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Presentation on theme: " Ch. Hueglin, Empa, Duebendorf and AirMonTech Consortium Emep TFMM Meeting May 11-13, 2011 Air Pollution Monitoring Technologies for Urban."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. Hueglin, Empa, Duebendorf and AirMonTech Consortium Emep TFMM Meeting May 11-13, 2011 Air Pollution Monitoring Technologies for Urban Areas: The AirMonTech Project

2 FP7-ENV-2010-1 GA No. 265116 Coordination and Support Action Project duration: 12/2010 – 05/2013 9 partners from 8 countries EC contribution: € 997.552,16 Coordinator: T. A. J. Kuhlbusch, IUTA e.V., Duisburg, Germany. Website: AirMonTech - Overview

3 To review the state-of the-art and assess opportunities and limitations of recent and new generations of in-situ technologies for urban air pollution monitoring Particular focus on automatic analysers for the continuous routine monitoring of harmful substances, especially particulate matters and emerging pollutants, also using proxy indicators Include Equipment evaluation and selection, operation, maintenance and calibration, data quality, protocols, and processing as well as aspects of cost efficiency and equivalence to reference monitoring methods Deliver a technological research roadmap and consolidated recommendations for the development or implementation of Community environmental legislation Bring together the researchers and technology providers together with the stakeholders involved in routine monitoring of urban air pollution Establish strong links to relevant national and international programmes and networks Call Text Call Text (FP7 - ENV.2010. Technologies for automated monitoring of air pollution in cities)

4 To provide relevant information to network operators and other stakeholders involved in routine monitoring about performance and operation of currently used AQ monitoring technologies for automated measurement of regulated air pollutants (support harmonisation of AQ monitoring in Europe ) about possibilities and limitations of new measurement techniques for air pollutants and for other AQ indicators (proxy indicators). To identify future needs for improvement of AQ monitoring and to develop a corresponding research road map. To provide input to the revision of the AQ directive foreseen for the year 2013. Objectives of AirMonTech

5 Project structure

6 EXISTING TECHNOLOGIES FOR REGULATED AIR POLLUTANTS Collection and evaluation (and dissemination via web- accessible Database) of Standard operating procedures (SOPs) Type approval reports Equivalence test reports (PM-monitors)  Provide guidance on optimal use of available instruments  Harmonisation of AQ measurements in Europe AirMonTech WP1

7 EXISTING TECHNOLOGIES FOR REGULATED AIR POLLUTANTS AirMonTech WP1 SO 2 EN 14212 (2005) NO 2 and NO x EN 14211 (2005) O 3 EN 14925 (2005) COEN 14626 (2005) PM10EN 12341 (1998)manual reference method PM2.5EN 14907 (2005)manual reference method BenzeneEN 14662 (2005)  Pb, Cd, As, NiEN 14902 (2005) manual reference method  EC, OC no reference method  Inorganic ions in PM no reference method  PAHEN 15549 (2008) BaP only, manual method

8 NEW TECHNOLOGIES – OTHER PROXIES & METRICS AirMonTech WP2 Quantum cascade laser (QCL) Photo: EMPA Important recent developments of novel analytical techniques for measurement of air pollutants (gases and aerosol particles) – new possibilities for AQ monitoring ?

9 Approach: Collection of information as provided by manufacturers, developers/scientists Evaluation of possibilities and limitations of new technologies for air pollutants and of measurement technologies for other proxy indicators (metrics) AirMonTech WP2 NEW TECHNOLOGIES – OTHER PROXIES & METRICS

10 WEB-ACCESSIBLE DATABASE Information compiled by WP1 and WP2 will be made public via Web-based database. Content: Type approval test reports, SOPs, equivalence tests. Technical data on new measurement techniques / instruments (for regulated air pollutants and other AQ indicators/metrics). AirMonTech WP3

11 Development of recommendations for future AQ monitoring and research roadmap in consideration of: Results from health effects research (e.g. relevance of proxy indicators) Capabilities of available instruments and of new technologies New monitoring strategies (e.g. sensors) Experiences gained in monitoring networks EU environmental strategies Existing legislation and practice PM10 sites AirBase MONITORING STRATEGIES AND RESEARCH ROADMAP AirMonTech WP4

12 DISSEMINATION OF WORK PACKAGES by Newsletters Internet : Workshops Flyers Mailings AirMonTech WP5 Conference Presentations

13 2011201220132018 Harmonisation by database Recommendations for AQD revision Start FP8 AQD revision Research Roadmap and FP 8 Recommendations in view of DG ENV and AQD-Revision 2018 WS1WS2WS3WS4Timeline

14 Remarks Success of AirMonTech relies … … on the willingness of network operators, manufacturers, technology providers etc. to share their information with AirMonTech … on the involvement of national and international programmes and networks (e.g. EMEP, CEN, AQUILA)

15 Thank you !

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