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UML: Unified Modeling Language

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1 UML: Unified Modeling Language
27 March UML: Unified Modeling Language

2 Software Engineering Elaborated Steps
Concept Requirements Architecture Design Implementation Unit test Integration System test Maintenance

3 What is UML? software blueprint language: common vocabulary
for analysts, designers, and programmers not for the customer applicable to object-oriented problem solving begins with the construction of a model models consist of objects interact by sending messages attributes: things they know behaviors or operations: things they can do state Also used for business processes

4 Modeling Review Based on abstraction
looking only at relevant information hiding details Multiple views as orthogonal as possible each view has information that is unique appears in other views common information is consistent

5 Modeling Languages and Processes
Language: syntax usually graphical used to express design Process: steps to take to create a design Many processes, not a lot of agreement General consensus has built around UML as a language

6 UML History Three well received models in early 90s
Grady Booch (Rational), Object Oriented Analysis and Design Jim Rumbaugh (GE), Object Modeling Technique Ivar Jacobson (Ericsson), Object Oriented Software Engineering By ’95, all three “amigos” were working for Rational (acquired by IBM in 2002) OMG adopted UML in ’97 Version 2.0 completed in 2004

7 OMG Model Oriented Architecture
UML - graphical language for visualizing, specifying, constructing, artifacts MOF - integration framework for metadata and data Specification to translate MOF model to text artifacts Query language CWM - semantic context for interchange of metadata

8 Why Study UML? software engineering cultural literacy
useful tool natural model for design lots of good tools Rational generates C++ and Java code Some people expect tools to generate code good for prototyping good for development? Would this be good or bad?

9 What UML Is and Isn’t Syntax only Standardized
Language and tool independent Generic enough to be Usable in lots of environments And leaving you lots of space to misuse it Extendable through “stereotypes” New symbols built up from basic ones Used to develop a business process model Not a process (there is a companion one)

10 References Fowler, UML Distilled, Addison-Wesley
3rd edition, 2004, covers 2.0 Short Good summary charts on inside covers

11 UML Views: Diagram Types
Use Case – outside view (scenarios) Class – classes and relationships among them Object – instances instead of classes Sequence – how and when objects interact through messages Collaboration – how objects interact through roles Statechart – object behaviors as reflected through states (single class) Activity – flow diagram covering multiple classes and their interactions Component – analogous to class but for code module Deployment – physical configuration of system nodes and their communication

12 Component Use case Sequence Deployment Activity Class Object Collaboration Statechart

13 Classification of Diagram Types
Static/Dynamic Phase Use case Dynamic Requirements Class Static Design Object Sequence Collaboration Statechart Activity Component Code Deployment Deploy

14 Use Case Diagram Defines the outside view Elements
Actors (stick figures): anything outside the system that interacts with it Use cases (ovals): procedures by which the actor interacts with the system Solid lines: indicate how actors interact

15 Example of Use Case

16 Use Case Extensions Dotted lines: show dependencies between procedures
Includes (subroutine) Extends (variation)

17 Example of Use Case

18 Example of Use Case (customer name)

19 Use Case Usage determining features (requirements)
basis for communicating with clients generating test cases

20 Class Diagrams Static structure of the system. What interacts, but not what happens. Class notation is a rectangle divided into three parts class name (abstract classes are in italics) attributes operations

21 Class Relationships association aggregation generalization
relationship between instances of the two classes may have a role name to clarify the nature of the association link connecting two classes navigability arrow shows which direction the association can be traversed or queried. Also shows ownership No arrow means bidirectional multiplicity of an association end is the number of possible instances of the class associated with a single instance of the other end 0..1 zero or one instance n . . m n to m instances 0..*  or  * no limit on the number of instances (including none) 1 exactly one instance 1..* at least one instance aggregation association in which one class belongs to a collection diamond end pointing to the part containing the whole. generalization inheritance link indicating one class is a superclass of the other

22 Class Diagram Example

23 Object Diagrams object diagram: instantiates class diagram

24 Sequence Diagram Interactions between objects Elements
Objects (oblong boxes or actors) Box implies creation Messages (solid lines for calls, dotted for replies): interactions between objects May include iterations and conditions Object lifelines (dotted lines): life time of object Activation bar (vertical oblong box on lifeline): thread of control for synchronous systems

25 Example Sequence Diagram

26 Collaboration Diagram
Alternative to sequence diagram Loses timing information Relative sequence may be added with order numbers Focus on object roles instead of the times that messages are sent Object roles are the vertices and messages are the connecting links

27 Example Collaboration Diagram

28 Statechart Diagram Often used in real-time embedded systems
Shows the order in which incoming calls normally occur Elements States (oblong boxes): stable states; includes actions in second segment Transitions (solid arrows): possible change states Events (text on arrow before /): event that causes the transition Conditions ([ ] after Event): qualifies event Actions (text on arrow after /)

29 Example of Statechart Diagram

30 Activity Diagram General purpose flowchart Elements
Active states (oblongs with rounded corners): what is done Transitions (arrows): represent a thread of activity. Conditions (in [ ] on transitions) Decisions (diamonds) Swimlanes (vertical lines the length of the diagram): allow activities to be assigned to objects. Synch States (solid lines) split or merge transitions

31 Example of Activity Diagram

32 And… Component Diagram Deployment Diagram
software components, interfaces, and dependencies Deployment Diagram Nodes, communication links, and components

33 Example of Component Diagram

34 Example of Deployment Diagram

35 Pitfalls of UML can feel like you’ve accomplished more than design because there are tools and artifacts need to know when to stop designing variant of analysis paralysis

36 Symptoms of UML Fever (Bell, Queue, March 2005)
expecting more from UML than it was ever intended to do (performance, fault tolerance) taking UML to too detailed a level UML products become most of the milestones UML syntax discussions dominate design brainstorming sessions “if it can’t be described in UML, it’s not relevant” UML designed without user input

37 How would you use these different tools?

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