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Leading a Child to Christ—The Salvation ABC’s

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1 Leading a Child to Christ—The Salvation ABC’s
How shall they ask him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? (Romans 10:14)

2 What does child evangelism mean?
Child evangelism is a process in which crisis conversion is preceded by careful Christian teaching and is followed by more teaching, or nurturing, which helps children become established in their Christian experience. (Robert D. Troutman)

3 Why do we evangelize children?
Children are born with a sinful nature. Children are responsible for the sins they commit. Children need help to cope with the negative influences of today’s society.

4 When are children ready for conversion?
When children feel a need to have their own relationship with the Lord. When children question if they will go to heaven. When children feel guilty about doing something they know is wrong. When children are sorry for doing something and are afraid that they will do it again or won’t be able to stop.

5 When are children ready for conversion?
When children express a concern about whether they have a relationship with the Lord. When children understand what Jesus did to make salvation possible. When children have the ability to make a rational choice. When children are move/convicted by the Holy Spirit.

6 What spiritual concepts should a child know?
Children need to know they are sinners. Children must know what sin is. Sin displeases God and brings punishment. God loves children and does not want them to “die” for their sins. Jesus never sinned. Jesus is the only one who can save us from our sins.

7 What must children do to be saved?
Admit they have sinned.

8 What must children do to be saved?
Believe God loves them and sent His Son, Jesus to save them from their sins.

9 What must children do to be saved?
Claim Jesus as their Savior. (Commit themselves to Christ.)

10 Where can children be saved?
Sunday School Children’s Church Vacation Bible School Adult Worship Service Revival Service Special Children’s Services Camp Home Anywhere the child is…

11 How do you invite children to be saved?
Be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Remember children have a will of their own. Have a plan of action. Know what you will say and do. Use words the children can understand. Allow enough time for the Holy Spirit to speak to the children, but do not prolong the invitation if there is no response.

12 What do you say when the child responds to the invitation?
Gain the child’s attention by calling the child by name or touching the child’s arm. Ask the child why he or she came to the altar. If the child expresses the need to be saved, use Really Living to explain the way of salvation. Have the child pray in his or her own words. The child may prefer to repeat a prayer after you. Let the child tell you what God did for him or her. Pray a thank-you prayer. Follow up.

13 Why should we follow up children’s conversions?
The Bible teaches us the importance. It helps the child who lacks assurance of salvation. It helps the child remain true to Jesus. It helps the child to grow spiritually.

14 Why should we follow up children’s conversions?
It provides the child with Christian models. It provides prayer support for the child. It helps the child to experience success, rather than disillusionment and despair, in the Christian life. It may be the means to winning a child’s unsaved parents.

15 Keys to Kids Krusades Kneel and Pray Know Your Plan
Prepare Communicate Kindle Your Excitement Practice your responsibilities. Arrive early. Have supplies ready and accessible. Cue tapes. Keep to the Schedule Begin on time. End on time.

16 Keys to Kids Krusades Kick Off and Keynote Variety Knit Together
Assign children to groups. Line up and march in. Engage children immediately. Involve the children. Knit Together Offer a challenging routine. Create a family feeling. Be consistent.

17 Keys to Kids Krusades Kurb Problems
Make sure everyone can hear and see. Sit near the middle of your group. Sit between two children who are misbehaving. Ventilate the room. Establish seating boundaries. Deal with discipline problems

18 Salvation is the most important thing
Salvation is the most important thing. They will not know unless they hear. They cannot hear unless we maintain and atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to speak.

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