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“A Service-Oriented Approach to Teaching CS/IS1” Billy Lim, Bryan Hosack, Paul Vogt School of Information Technology Illinois State University.

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Presentation on theme: "“A Service-Oriented Approach to Teaching CS/IS1” Billy Lim, Bryan Hosack, Paul Vogt School of Information Technology Illinois State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 “A Service-Oriented Approach to Teaching CS/IS1” Billy Lim, Bryan Hosack, Paul Vogt School of Information Technology Illinois State University

2 School of Information Technology Outline Project Overview (10 mins) Courseware Showcase (10 mins) Hands-On Experiments with Exercises (20 mins) Experience Report (10 mins) Group Discussions (20 mins) Feedback (10 mins)

3 School of Information Technology Project Overview Began with: – "On Integrating Web Services from the Ground Up into CS1/CS2," ACM SIGCSE 2005, St. Louis, MO, Feb., 2005. Now supported by: – NSF-DUE-CCLI-0837056, "Integrating Service-Oriented Paradigm into Introductory Information Technology Curricula," 2009 – 2011.

4 School of Information Technology Special Session Objectives 1. Disseminate the use of service-oriented approach to teaching CS1/IS1 2. Explore educational innovations for indoctrinating students the state-of-the-art software development practices using SOA 3. Build a learning/research community of service- orientation-in-CS1/IS1 enthusiasts.

5 School of Information Technology Basic Ideas SOA/Web services have gained popularity in many industries and in upper division/graduate CS/IS curricula Why not introduce service-orientation earlier in the curriculum? – Service-orientation can make a course more interesting – Service-orientation can better prepare students for upper division classes and for the industry upon graduation – Service-orientation can introduce sound principles of software engineering earlier in the curriculum

6 School of Information Technology Courseware Showcase Main project site: – The site contains info on: – PowerPoint slides – Lab exercises – Programming assignments – Tutorials – List of Web services used Special Session CD contains the above too

7 School of Information Technology Hands-On Experiments with Exercises IDE: – NetBeans 6.8 with Java Web and EE – If installed with Features on Demand, need workarounds Tools > Plugins > Installed > Java Web and EE, click Activate. Close and reopen projects

8 School of Information Technology Exercise 1 Suppose that you work for a company that wishes to provide an online forum for its users to comment on products or topics. You are asked to filter out profanities before comments are posted. WSDL for the profanity filtering service can be found at: –

9 School of Information Technology Exercise 1 Sample Interactions (2 separate runs): Enter comment: You smoked what? Weed? Dumb! The filtered comment is: You smoked what? [explicit]? Dumb! Your statement has 1 profane word(s) Enter comment: The weather is crappy today The filtered comment is: The weather is [Explicit] today Your statement has 1 profane word(s)

10 School of Information Technology Exercise 2 Suppose that you wish to provide a TheatersMoviesFinder such that upon receiving a zipcode and a radius from the user, you list all the theaters and the movies playing in each of the theaters in the zipcode, within the radius given. WSDL for the Web service can be found at: – rvice/moviefunctions.asmx?wsdl rvice/moviefunctions.asmx?wsdl

11 School of Information Technology Exercise 2 Sample Interactions: Enter the zipcode: 61704 Enter the radius: 10 The theaters and movies playing in the area are: Theater #1 = Carmike Parkway 8 movie #1 = Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs movie #2 = Couples Retreat movie #3 = Fame movie #4 = Inglourious Basterds movie #5 = My One and Only movie #6 = Surrogates movie #7 = Tyler Perry's I Can Do Bad All By Myself movie #8 = Zombieland Theater #2 = Carmike University 8 movie #1 = G-Force movie #2 = G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra etc.

12 School of Information Technology Experience Report Outcome 1: Students will provide a better evaluation of the IT1 course by 10% as compared to traditional IT1 course evaluations. Students will also indicate a positive perception of the SOA/Web services learning experience. – Limited data…partial support

13 School of Information Technology Experience Report (cont’d) Outcome 2: Student course grade performance will increase in the IT1 course by 10% as compared to traditional IT1 course performance. – Statistically significant improvement in final exam performance and course grade – Grading bias and other concerns Outcome 3: Employers of computer science and information technology students will indicate a positive response to an SOA/Web services centered curriculum.

14 School of Information Technology Experience Report (cont’d) Continued interest in students after the completion of the class Initial frustration translates to positive response when creating “real-world”-like applications Engaging experience for faculty

15 School of Information Technology Experience Report (cont’d) “Do I have to code this? Isn’t there a Web service to do that?” – A student’s comment on the requirement to “validate … the state’s 2-letter abbreviation (must be one of the 50 state abbreviations).” “But that’s just calling the Web service to get a word from the dictionary, right?” – A student’s remark on needing to handle the part of the assignment that requires them to hit a Web service to randomly generate a word (after he has already completed the part where he provides his own word) in the Hangman program.

16 School of Information Technology Group Discussion Topics Phase II objectives? Viability of the current curriculum in other academic institutions? What would you like to hear from the industry perspective?

17 School of Information Technology Please tell us what you think! Feedback

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