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1 Status of Hydrogen System Development MICE Collaboration Meeting, Frascati, June 26-29, 2005 Yury Ivanyushenkov, Tom Bradshaw, Elwyn Baynham, Mike Courthold,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Status of Hydrogen System Development MICE Collaboration Meeting, Frascati, June 26-29, 2005 Yury Ivanyushenkov, Tom Bradshaw, Elwyn Baynham, Mike Courthold,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Status of Hydrogen System Development MICE Collaboration Meeting, Frascati, June 26-29, 2005 Yury Ivanyushenkov, Tom Bradshaw, Elwyn Baynham, Mike Courthold, Matthew Hills, Tony Jones Applied Science Division, Engineering and Instrumentation Department RAL

2 2 Hydrogen system: - principal points - process and instrumentation diagram (PID) - layout Hydrogen R&D: - motivation and scope - work packages - components - layout Plans Scope

3 3 Individual hydrogen system for each of 3 absorbers. Use of a metal hydride bed for hydrogen storage. Compact location of the components under hydrogen extraction hood close to the absorber. Conceptual points

4 4 MICE hydrogen system layout: Principle Hood MICE Cabinet for hydride bed and pipework H2sensor Argon Jacketing Safety area 1m3 Argon jacketing of pipework is proposed in outside the hood. Basic philosophy is shown below:

5 5 Pressure gauge Non-return valve PP VP Vacuum pump Bursting disk Pressure relief valve Valve Pressure regulator Pre-cooling Out In Metal Hydride storage unit (20m 3 capacity) Purge valve 0.5 bar 0.9 bar H 2 Detector P P VP1 VP2 Purge valve Chiller/He ater Unit 1 bar P P 0.5 bar 0.9 bar Helium supply Hydrogen supply High level vent Buffer vessel Vent outside flame arrester Extract hood H 2 Detector P P Nitrogen supply P P P P 1 m 3 Hydrogen zone 2 Vent manifold P1 PV1 PV7 PV8 PV2 PV3 PV4 HV1 Fill valve Tbed HV2 HV3 P3 P P2 PV6 High level vent Non return valve 0.1 bar MICE hydrogen system (familiar sketch) Liquid level gauge Internal Window LH 2 absorber Safety windows Vacuum Vacuum vessel

6 6 MICE hydrogen system PID

7 7 MICE hydrogen system layout

8 8 MICE hydrogen system layout (2)

9 9 To construct a prototype hydrogen handling system at RAL which will become the first full system of MICE This will consist of 2 main parts The external system – which will be in the final form to deliver H2 to the absorber and store the H2 in the hydride beds The safety system to vent H2 in failure modes- to include relief valves and buffer volume The dummy absorber The absorber will be simulated by a simple cryostat with a containment vessel to contain 20 litres of H2 – operated from a condensing pot with a cryocooler Hydrogen system development: Scope

10 10 The development programme will address the following issues: Confirm the working parameters of a hydride bed in the regimes of storage, absorption and desorption of hydrogen ? Purity of hydrogen and effects of impurities. Hydride bed heating/ cooling power requirements. Instrumentation and control required for the operation of the system Safety aspects including - safety relief valves, sensors and interlocks and safety documentation The R&D programme will enable the final design for the MICE hydrogen system to be confirmed and the HAZOP to be completed. Hydrogen system development: Scope (2)

11 11 WP1 Initial design -> Internal safety review WP2 Detailed design and procurement WP3 Installation and commissioning WP4 Test Programme Hydrogen system R&D: Work packages

12 12 Initial Design H2 handling system Confirmation of components on H2 circuit diagram pipe sizes, mass flows, pressure drops, relief valve specifications, venting, manifolding vacuum and purging systems layouts in hall H2 zones basic specifications for purchased items Hydrogen system R&D: WP1

13 13 Initial Design Dummy absorber Cryostat design H2 containment vessel, condensing pot, internal pipework components Pre - cooling – heat exchanger etc Heater for load simulation and H2 boil off Instrumentation Data acquisition Outline definition of test programme and proposals for fault condition simulation Hydrogen system R&D: WP1 (2)

14 14 Conclusion of WP1 Update cost estimates for main components Internal Engineering and Safety Review - Aim will be confirm the scope of the R&D programme and release the stage of WP2 – detailed design and procurement Hydrogen system R&D: WP1

15 15 Tchill

16 16 Hydrogen test cryostat: Concept TH TH Instrumentation mimics what we will need on the absorber for the control system and interlocks Heater will regulate temperature of cryocooler – need redundancy and interlock with compressor Dia.Reservoir =height=290mm

17 17 Hydrogen Test Cryostat Outline 1120 Ø 580

18 18 Hydrogen test cryostat Condenser LH2 dummy absorber Level sensors Cryocooler SRDK-415 1.5 W @4.2K 35/45 W @50K Radiation shield Hydrogen inlet and outlet He inlet and outlet Cu bottom plate with heat exchanger

19 19 Hydrogen test cryostat (2) Cu bottom plate with heat exchanger Cartridge heaters Finned top plate of condenser

20 20 Instrumentation - Capacitance-based level sensors (2 or even 3) (communicating with a supplier concerning choice of a sensor) - Temperature sensors (PRTs) (standard components of any cryogenic system) - Cartridge heaters (standard components)

21 21 Control system - Initial control sequence diagrams have been developed (example) - Will be revised and completed - Talking to ISIS and DL experts on hardware implementation

22 22 Chiller on Set Tchill = Tchill_initial Start PV1,2,3,4 closed VP1 on, PV6 Open Cooling system On Start Pressure Control Loop Start Vac Monitor Open Pv1,Pv2 Tbed<Tbed1 And P3<1.e-5 P1  Pset1 Close PV1,PV2 Stop Pressure Control Loop Set Tchill = Tchill_low Open PV3 Hlevel>Hlevel1 H2 System Ready Increment/Decrement Tchill Empty Sequence P3<1.e-5 Vac monitor Pressure Control Yes No Yes No Yes No Provisional Hydrogen System Control Sequence Control logic – Fill Sequence

23 23 Metal hydride tank Table 1 The specification of the MH tank for RAL Hydrogen Storage Capacity 20 Nm 3 Tank Description: Heat Transfer Medium Water MH Weight 155kg Tank Total Weight 220 Kg Operating Condition: Charging Gas Component Hydrogen of 99.99% purity Charging Gas Pressure 1.2 barA Hydrogen Charging Rate 70NL/min (up to 90% of Storage Capacity) Discharging Gas Pressure 1.2 barA Hydrogen Discharging Rate 70NL/min (up to 90% of Storage Capacity) Utility Requirements: Cooling Medium Water Below -10 ℃ ( At 20L/min ) Heating Medium Above 20 ℃ ( At 20L/min ) Status: -Waiting for a new quotation from the supplier

24 24 Hydrogen R&D: Layout

25 25 Hydrogen R&D: Phase I initial

26 26 Hydrogen R&D: Phase I initial (2)

27 27 Hydrogen R&D: Phase I final

28 28 Hydrogen R&D: Phase I final (2)

29 29 Outline Schedule WP1 Initial design: May – August 05 with Review in September 05 WP2 Detailed design and procurement: Aug 05 – Feb 06 WP3 Installation and commissioning: Jan – April 06 WP4 Test Programme: June – Oct 06 Hydrogen system R&D – Schedule

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