA Grants Administration Development and publication of Federal Register Notice and Federal Funding Opportunities Grants Application Administration Automated retrieval and distribution of applications Application review and selection Preparation of award materials Grant Award Processing Award document preparation Clearances through multiple DOC and NOAA offices

20 WHAT IS GRANTS ONLINE? NOAA Recipient Grants Management Award Management Recipient Acceptance of Award Agreement to terms of award documents Reporting Financial Reports Project Progress Reports Award Maintenance Award Action Requests and Approvals No Cost Extensions (Regular and Expanded Authorities) Change in scope of work Other

21 Corporate unified grant processing & administration Gives NOAA a direct interface with, a mandated Public Law 106/107 initiative Provide NOAA corporate standard business processes that contribute to efficient and effective use of Grants Management resources. NOAA Project Goals

22 What will Grants Online Deliver? Mail, paper handling, / per grant Data Entry per Grant (includes data validation, repair and re-keying) Data Entry for all Grants in FY 03 (includes data validation, repair and re-keying) 30 days17.25 hours3,247 days Mail / Paper Handling Data Entry per grant (automated validation, no re-keying) Data Entry for all Grants (automated validation, no re-keying) 0*2.2 hours414 days Paper Process NOAA Corporate Process using Grants Online * If applicant uses

23 “Find and Apply” Grants Online NOAA Grants Processing Applicants Recipients General Public NOAA With Grants Online and, NOAA’s Grant Community can work together more efficiently

24 NOAA’s National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Public Law 108 – 199 NOAA Cooperative Institute’s Policy Draft Cooperative Institute’s Formal Reviews Annual and Semi-Annual Progress Reports Cooperative Institute Other Discussion Topics

25 For More Information – Register for Grant Opportunity Notifications – Access NOAA Program Information & Upcoming Grant Training Conferences


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