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Mid semester Presentation Data Packages Generator & Flow Management Data Packages Generator & Flow Management Data Packages Generator & Flow Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Mid semester Presentation Data Packages Generator & Flow Management Data Packages Generator & Flow Management Data Packages Generator & Flow Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid semester Presentation Data Packages Generator & Flow Management Data Packages Generator & Flow Management Data Packages Generator & Flow Management Supervisor: Mony Orbach D0317 One-Semester Project Liran Tzafri Michael Gartsbein

2 בלמ"ס Background – Desired System Parallel Processing System Based on Altera FPGA Using Nios core Sampling System PreprocessingSystem Data Stream Analog Input N

3 בלמ"ס Equivalent System Data Stream Parallel Processing System Based on Altera FPGA Using Nios core Parallel accelerator Algorithm MultiCore Embedded System PCI ProcStarII board Based on STRATIX II Data Packages Generator & Flow Management Our Project

4 בלמ"ס Block Diagram PCIBUSPCIBUS Hardware processing Transmitter Reciever Analyzer Software processing Generator The Host Application

5 בלמ"ס The Host Application System flow: System flow: Host Application generates times of arrival (TOA) vector in software The Host App sends the vectors to the hardware system and gets the results The communication is through PCI bus It will also make processing in software The results are analized  In multi processors system we will try to use different load balancing schemes

6 בלמ"ס Project Objectives Programming the Host application, which will generate the data Programming the Host application, which will generate the data  Creating modular design  Defining the interface and protocol to the board with the relevant groups Adding software processing to the Host program for comparison with hardware Adding software processing to the Host program for comparison with hardware Testing simulations results Testing simulations results

7 בלמ"ס Stratix 2 FPGA on Altera board PCI bus Host PC’s fan Tools

8 בלמ"ס Tools   Stratix 2 FPGA Altera board Altera board Gidel’s Proc wizard and IP cores Gidel’s Proc wizard and IP cores … Host PC Host PC Visual Studio 2005 Visual Studio 2005

9 בלמ"ס Host Application Interface Inputs Inputs  Packet noise parameters  Missing elements parameters  Region of interest  Operation mode Outputs Outputs  System throughput  Vectors after hardware or software processing This image is for illustation only

10 Packet Structure : Packet Generator Output *

11 Packet Structure : Packet Receiver Input * *For further details see the Packet Structure document

12 בלמ"ס Packet Generator\Receiver Interface Inputs Inputs  Was the data series identified  Average period  Number of values assigned to the data series  Indexes of these values Outputs Outputs  TOA vectors of random length between 8 to 1024  Each TOA is a DWORD (32 bits)  Each vector has 1 to 3 data series with a random period between 10 to 10000, and noise  Percentage of noise in each vector is an input to the Host App  Percentage of missing data from each vector is an input to the Host App

13 Host App Operation Modes In order to check the performance of the system, there will be two modes of operation: Correctness test: Checks correctness for finite number of packets Performance test: Packets will be sent continuously, elaborated in next slides

14 Packet Send Chain Packets are generated continuously, by the Packet Generator®. Here, the Packet contains only the data (TOAs), an ID, and the length The Packets are forwarded to the Packetizer®, which adds a “header” and “footer” to the packet, according to the interface

15 Packet Send Chain (Cont.) The Packetizer® then forwards a bit stream to the RxTx entity The data is then sent immediately to the hardware (using DMA and Gidel’s API) Several sending techniques will be examined in order to maximally utilize the PCI bus

16 Packet Receive Chain While there is data in hardware, it is read continuously, and stored in a local FIFO The Depacketizer® entity transforms the DWORD stream from the FIFO into packets Performance of the system is checked: number of packets processed compared with the run time

17 בלמ"ס This page was left blank on purpose

18 בלמ"ס Special Problems Problem: Naming the project with a meaningful name Problem: Naming the project with a meaningful name Solution: Packet I/O Software Management Application (PISMA) Solution: Packet I/O Software Management Application (PISMA) Problem: Integration and synchronicity between different project parts/groups Problem: Integration and synchronicity between different project parts/groups Solution: Defining an all-accepted Interface Problem: Debugging hardware and software simultaneously Problem: Debugging hardware and software simultaneously Solution: …

19 בלמ"ס Schedule AssignmentDate Learning the system blocks and Gidel’s API1.10-19.10 Checking feasibility and communication between units20.10-12.11 Design of the Host program7.11-22.11 Characterization presentation20.11 Implementing the packet generator Creating basic I/O loop with the hardware Defining the interface with other groups Mid semester presentation 23.11-3.12 4.12-12.12 22.12 16.1

20 בלמ"ס Schedule (cont.) AssignmentDate Transition from Simple to Multi FIFO2.1-11.1 Integration of Pulse Deinterleaver Algorithm in software12.1-16.1 Create the Depacketizer® Entity17.1-22.1 Implement the system’s two modes of operation23.1-24.1 Debug of system Test of system Final presentation 25.1-10.2 11.2-17.2 18.2-20.2

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