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Chemistry Clips - Multimedia Resources for Supporting Student Learning in Chemistry Dylan P. Williams and David L. Davies Chemistry Clips.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry Clips - Multimedia Resources for Supporting Student Learning in Chemistry Dylan P. Williams and David L. Davies Chemistry Clips."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry Clips - Multimedia Resources for Supporting Student Learning in Chemistry Dylan P. Williams and David L. Davies Chemistry Clips - Multimedia Resources for Supporting Student Learning in Chemistry Dylan P. Williams and David L. Davies Department of Chemistry

2 CHEMISTRY CLIPS Aim: To develop a series of short ‘enhanced lecture’ resources particularly focused at distance learners Short, focussed video clips based on PowerPoint slides with a spoken soundtrack Clips are assembled using Adobe Presenter Piloted in 2010-11 academic year with wider implementation planned for 2011-12 year We aim to develop a range of enhanced lecture and interactive tutorial clips

3 PILOT STUDY FINDINGS Clips were piloted in a second semester year 3 (Metals in Organic Synthesis) module in the 2010-11 year. 70 % of students looked at the clips 86 % of those who watched the clips agreed that they were very useful 75 % of those who tried the tutorial clip agreed that they liked the opportunity to request a hint and try the tutorial again “audio lectures was brilliant, really helpful for the auditory learners. able to understand note mores. recommend to carry on with it. thanks dr davies” “the audio lects were the best thing since sliced bread! if only all distance learning modules had them, and what is stopping other lecturers recording audio from their lects and releasing it for students” “I thought that the audio lecture was extremely useful and think that if every lecturer was able to produce these it would be extremely helpful for the distance learners.”

4 THE NEXT STAGE More video recordings and interactive tutorials will be introduced in the 2011-12 academic year Some screen capture will be included Evaluation will take the form of course questionnaires and focus group interviews Some chemistry and i-science final year students will be working on this as part of their final year projects (supervised by DPW) Chemistry clips will also be developed for use in our interdisciplinary science degree course Full evaluation will take place in 2012

5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS University of Leicester Academic Practice Unit for providing funding for this project University of Leicester Media Zoo for providing training and advice Prof Derek Raine for advice and for practical support

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